
Friday 26 January 2018

I Needed The Break Anyhow

Remember how I said we've been having trouble with getting onto websites in general the last month or so?

That hasn't changed.

In fact, in preparation for my Friday post (which is being written at the end of a long Thursday of travel to see grandchildren ... oh, and their parents, too! can't forget them!) I have just spent one whole hour of my rapidly diminishing lifetime trying to simply get into my two email accounts and my Blogger account. It is an excruciatingly slow process. I have tabs for a number of websites open across the top of the page, and as each one tries - and fails - to find the server for that website, I click the "Try Again" button. I feel a bit like that old-timey plate-spinning act: start the first plate spinning on the tall stick, then start the second plate spinning, meanwhile watch for the first one to start wobbling, get it spinning again, start the third plate spinning, watch for the next one that starts to wobble, get it spinning, repeat, repeat, repeat . . .

I would insert a YouTube clip in here of just that thing, except I can't BLOODY GET ON THE WEBSITE!

The most important thing is that I finally got on Blogger, although I still can't access the blogs that I follow. They call Blogger a "platform" and I'm starting to picture it as an actual train platform, where crowds of people are trying to get on the train and they're pushing and shoving because there are only so many seats and everybody thinks they'll get a seat if they just keep trying . . . and here I am, pushing and shoving with the best of them . . .

So I think I'll just turn in my train ticket for tonight and take the bus home, or heck maybe just walk. Figuratively speaking. My kitties would like some of my time after being home alone all day, so I'll put my feet up, read a book, and snuggle with them.

Only one cat at a time, mind you, because one is so aggressive she would maim or kill the other if she had the chance, and that wouldn't be a terribly peaceful end to the day, would it?

Kitty One:

Potential victim

Kitty Two:

Potential killer

If I am hit-and-miss at answering comments, or at leaving comments on your blogs, it will be because of our internet issue.

Or because the cats accidentally got put in one room together and I got in the middle of that mess and am probably at the hospital getting a blood transfusion . . . . . . . . . . . .

No; we are very careful. So it will be the internet's - or our computer's - fault :)

A question for you, if you feel inclined to answer: What do you do to relax if you - HORRORS - can't get on the internet? Does it involve a hammer to the computer screen? No? Is that just me?

Until Monday, thank you for reading and I hope you have a good weekend. And now I will skedadle off the internet before I become the straw that breaks Blogger's back, as it were :)


  1. Your kitties are beautiful, the potential killer looks a lot like my Lola.
    If I can't get onto the internet I get a mad urge to start throwing things in a fit of temper, so I shut it down and go read a book for several hours, or take a nice long nap. Usually it is fine after that, depending on what time of day it is.

    1. Good advice! Sometimes I can't really wait, but it doesn't matter much because not waiting doesn't work either ...

  2. I hope your internet woes are over with soon, for me relaxation with no internet access is either a good book or just sitting on the porch with a cup of coffee.

    1. A good book makes me forget, too. The problem is when to give up on the internet and when to keep stabbing the keyboard in futile hope!

  3. I would call my computer guru and read a book until he fixed it.

    1. My computer guru (the son) is too busy doing his paying job to help at the moment! I may have to break down and call someone else. Husband and I have exhausted all our ideas.

  4. We are all having problems with Blogger and in sending comments although I have noticed that it has seemed to have rectified itself in the past day. It sounds like something might have invaded your computer. A simple thing to do is control, alt, delete and see what is running and if you see something that should not be there, delete it. Your problem might be caused by cable, router and all sorts of things I don’t know about but this is just my two cents worth of help.

    1. I'd forgotten about control, alt, delete - that's clearly an Advanced Technique! It didn't show anything strange running. Thank you for reminding me of that check, Arleen.

  5. I'm the last one to give you advice on computer problems. I do get irate when mysterious computer problems crop up.

    1. It was so much easier when our son lived at home! (he is the expert, but very busy with his job at the moment)

  6. Are you sure the labels on those cats are the right way around?
    Computer breakdown? I twitch.

    1. The labels do look like they're on the wrong cats, don't they? But they're not!

      Does the twitching include a hammer and a computer screen, by any chance? :)

  7. RELAX???? If I can't get on the Internet????? Are you kidding?????? Who could relax in such a situation. Ask the hubs, he'll confirm there is NO relaxing when I can't get on the internet.

  8. plenty of jobs waiting to be done,prints to be printed, jam to be made,letters to be written....

