
Monday 24 October 2016

More Fall Colours

Our fall is progressing quickly. I want to record more of our colours here before they disappear and the new season is on us.

This has been a beautiful fall, even more so for me because I am taking closer note of it all with my camera. It feels a little like I am storing away beauty like a squirrel stores nuts, to have a source of energy throughout the coming months of cold, snow and ice.


  1. I love that idea of storing images like a squirrel storing nuts. Just remember to look at them (images not nuts!) in the dark depths of wintertime.

    1. Hi, YP! Thanks for dropping in. You're right, no sense having them unless I remember to look at them :)

  2. Looking good! I love those red Virginia creeper leaves! And yes, photographing things is a good way to "store" them for later enjoyment. :)

    1. Thank you once again for identifying what's in my photos, Steve - I've never heard this plant named, either. So I went to wikipedia to learn more, and found that the berries on it (which resemble blueberries) are highly toxic to people but not to birds. Good to know. Because I did wonder ...

    2. Interesting! I didn't know they were toxic, but I knew they aren't edible.

    3. Wikipedia says "citation needed" for the "highly toxic" comment on its entry, so maybe that's not the final word on it. Apparently there's another plant called woodbine that looks a lot like Virginia creeper except it doesn't have the suckers on the tendrils, and those berries (which look the same) are "moderately toxic." I'm going to check out the tendrils next time I go by and see just what we have here! Not that I plan to eat ANY of the berries :)

  3. We don't get much fall color here, so it's good to see your photos.

    -Doug in Oakland

  4. This beauty addict thanks you. Muchly.

    1. Glad you are enjoying it, EC. There are more to come.

  5. Lovely photos. I can't say I'm looking forward to winter even though for the last few years we've got away with no snow at all here in this part of England.

    1. One thing I'll say for snow, it brightens things up. Grey and drab is very draining. That's what we have through November and December, usually. It gets monotonous!


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