
Monday 22 January 2018

Snow In The Garden And Fire In The Feet

We have some snow, finally, the result of a couple of snowstorms one after another. Now it finally feels like a normal January.

The garden solar light has a new hat

Otherwise, I seem to have run out of words but it is probably a temporary condition. Meanwhile, please enjoy this video from YouTube ...

Hope your week is pleasant, and that you get a chance to do a little dance, even if it's just ten seconds on the way to the mailbox :)


  1. Your solar light looks like an ice-cream cone.
    Hooray for dancing (as long as no-one is watching).

    1. Well, it DOES look like an ice cream cone - I hadn't noticed that!

      Heck, let 'em watch, EC - they might learn a thing or two :)

  2. The snow is pretty, LOVE the video. I had a chance to learn tap dancing when I was 8 or 9, now I wish I'd taken that chance.

    1. I'd love to learn it, too. I keep saying I don't have a bucket list, but you know, if I did, that would be on it. Maybe I need to re-think not having a list. Have you ever thought about trying tap now?

  3. Great video with some amazing dancing!

    Enjoy the snow!

    1. There's a lot of talent in that short video, isn't there? And the person who edited it to fit with the tune did a great job.

      I can't say I really enjoy the snow, but it does brighten everything up, which is nice in the winter!

  4. I always dance a little with our granddaughters. Won’t see them today but i’ll save it for them.

    1. Good for you, and them! Dancing in any way is one of the joys of life.

  5. What is a "mailbox"? Something in the back of my mind leads me to think that you may be thinking of what we English call a "postbox". Fortunately, as I have nothing to post, I shall not be doing any dancing in the near future. Regards, YP.

    1. The back of your mind is correct! Maybe you can dance through the cow paddocks the next time you go for a jaunt. Probably avoid the sudden moves, though.

  6. How tall is that solar light?!

    1. Oh goodness, not very! Only about eight inches high. So there's only about four inches of snow on the ground. Some of the original snowfall had melted before I took that shot. It would be very different if that was a lamp post type of light, wouldn't it?!

    2. Ha! That's what I was thinking -- that you had about six feet of snow! LOL!

    3. I just realized I also neglected to mention that the picture was taken from our basement window . . . which gives the illusion the light is taller, too! Misleading in every which way :)

  7. I am so through with snow. Do you hear me!

    1. No wonder, Joanne; you folks have gotten more than your share and so soon in the season.

      The question is, Is the snow through with you? :)

  8. Hi Jenny-that solar light looks like an ice cream cone to me. Enjoy your snow. I'm glad ours is gone for now, and that it has warmed up. I hear there's more coming this week, though.

    1. Hah! Elephant's Child made the same observation, and I hadn't even noticed it!

      I don't mind the snow but I mind the bitter cold. Right now it's comfortable here as long as a person dresses properly. I hope you don't get too much new white stuff.

  9. We are dancing in Pennsylvania because our Eagles are going to the Super Bowl. Miracles can happen and our toes re tapping. We are also happy that all of our snow has melted.

    1. I don't follow sports but I can tell this is exciting news! Dance, Arleen; dance!

  10. A little snow does help to make it feel like wintertime, and the dancing sure made me want to try to tap out a step...not sure how good that would look but I am a legend in my own mind. Thank you for sharing that video, and a great week to you.

    1. It doesn't matter how it looks; it matters how it feels! But it does help to stay away from the mirror, in my case at least :)

  11. Your solar light looks like an ice cream cone.

    1. Hah! you are the third to notice that, and I missed it completely :)

  12. I could use a light like that one! No mail for me to you.

    1. I'll tell you a secret - that light no longer works. I keep it because I like the stained glass effect. You'll probably want YOUR light to actually, you know, light up :)

  13. I’d love a good fall of snow here too I fellllesscrestless when there’s snow on the ground.

    1. I'm not wishing it on you unless you really, really want it, Angella :)

  14. I love that video! I've seen it before, but I was glad for the chance to see it again.
    We finally got some rain, but what we really need is for the snow line to come back down, as we don't store much runoff when it's all above 7,000 feet.
    Our mailbox is all of the way across town, so any dancing on the way to it would have to be done in the car, or on the way to or from the car... Oops, I just typoed that as to or from the cat, who has a really long tail, and would no-doubt get very nervous if I tried to dance around him.

    -Doug in Oakland

    1. And who can blame him? :)

      I'm glad you got some rain. Now some more would be good. Or the snow line descending. Water of some sort!

  15. Great photo of solar light! I still do my 16-second gravel dance out to the pumphouse --or try to. Life goes on and the dance evolves.

    1. All we can do is keep trying, and do the best we can. Maybe we can re-brand it as a "more refined" dance :)

  16. That is some fantastic dancing...and I love Bruno Mars! :)

    1. It's amazing to watch, isn't it?

      And so is the video for Bruno Mars and this tune!! The pink jacket! The hair rollers! He must have a good sense of humour :)

  17. We have had PLENTY of snow around here for quite some time. If you ever feel you don't have enough, I'd be happy to send some over! I've had enough already!

    1. You are TOO kind! Lemme think about it and ... let you know ...

  18. Enjoy your snow! We're hoping to avoid the white stuff for the rest of the winter - fingers crossed. We had a foot of rain last week - sure glad it didn't come down as snow or we'd still be digging out.

    Happy dancing!

    1. Wow - that's a lot of rain . . . and, yes, if that had come as snow it would've been a lot deeper! I hope you have a good winter; last year's wasn't what you were expecting :)

  19. Loved the video. Recognised some of the musicals, but there seems to be a lot I haven't seen. Must rectify that.

    We here in Devon haven't had any snow just rain and winds, quite strong some of them.

    Joan (Devon)

    1. Hi, Joan, I'd read in some blogs about the high winds and rain in your region; wind can be so destructive. I think I'd rather snow!

      I love the fact that YouTube has such a selection of videos, everything from modern to old. I didn't recognize too many of the clips; mostly just the Fred and Ginger ones. Must look further!

  20. glad you felt like real January after snow dear Jenny!

    i agree this solar light looks like ice cream cone

    thank you for enthrilling my day with such HILARIOUS dance !loved it

    1. I'm so glad you enjoyed the video! I hoped it would appeal to other people, too - not just to me :)


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