
Friday 12 January 2018

A Singing Heart On A Gray Walk

I haven't written about my walks for quite awhile now.

That's because I haven't been walking for quite awhile now.

I believe it was late summer when I last went out regularly. And then the craft sale was looming, and work got busy, and I hurt my back, and Christmas happened, and the Arctic mass of cold air moved in, and ... here we are.

But yesterday I finally got out again. It was a relatively mild day (minus 6C) and I was dressed warmly so it was just refreshingly cold, not bitterly so.

I took my favourite route of several, and it felt like coming home. It was wonderful.

Having only a few routes can make it hard to capture something different on camera. The challenge is to either find something new in the same landscape, or look at something in a new way.

Here is what's being served up on the buffet line today.

A reflection of a tree in the puddle beside the curb

A different tree here. I love the new growth revealed on this one each autumn when the leaves fall. It reminds me of a brush cut (remember those?) or a porcupine.

I've tried to get a shot of this low wall in other seasons but it just blended in with the road and the land. I was surprised to find that the snow, rather than making the shot too dull, actually helps to show the curve of the wall better. I need to try this with other shots that don't turn out well in the seasons when I tend to take them.

Some evidence of the windstorm we had last week

The trail lights came on as I was walking. Again, I've tried to take pictures of this in summer, and it just doesn't work, so I was happy to see this one turn out.

That's it for this Friday. I hope your weekend is full of serenity and contentment.

Or, if you prefer, unpredictability and excitement. But only if you prefer :)


  1. Loved walking with you. The evil demon bursitis of the hip is visiting me at the moment so walks are slow, expletive filled and rare.

    1. I'm sorry to hear that, EC. Pain makes a poor walking companion. Or anything-else-companion, as far as that goes. I hope it eases very, very soon. Hugs, my friend.

  2. I like your shots very much, interesting how a change of season makes so much difference to details. I should try it myself. My camera has been in the drawer for months now.

    1. I find that in fact I notice more when I have my camera ready. I used to walk and never notice anything but the obvious. It's an interesting thing!

  3. I’ll take the former. A great look at familiar surroundings, Jenny. Isn’t it great to get outdoors again?

    1. I'll take the former, too, Marie :) And yes, I love this milder spell and being able to walk relatively pain-free (at the moment, anyway!).

  4. Only minus 6C??? That's the sort of temperature that would make me sit inside in the warm and say "no not today". :D Anyway, it all looks very beautiful and I'm glad you enjoyed your walk.

    1. It's all relative, Joey ... compared to last week's minus 29C (with wind chill factored in, which you have to do) it was downright balmy :)

  5. lovely to see other peoples' walks

    1. I agree - I love seeing what others post!

  6. The few days of surprising warmth got me outside also. A day without wind and not bitter cold should be taken advantage of during winter. Your pictures are lovely and I especially like the light and it’s red reflection on the tree branches.

    1. I'm glad you got some milder weather to enjoy, too, Arleen.

      It surprised me how nicely that light showed up against the gray branches and sky - it doesn't do a thing against a canopy of leaves!

  7. Good for you, going out. I still would have stayed in. My weekend will be rollicking. Three teenage girls with plans.

    1. The streets were bare so it was easy walking. I bet you'll enjoy your rollicking weekend :D

  8. I'll take the serenity and contentment thanks lol. Also, I think I'll wait for the warmer weather before I tackle a walk...maybe.

    1. I prefer serenity too :) How warm does it need to be to entice you outdoors, Delores?

  9. For exercise activity routine makes all the difference. Keep at it. You get good photos when you walk.

    1. Routine is key, isn't it - and I'm out of it! Thanks, Red.

  10. Thanks for taking us on your Nova Scotian walk. Any walk that involves Nature is good for the soul.

    1. It's not Yorkshire, but it has its own charms . . . especially that of being close at hand :) It's surprising how much nature there is in this town.

  11. Hope your Friday is filled with fun and adventure. Also, good foods. Wishing you the best. Love the pictures on your walk.

    1. Thanks, Ivy - and good foods add to any kind of day, don't they!

    2. Yeppers, Jenny. They really really do.

  12. Your pictures all are very good, I especially love the reflection of the tree in the puddle, the curve in the wall and the trail light pictures are both perfect too.

