
Monday 15 January 2018

Come Laugh With Me

The time I should have spent writing a post for today was instead spent watching YouTube videos.

The plan was to re-find a certain bit of information I'd discovered some time ago about a specific Beach Boys tune from their Pet Sounds album. (I'm going to keep you in suspense and not tell which one.) I was a fan of the surfing tunes of the Beach Boys when I was younger but completely missed their later works, so I've been catching up on Brian Wilson's genius over the past year or two.

Not very surprisingly, I ran out of time before I ran out of videos. So I decided to scrap that post for now. But not forever. Hopefully.

The next option, as I faced a loudly ticking clock, was to polish up a quick post I'd written about laundry baskets. Unfortunately, on returning to that piece of writing, I found that polishing was not nearly enough to make it presentable. It needed something more, something like maybe a heart transplant or a new transmission or at the very least a side order of healthy veggies in order to make it work. Now it, too, is on hold. Maybe forever. Hopefully.

So once again I am calling upon all good kitties and doggies found on to come forth and entertain. Thank you, O Furry Ones. You have saved my hide too many times to count.

First, the kitties:

Then the doggies:

And one final LOL that I couldn't categorize:

Thank you for dropping in! Hope you have a good week.


  1. Megathanks.
    I needed this today and the cat ones in particular are so very true. Particularly the 'if the world was flat' one.
    Our cats are very generous. All of them have been happy to pointedly ignore us at no charge.

    1. And they say cats are selfish! It just isn't true :)

  2. I love these :)
    that lucky dog that got half the chicken looks very satisfied.

  3. I'd definitely go next door to be ignored by the cat rather than get a dog kiss. Dogs terrify me! I know I'm a wuz!

    1. Well, it'd be cheaper to go next door, too - win/win :)

  4. Going to the dentist today. No joke is a good joke. Wait--it's the kid's appointment.

  5. Yes, sometimes a post just doesn't turn out and it's best to abandon it.

  6. HAHAHAHA! These were hilarious. I can't even pick a favourite, although the one with the dropped chicken rises to the top. And so does the one with the "you're killing me" with the two cats laughing!

    1. Some people have a talent for capitalizing on the funny faces pets make :)

  7. For a brief moment my pecker was up. I thought I was on the verge of reading a gripping blogpost about laundry baskets. And then I was immediately deflated! There can be no subject on the face of The Earth that is more fascinating than the humble laundry basket.

    1. I'm glad to see someone caught the ridiculousness of that topic! hah

    2. Whaddya mean? I have been collecting laundry baskets since I was a boy. They are stored in a warehouse near Halifax. (The REAL Halifax!)

    3. Our Halifax is just as real as your Halifax!!

      Wait, we were talking about laundry baskets ... I actually did write a post about them. Now I'm getting gung ho to actually refine it and publish it.

    4. You must have read "The Laundry Basket" by G.M.C.Lewis?

    5. I had not, but it looks well worth reading - thanks for that.

  8. LOL in spite of self...Happy Monday!

    1. Ha ha! That's pretty much how I pick the photos - if they actually make me laugh out loud I consider them worth passing on!

      Thanks, e - same to you.

  9. Hi Jenny
    Perhaps what you really bneeded was some time for reflection. It is like cleaning out the clutter to make way for better things. Looking forward to more insight.

    1. Thanks for dropping in and commenting, Heather!

  10. I read the blog of a Canadian bellman in Niagara Falls who has a thing about laundry baskets, which is that they are NOT LUGGAGE, and he really wishes people didn't try to use them that way.
    So there's that about them.
    I got to see the Beach Boys at the Concord Pavilion on a sunny afternoon back in the early nineties, and they put on a good show. He was teasing us about not wanting to play "those old car songs" and when we protested (the Concord Pavilion has a large lawn where much of the audience were lounging in the sun) he said "OK then, we'll do the car songs, if you guys will sit up and act like you're at a rock concert."
    Which we immediately did.
    Briana really liked the one about raising them right.

    -Doug in Oakland

    1. lol - using laundry baskets as luggage does seem a step away from reality ... although, we used to transport things to and from the cottage in them, and to and from our daughter's university residence . . . but it was just *us* handling them and we weren't offended :)

      Did the then-current version of the BB sound like the originals at that concert? I wish I could have seen the real thing at the height of their popularity, but that's just hindsight talking. I was only nine years old when they recorded Pet Sounds so I wouldn't have appreciated it (nor would my parents!)

    2. I would have been five or six when Pet Sounds came out, but my brother was ten years older than I am, so he had their records (for a while before he moved on to the Beatles and then the heavier music that I ended up being drawn to later) so I did hear those songs as a kid.
      The way I remember them, the show I saw was dead on to the sound of those records. I was impressed. And as I've been to somewhere around two hundred rock concerts, I feel like I know a good one when I see it and hear it.
      Maybe to a bellman the use of a laundry basket as luggage might be like using milk crates as boxes is to a mover.
      Of course I used to be a mover, and some of my stuff is stored in the closet in milk crates..,

      -Doug in Oakland

    3. Hah! Well, milk crates are easy to load, carry and stack, so they have a few things going for them.

      Two hundred rock concerts is a lot. I'd say you're an expert. I have been to exactly zero rock concerts :)

  11. Very Nice Jenny, I get dog kisses every night for free though lol

  12. Awhile back, we watched a movie about
    the Beach Boys. Or maybe it was just about
    the one guy. It was long ago. Sad and
    happy kinda movie, really.

    1. Maybe that was the one mostly about Brian Wilson. The whole story of the band and him in particular was just like you said, sad parts and happy parts. The best part, I think, is that he came through the sad parts and is doing better now.

  13. Your post was entertaining even before you added the cat and dog pictures. That brought it over the top. I am going to reread it and enjoy those furry comics again. Funny, funny!

    1. Just wait until you actually read the post about the laundry baskets!! Thanks for those kind words, Arleen :)

  14. Our furry friends can always be counted on for a laugh! Personally, I want to know how you managed to make a whole post (kind of) out of the subject of laundry baskets. But then, I did it with a box of staples, so anything is possible!

    1. And there you go; you've answered your own question! ha ha

  15. Sometimes I can't think of anything to post and have to skip a few days.

    1. I admire bloggers who can write every day, but I'm not one of them :)

  16. delightful sharing dear Jenny!

    i think brains will have normal circulation of blood when the ice will melt and weather will sprinkle warmth over your heard

    i think this is you who can still be as active in frozen season as if i was there i could have find it HARD TO EVEN THINK A LITTLE

    i like all other things in my life don't plan my postings it totally depends on time that i find for blogging or my well being
    i hope you are completely fine my friend ,take great care sending you heartiest best wishes and hugs!

    1. If I didn't plan to post regularly, I fear I would rarely post, baili! That is why I set a schedule. I wish I could do it your way but I am such a procrastinator I need a deadline.

      Thank you for your well wishes and I hope the same for you, dear friend.


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