
Wednesday 20 April 2016

New Posting Schedule, and Tiny Blue Flowers

I've decided to scale back, and post on Mondays and Fridays instead of every weekday.

This blogging thing, she is more time-consuming than even I thought, and I thought I had a pretty good idea of how time-consuming she'd be. Add that to a busy work life at the moment, and it was easy to make the decision.

I'll leave you with a photo of some bulbs that were popping up the other day. For years now, I've failed to see them bloom because they're in a spot where I have to go out of my way to see them. But this year, because of this blog, I not only went looking for them but now I also have them captured for anytime viewing. (I think I need to get another shot of them after they open up more.)

Tiny blue flowers have a special spot in my heart. Why? I don't know. They just do. Last year's leaves are still protecting these little fellas, because the snow is not over for the season quite yet. And also because I never have time in April to clear them away anyhow. That works out well, doesn't it?

Thank you for reading.

See you Friday :)


  1. There's hope for spring. It's going back to cold, here. Now I remember why the down comforter stays on my bed until mid May.

    1. Yep, our layers of blankets stay until June. Just to be sure.

  2. Like anything else, blogging is a matter of finding a rhythm, I suppose. Eventually it becomes kind of habitual. But having said that, I can totally see how blogging a couple times a week would be plenty! I don't know what those flowers are, but they're pretty.

    1. I'll post a picture of the open blooms on Friday, Steve. They're called starflowers, which I didn't have time to check on before today's post, but which I've verified today :) You're a dependable daily blogger! I think if there weren't so many areas of my life I'm unwilling to put on the internet, it would be easier to post daily. I want my focus to be more on topics I am interested in, as opposed to my daily life, and I find it harder to come up with something daily for that approach. Is that even a clear thought?! Hope so.

  3. We're just getting the first couple crocuses popping up--a few inches tall--and it is so heartening. I feel like YES, we made it.

    1. It's so good to see the first blooms, isn't it? A little colour after the browns and whites of winter.

  4. The idea of coming up with stuff worth reading on a regular basis is one of the things that has kept me from starting my own blog until now. I might have enough obstacles out of the way to give it a go very soon. I think you are doing quite well, and those are beautiful flowers. I think my friend Zsuzs has some purple ones at her place near Yosemite.

    -Doug in Oakland

    1. I hope you do, Doug! And, at first I thought I'd never run out of ideas, but as I realized more and more what I'm willing - and not willing - to write about (personal life), it became harder. I think my new schedule will be about right for me. Those are starflowers in the photo and I'll post a picture of them fully open on Friday.

  5. I love tiny blue flowers, too. And tiny red ones. And yellow ones. All the little ones. And big ones...

  6. O Jenny, the flowers are beautiful in their schedule --my first thought was Borage, but the leaves aren't hairy enough, are they?. I don't know, as a gardener I just planted things and tended what came up, so I'm still learning after doing it professionally for 35 years. Mainly, I wanted to say your decision to manage post-output is something we all face, again and again. Twice per week is still a pretty lively schedule. I have 3 blogs and probably average that in combination, but there's no set minimum. I'm just overjoyed to have your online company.

    1. Geo., thank you for your kind and thoughtful comments. As always. I thought I would try the daily posting and it worked at first, but now it doesn't. Someday I will probably just post when the lightning bolt strikes, but for now, this procrastinator does better with a schedule :) It's nice to have the freedom to choose. And, the flowers are commonly known as starflowers but I'm not sure of their botanical name. They still haven't opened up - apparently they can read the thermometer and see how chilly it is. I hope it warms up before the deer eat them all.

  7. I think you'll find your blogging rhythm soon. It takes a while. Most people figure this out with virtually no readership at all but you launched with lots of readers who already heart you so it can seem like a very public endeavor as you're figuring out what you want your blog to be. The thing to remember is you're doing it for your own reasons and the main person you need to please is you. Everyone else will come along. I have found this world to be a generous live-and-let-live community. And your voice is part of that. For me, blogging is about creating a record of days, but it's also a place to process tricky emotions sometimes. There is no right or wrong way to blog, so do you, be you, however you choose. We'll be here.

    1. Those are wise words, Angella. You hit the nail on the head. Thank you for your unfailing kindness and your moral support.


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