    1. Kind words, Jimmy - thank you. I try to work with what I've got :D

  13. The light picture is very nice!

    I will take serenity and contentment over unpredictability and excitement any day.

  14. I like them all, but I particularly like the last picture of the street light.
    I'm beginning to realise at my great age lol that beauty is in even the most mundane things, you just have to really look for it.
    I can't make up my mind, serenity and contentment I should think, although a bit of unpredictability and excitement (but the more sedate kind) would be nice.

    Joan (Devon)

    1. Yes, sedate excitement sounds fine; it's the uncontrolled chaos I object to! heh

      I agree about the beauty in ordinary things. Sometimes ordinary is extraordinary.

  15. I will take the serenity and contentment. Thanks jenny_o. I hope you have a great weekend as well and glad to hear you are able to get out walking again.

    1. Thanks, Mr. S. Serenity and contentment have a lot going for them.

  16. It does amaze me how different things look when it snows. Probably because I've never lived anywhere with regular snowfall.
    I think it snowed maybe five or six times in Eureka in the 23 years I lived there, and every time it was like seeing a whole new place.
    We finally got a couple of storms here, as you probably saw in the news when they washed all of the newly burned hillsides down into neighborhoods down in Southern California.
    The sun is out today, though, and I'll be outside walking again in about an hour.
    I do like your pictures, especially the one of the trail light.
    Have a pleasant weekend!

    -Doug in Oakland

    1. Yes, the news about the storms and mudslides has definitely been covered here. A bad situation, for sure.

      Hope you have (or had) a good walk, Doug.

  17. Well, I really enjoyed walking with you. It looks like a beautiful and serene area, which is exactly what I enjoy. Isn't it funny how we consider minus 6 mild? Certainly much more appealing that the arctic weather we had recently! Have a great weekend. A quiet one is exactly what I'd like.

    1. Has your weather turned warmer yet, Martha? I'm not crazy about the extreme cold temperatures, to put it mildly :)

  18. Wonderful photos. I hope you have a wonderful weekend, too.

  19. Hi Jenny, is there anything more charming than Yorkshire? I don’t think so. It’s Gods own County if you believe Yorkshire folk. And why shouldn’t you?

    1. Ha ha! Well, it looks pretty nice to me, but so does my turf :)

  20. The trail light is my favourite.

    Serenity is good but sometimes it morphs into boredom! You remind me of that old curse "May you live in interesting times"

    1. Hah :) "Interesting" is way too vague, isn't it?

  21. I think i’m right in saying that it’s the biggest County in England. You know what a County is? right. They talk funny as well.

    1. Hey, now - we use County here as well!! You'd probably think we talk funny, too, but not because of that. Canadians supposedly have a very flat intonation to their speech. I like the English accent, the Scottish accent, the Irish accent, pretty much anything :)

  22. I'm glad you got out for your walk! You're right about taking photos at different times of the year, and also at different times of day and in different light. All those variables make a big difference in how well things turn out.

    1. I suppose I could/should read a book on photography instead of stumbling on the basics in a haphazard way!!

  23. THANK YOU SO MUCH for taking along for walk ,glad you were safe in warm clothes otherwise if i get out in minus 6 you have to drag me home as cracked boned body lol

    stunning shots you shared dear Jenny!
    yes because snow differentiated the actual being of roadside wall so nicely ,well capture:)

    I am HAPPY that you are feeling better enough to wander in fresh air ,more blessings to you

    loved the enlarged views ,just GORGEOUS!!!

    1. I love your sense of humour, baili! You painted quite a picture of yourself at minus 6C :) Now, it's the heat in your homeland that would finish me off. I guess we adapt to the climate wherever we live, and dress for the conditions.

      Thank you for your encouragement of my photos, my friend! I like seeing what my little pocket camera will do. Sometimes it surprises me :)

  24. Some nice shots; I especially like the last one with the tree branches lit by the post light.

  25. I love your tree reflection - what a creative shot! And I like the porcupine tree, too. It's wonderful that you took time in your walk to truly see your surroundings - thanks for sharing. :-)

    1. I see more when I have my camera - funny thing :) Thanks for taking the time to have a look, Diane.

  26. Love the last one, especially. It's very atmospheric. Is that a word?

    1. I think so! And thank you - I was happy with that one, too, because I've tried to get a shot of the lamps for so long :)


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