
Monday 2 May 2016

Thoughts on Donkey Walking

Although "Donkey Walking" may sound like a new and amazingly awful dance step, what I mean is that I've been thinking about the things I've learned about walking and about myself, Procrastinating Donkey, since I started pounding the dirt in earnest last January. I've learned that ...

- if I don't walk for three days in a row, it is surprisingly difficult when I get back to it on the fourth day - you'd think the benefits would last longer

- taking my camera with me increases my enjoyment and motivation by at least fifty percent

- I cannot lose weight by calorie restriction alone, or by exercise alone; I need both

- I am always hungrier on the days I don't walk - this one really surprised me; even though I've read that exercise suppresses the appetite, I was convinced it would be the other way around

- I'd rather walk in the cold than in anything even approaching warm-ish weather ... actually I already knew this - summer brings me to my knees in every way but especially in the ways where I have to work up even more of a sweat than I'm already in

- I love the lacy canopies and gnarled fingers and crew-cut looks of trees before they get their leaves more than their eventual leafiness, but I also know I'll love the shade they give when they're fully leafed out, because by then it will be getting warmer, and did I mention how I'm not a warm-weather person?

- if my walking mojo flags, I only need to remember how desperately my father wanted to walk after his stroke, and how lucky I am to be able to, and it gives me a burst of energy along with the constricted throat and blurry vision

- I think someone, maybe even me, needs to invent a dance step called Donkey Walking. It will be the Next Big Thing, and we can say we were in on it at the beginning ...

Did someone mention dancing? Well, did you know that you can dance twice as fast with four feet? It's true. Ish. Oh, all right, it's not true at all. In fact, I have four left feet, and in case you're wondering, that's not a good thing. It's the complete antithesis of a Martha Stewart good thing. But I have great hair. See photo.


  1. Isn't it funny how having a camera long makes such a difference? I'm definitely much more motivated to walk if I bring my camera. In fact often that's the REASON I walk.

  2. There were actually a few of these, but I liked this one best:

    Also, after my stroke and before I was comfortable walking around alone, Briana used to walk with me, and jokingly referred to it as "walking the Doug"...

    -Doug in Oakland

    1. So, Doug, I googled "donkey walking" to find some other clips, and - erk - found out that "donkey walk" is a religious observance ... I hope no one took offense. And the clip was funny ... and so is "walking the Doug" :)

  3. I suspect Donkey Walking and Mad Woman with Camera Dancing would have complementary steps.
    And yes about the warm weather blues. How I loathe the sweaty season.

    1. EC, I think you're right! I hadn't thought about that before!

      Has your sweaty season started to moderate? I hope so.

  4. PS: I am also a big, big fan of the elegance of naked trees.

    1. Yes to naked trees :) I never even knew how lovely they were until I started taking their pictures. I wasn't slowing down enough to notice.

  5. That donkey is pretty damn cute.

    1. Isn't s/he? I look nothing like that. Is that a good thing or a bad thing? I can make a case for both :)

  6. At least 5 of your points work for me, also. The biggest drawback is my ever increasing ability to procrastinate.

  7. Ah, that perspective of remembering how much your father would have loved to walk! YES.

    I am always hungry -- always -- except when my body is in motion. If I am running or walking, the stomach recedes in its demands. Fair play!

    1. My dad was such a walker. It seemed especially cruel that he couldn't take a single step after his stroke.

      I don't hear many real, live people talk about how exercise affects their appetite - thanks for telling me you are always hungry except when you're moving. That's how I am too and it's a struggle.

  8. There's a lot of inspiration and truth in this post as I try to develop my own walking habit. Thank you. And happy birthday! I believe we are both May 3!

    1. Good luck with your program. And happy birthday back - nice to have another connection :)

  9. very inspiring! I walk my kids to school every day and I want to be more mindful about enjoying it and them. I know it does help me stay trim-ish.

    1. It's a great habit to develop in your kids, too. We were quite far from our school but not far enough to get the bus. Our kids could walk one way but there wasn't enough time to walk both ways. A hurried walk isn't much fun, either! Having a reason to walk makes a person build it into the routine and that's half the battle.


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