    1. That's true, gz - there is always work of some kind to do!

  9. I usually read. When the power went out a while back, I watched videos from my external drive until my laptop batteries died, then I pulled out a book and read by flashlight.
    I had some problems getting onto Michelle's blog a few days ago, but I think she's on WordPress. I kept getting internal server error messages when I tried to post a comment, so I saved the comment to a Google Doc and posted it later when it was working again.
    Hard to tell which cats are the rippers by just looking at them.

    -Doug in Oakland

    1. Appearances are very deceptive. The calico cat showed up in our neighbourhood out of the blue and we don't know if something happened to her prior to that or if she was always aggressive and that's why she was abandoned. She has gotten much better with us but she has territorial issues, and it doesn't make any difference to her that this wasn't HER territory to start with :)

      About the server messages - I wish I knew if this is just the new normal or if there's something else going on. When I can't take it anymore, I'll probably call our provider and try to find out. I don't like dealing with the companies who provide cable, telephone or internet. They always want to string cables all over the house!

  10. If I can’t get on the internet, I read, which I do anyway. I’d just read more.

    1. It's good to be a reader! That's part of my problem, though - there is a certain amount of my reading that can only be done online, blogs, major news sites, science and other sites. So my day feels incomplete without them :)

  11. No hammers here, I enjoy my quiet time...Happy Friday!

  12. Hope your technological problems get resolved soon and there are no cat attacks in your household. Have a lovely weekend.

  13. I hate being disconnected from the internet, primarily because of all my blogging pals. I do enjoy visiting their sites and saying hello. But since I can't really do anything about it when it happens, I try to keep myself busy with other things around the house. It's not easy but I found out recently that it is possible. Although by the third day I do begin to lose my mind :)

    Enjoy the weekend! The kitties are adorable. I've never had an overly aggressive/territorial cat. I don't know what that's like but I imagine it keeps you on your toes!

    1. Yep, it's definitely possible to exist without internet. Maybe not possible to really LIVE without it, though - ha ha ... I like to keep up with blogging friends, too, and also online newspapers and some arts and science sites, so I miss all of those when my free time coincides with online downtime.

      This is the first cat we've had that is this aggressive. I don't trust her with anyone or any animal. The vet has to put on an elbow length rawhide glove to hold her when she gets her allergy shot. It takes two of us to trim her claws, and as often as not we end up with bloody hands. She likes being patted, on her terms, but when she's done, you'd better be done, too! It's not a wholly pleasant experience, but it's not bad enough that we can't manage, if we're careful. What I keep thinking is, if we don't keep her, who would ever take her? I can't imagine anyone volunteering for that.

  14. It is a little after 2 a.m. here and I will hazzard an attempt to say good night and hope your internet problems disappear in the lucid light of morning. Going to bed now in my magic striped pajamas. It usually works. Best wishes for an unfrustrating weekend.

    1. Are you saying that sleeping in magic striped pajamas fixes the internet? Because if so, I'm going shopping!

      Er, where does one buy magic striped pajamas??

  15. Hi Jenny, I had a feeling you were losing your temper. The internet can get you like that but don’t worry. Somebody who writes a blog about it all will surface. They just have to. Reading a blog or even writing one is an addiction. Maybe you could up your sugar level to compensate for it? Maybe not. The answer is out there somewhere.

    1. Temper? Was it the hammer or the all caps font that gave it away? ha ha

      Like you said, I'm sure the answer is out there somewhere. The question is "where" :)

  16. I do my reading mostly online too.

    1. I do about half and half, which means a fifty percent reduction when I can't get online :)

      There are some very worthwhile online sites, and most of them are free. The internet has brought us some fine benefits to balance out the bad parts.

  17. Hey, take a chill pill honey! Just relax and think beautiful thoughts. Maybe look up to the sky to watch a beautiful cloud moving along and changing as it does so. Humanity lived happily for millennia before the internet came along so take a big deep breath, close your eyes and chill! See it's easy honey pie!

    1. Careful, Mr. Pudding Man! I have a hammer and I know how to use it :)

  18. i think you turn it into your pleasant breaktime(if you can't change things ,change yourself)

    i am sure problem will be resolved soon as nothing last forever so stay relaxed and as positive dear Jenny
    such problems are almost all over time to time
    i like to have time for online but sometime it is terribly slow and ypsets when images can't display or page is not loading properly but soon i control this worry and leave it for while until it gets better

    1. That is very good advice, baili. Others have suggested this in different ways but it's all the same thing - and I need to do it!


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