
Friday 4 August 2017

Frazzled on Friday

The week has been a blur, with heavier than usual work commitments, summer visitors, and the fact that I am writing an owner's manual for one of our cats.

Yes, an owner's manual. One of our furry babies is going to live with someone else. It was not a hard decision to make, back when it was all just a concept, but as the time approaches for him to leave, it is becoming a hard decision to carry out. I think he will get more attention and have more fun at his new home, and I'll be able to visit him regularly, but ... he is ten years old, easily frightened, and I worry about his ability to adjust.

That will be happening this weekend. Wah.

But we will go forward, one foot after the other.


To celebrate Frazzled Friday and keep my mind off cats, here are a few funnies, courtesy of, in random order to match my disorderly mind:

This actually works, doesn't it?

I will get through this weekend. I will get through this weekend. I will, I will, I WILL ...

Hope you have a good one, folks.


  1. It will be hard, but you will get through. And your cat will adjust with the loving help of his new family.

    1. I hope so. And he can come back here if he really can't adjust. That was part of the agreement.

  2. Such a brave decision. I would be weeping bitter tears. Even knowing that the cat would benefit.
    I love the funnies - and send you many hugs.

    1. Not so terribly brave, maybe. He is going to live with our son, two hours away. And can come back to us if he can't adjust. It could be worse. Thank you for the hugs; they are very welcome.

  3. Ohhhh, never easy to say good bye.

  4. Awww, I hope your kitty adjusts OK! Maybe it's just what he needs to overcome his own insecurities. Who knows?

    "Two left cats" -- LOL!

    1. That would be ideal, if moving would help him be braver!

  5. The cat thing is tough to do, but icanhazcheezburger is always good for laughs.

    1. Even if it didn't take my mind off cats :)

  6. You get through this weekend, you hear! The weather is rather nice; enjoy. Cat will love new home in a cat minute.

  7. Who says cats don't have a sense of humour.

    1. It's pretty clear from these pictures, innit?

  8. you absolutely WILL get through the weekend.

  9. An owner's manual? That's a good idea, but seems like kind of a tall order. Good luck!
    Kitters is still missing, prompting Briana to volunteer at Fix Our Ferals just down the street. She figures that they hear a lot of news about stray cats that it couldn't hurt to know about.

    -Doug in Oakland

    1. Good idea, and good for Briana. I'm still hoping, hoping ...

  10. I've never had to re-home a cat...You and the cat have my sympathy...

    1. It could be worse (we've been through worse with other cats) ... and I can still visit him. But it's still harder than I thought it would be. He is going to our son, who lived here for our cat's first few years, and I think it will be a good move once he adjusts. The cat, that is :) But I feel like a traitor, taking him away from the only home he has had. Gah.

  11. Hey Jenny,

    With the cat going to your son's loving, furever home, it will make it slightly easier as you say your sort of goodbye to the cat.

    Penny the Jack Russell dog has looked at the photos of the cats. Penny, with some gentle words from me, will recover.

    Wishing you a peaceful, pawsitive weekend.


    1. You are right, Gary. And I apawlogize to Penny - it was an awful lot of cats, wasn't it? :) Wishing you the same.

  12. I've had to rehome cats and I totally sympathize! You will get through this, of course, but it's the initial grief that is so difficult. I hope the transition goes smoothly for you and kitty. Thanks for all the great laughs. I hope they did you some good, too.

    1. Thanks, Martha. The deed has been done, and it went better than I could have hoped for. When we left, kitty was looking good. I don't know what happened after that but I should have an update by Monday :) I was more worried about him than about me, and if he's good, I'm okay with it.

  13. Sorry to hear that you have to relocate your cat. It stinks but it's for the best. I enjoyed all of the images especially Carl and the red dot. Too funny. Take care.

    1. Hah - I liked Carl, too - such a go-getter :) Thanks and take care yourself, Mr. S.

  14. I feel concerned about your ten year old cat which is moving to another family .
    ten year is a long time to get used to of each other dear Jenny and this decision even made me sad as i can realize that it will be quite hard for your cat to adjust there and i know you are going to miss her a LOT!!!

    Really enjoyable and very iNTERESTING series of cats's stuff below lol
    enjoyed each bit of it thoroughly as you selected each very smartly i can see it.
    each made me laugh .
    thank you sooo much for using your humor so brilliantly to brighten my day my friend!
    God Bless You

    1. I'm so happy to share anything that will brighten someone else's day, baili - thank you for telling me so! The cat is moving to be with our son. We took him today, and it looked like he might settle in much better than I anticipated. I'm so relieved.

  15. Hi Jenny, I ❤️ luv the cat pictures.

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed them, Terry - the people who come up with the captions are cleverer by far than I am :)

  16. I sought the advice of two cats who are not mine but have hunting rights on my property. They were eating a lizard. Said they couldn't be bothered, but I have known cats all my life and believe them to be among the most adaptable creatures on Earth. Your's will do fine in new environs. All they ask is tolerance and kindness.

    1. If that's all they ask (and isn't it all most of us ask) then, yes ... he will be fine :) Thank you for that comforting thought.

  17. Aw, that's a tough situation - I hope your furry friend settles happily into the new home. And thanks for the LOLZ - the 'two left cats' gave me a good belly laugh!

  18. I had to come and see this post after reading the last one! I love cat funnies. So sorry about your baby. Just remember: It's all about him, not me. That's the only way I make it through hard things! *sob*

    1. You are right! That's how we made the decision, too :) But then I started second-guessing myself ... seems to be working out okay so far, though. Fingers crossed!


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