
Monday 9 May 2016

Juggling All The Things

Just a quote today that pretty much describes the past few weeks in my life:

"I try to take one day at a time, but sometimes several days attack me all at once."

(Author unknown.)

 Work - plus non-work work - have been crazy lately and it'll be awhile before I see the light at the end of the tunnel.

But humour always helps!

How do you cope with excessive workloads?


  1. I know too well the truth of that quote! Ha! How do I cope. I make lists. And then I just take one thing on the list and do it, then turn to the next thing. Lists are my salvation.

  2. For me, the secret is not looking at the big picture. Just take things step by step and keep making progress on the little things, which altogether add up to big things!

  3. One foot in front of the other. One job after another. Keep neat piles.

    1. This seems to be a theme. One thing at a time ...

  4. Excessive workloads. I found they could be made manageable by effective scheduling, flying elbows and, at the first opportunity, retiring.

    1. Well, I can do one of those, and it's not the first OR the second. Thanks, Geo.!

  5. Music, mostly.

    -Doug in Oakland

    1. Ah, you're like my son. I am the complete opposite. Sound of any kind drives me to distraction! Kind of an issue when working in an office with other people.

  6. Laughter always helps.
    I am also pretty good at denial - not just a river in Egypt.
    And biting off the things I can chew and spitting out the rest.
    I hope that faraway light becomes a train for you soon.

    1. Thanks, EC. Laughter and denial are pretty much my main means of dealing with stress, too. I like the imagery of biting off what you can manage and spitting out the rest.

  7. Cats, dogs, music, beer, a good book, and sleep are all methods I use. Daydreaming of another life sometimes happens when it gets to be too much. Kind of like a Walter Mitty moment.

    1. Ahh, sleep. That's a refuge for me, too. But if I get too stressed, I can't sleep and that seems so unfair - it adds insult to injury!

  8. oh, I love that quote!! And it's true, too.

    I have been feeling that way too - I think it's the details of three kids now. Nothing major going on, just life and just trying to juggle it all. I do usually let some things go when I'm feeling overwhelmed, but I have to try to quiet the noise down a little so I have clarity about what to let go. Hope your load eases up soon!

    1. Margo, welcome - nice to have you here! Yes, some seasons in life are definitely busier than others. And a person needs a chance to think in order to sort it out. Things should quiet down for me in June ... but that seems so far away!


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