
Monday 31 October 2016

Want To Know What Really Scares Me?

On Friday I promised to post a spooky photo today, because it's Halloween.

Are you ready?

Here goes:

neon yellow and neon green

Not scary enough? How about this, then:

They're like little headlights, aren't they? Not actually scary, just bright.

Still not frightened?

Maybe one of these will do the trick ...

a local graveyard when I was just learning to use my camera


harvest moon, a year ago
Oh, you're all just too sensible to be spooked, aren't you?

Time to get serious.

What could be more scary than this, I ask you?

Thanks, Pixabay. You always provide so much more than I expect.

That's right, people. Only 55 days until Christmas.


Enjoy Halloween while you can.

Do you celebrate Halloween? Do you go to a party? Do you dress up to answer the door to hand out treats? Do you hide in your basement with the lights out and eat all the candy yourself? Do tell!


  1. Christmas? I am so not ready. We (I) make Christmas cakes as gifts and I haven't started. And don't want to. Pouty face.
    We don't really celebrate Halloween here, though the shops (naturally) are pushing it.
    I bought some treats and hope they remain unopened. Himself can eat them when he returns. If they are open I will indulge.

    1. Hallowe'en and Christmas are both minefields for me, whether the treats are opened or not. So I hear ya.

  2. We went to the dollar store and bought some candy in case we get trick-or-treaters, but that's pretty much it around here.

    -Doug in Oakland

    1. Some people go all out, but candy for the trick-or-treaters is all we do as well.

    2. It rained last night, so we get to eat the candy ourselves. It seems like someone blew up a pumpkin with a firecracker in the neighbor's driveway, though, so that was sort of exciting...

      -Doug in Oakland

  3. We turn the lights out and hide in the back room and hope no one rings the doorbell. And they usually don't. :)

    1. Lights on/off seems to be the universal signal :)

  4. I padlock the front gate and bring the cars up the lane as far as they'll go. Then we brew espresso, bake cookies and eat them ourselves.

    1. Hah! That sounds like a good Halloween to me :)

  5. We're to far out in the woods to get any candy seekers, but we get a few bags just in case.

    1. "Just in case" is why we get extra. Either way, it has to be eaten, right?

  6. We live in a neighborhood with lots of kids, and so we get a few ghosties and suprer heros. We don't dress up. I'd like to, but the day always sneaks up on me before I have a costume assembled. We usually order pizza and littlb's posse meets at our house for a slice, and maybe a beer for the adults. Or two. And then the trick or treating commences. I think you can probably guess what I'm afraid of....

    1. That sounds like fun for kids and adults alike. Ah, yes, what is Chicken afraid of? Eight legs and it's not an octopus ...



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