
Monday 2 March 2020

Poetry Monday: Gnomes, and Combs, and Foam, and . . .

It's Poetry Monday, and the topics this week -- for, lo, there are multiple topics! -- are .....GNOMES, COMBS, and FOAM.

Why don't you join Diane, MotherOwl, Mimi and me in our poetry alchemy? Leave your poem in a comment, or post on your own blog; if you do the latter, please leave a comment so we can find you and your poem. Choose another topic entirely if that pleases you; the objective is to have fun and use our brains.


This one practically wrote itself, given the topics that Diane provided!

Got some suggestions for you, Dusty ... Read on ...

Garden Ornaments I Wouldn't Mind Having

With combs
Using styling foams

In wigs
Eating sticky figs

Who prance
Wearing stretchy pants

In pairs
Snoozing in armchairs

From Vice
Rolling loaded dice

In spats
Calculating stats

In socks
Winding up their clocks

Who cheer
And guzzle cold root beer

With knees
Trying out their skis

In herds
Choosing new passwords

In clogs
Reading favourite blogs


Strangely enough, I couldn't find any pictures on the internet of any of the above . . . . .

But here is a peripherally-related funny:

(enlarged, the small print says:  "but the gnomes were better")


Wishing you a week of unusual/interesting/funny sightings . . .

Next week's topic will be ..... SPORTS. Thanks, Diane, for providing the topic again for next week and giving me a break :)

Good luck!


  1. Your poem gave me a smile! I love gnomes. The funnies are great too. Way back when I was about five years old we had two pink flamingos in our front flower bed. They were all the rage back in the 1950s! (Yep, I'm that old!)

    1. So after your comment I had to google more about flamingos because I didn't realize they were popular before the 80s! Good to know :D

  2. Smiling broadly - which I needed today. Thank you.

    1. You are especially welcome. I hope tomorrow is good even without a silly poem :)

  3. Your poem makes me want a root beer, an A&W in a frosted mug...
    Do gnomes use foams on combs of chrome?

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

    1. If they don't, they're missing out on an awesome rhyme :D

      Root beer, A&W, frosted mug . . . mmm yesh indeed

      We can buy two-litre bottles of A&W root beer in some groceries here - do you have it where you live?

    2. Yes we do. In fact, A&W cream soda in two-liter bottles was my preferred beverage for a long time. I switched to strawberry soda when A&W started putting caffeine in the cream soda.

    3. Wait, CREAM SODA root beer? We don't have that here! We don't have caffeine in ours either!

      I wonder if A&W creates different types of drinks depending on the local market ...

    4. Cream soda isn't root beer, it's vanilla flavored soda, but A&W makes some, and I used to drink it a lot.

      -Doug in Sugar Pine

    5. Ah, now I follow you - that is in line with my understanding of what cream soda is. I didn't know A&W made it though. I'm afraid we're going to lose our root beer - it's been dropped by one of the two major grocery chains here.

  4. It all rhymed nicely for me, which doesn't always happen with North American poetry. Good that you didn't go for the obvious cats in hats.

    1. What do you take me for, a rank amateur? LOL

  5. I love the descriptions of ornaments you'd like to have, if you ever find any please post photos :)

  6. I had to go back to the caption and it makes all the difference to what this poem is about. This is a very fun poem!

    1. Glad you liked it! Yep, my titles are key, most of the time anyway, ha ha

  7. Words
    And views
    Greatly amuse.

  8. Ha! I'm not a fan of garden ornaments in general, but some of yours sound pretty amusing, :)

    I love that picture of the cat. I'm sure he was propped on the windowsill at one point and then decided a nap was in order!

  9. Oh Jenny, I do love whimsy. It is part of the intangible which make life sparkle. Thank you for adding some to my day.

    1. I'm so glad you enjoyed it, Susan :) Whimsy is dear to me, too.

  10. What fun those would be to see in your yard! Love the pink flamingos, that's a great one.

    1. I almost want to take a course to learn how to make cement garden ornaments now, ha ha

  11. Poor kitty, waiting for the view to improve.
    My cement garden ornaments are divesting themselves of limbs and finish. And only forty years old.

    1. Once they start to crumble the process goes too quickly, eh?

  12. Ha! I love where you went with this one. I'm awed by your imagination! (Okay, I'm odd, too; but that's another story.) ;-)

    1. Do you know, I've never made the homonym connection between those two words until this very moment ... love it!

    2. The problem is that once you recognize it, you can never forget it. Every time I read something containing the word 'awed', my brain automatically substitutes 'odd'. Makes for some amusing headlines... ;-)

  13. Oh this image of your pet made me bit low for while dear Jenny :)

    how disappointing the view can be is so obvious with her perfect pause and your brilliant timing of snap :)

    ah ! i loved this fun poem ,took me to the different world of amusement and fun :)
    your rhythmic touch did magic indeed to enjoy it more :)

    i can relate with title as my garden is loaded with smile of nature to it's fullest now days so i am having delightful ornaments around me :)

    wishing you more love peace and beauty of life ahead my friend!

    1. I really have to start remembering to add the credits for photos like that - I rarely use my own pictures. That one is from another website that posts funny pictures! I think the cat just got comfortable in a funny position there.

      I'm glad you enjoyed the poem. I've been enjoying your lovely garden photos. We still have snow here, and will have it until probably the end of March or the middle of April, so I love to see the greenery and flowers in blogs from the other parts of the world.

      Hugs, baili :)

  14. As per usual, this is the laugh I needed today, Jenny! Sooo clever! And sooo funny!
    I would like a little clarification on those ants in stretchy pants, though. That could be either good.
    Or very, very bad! ;)

    1. I was thinking basic black yoga pants; is that good or very, very bad? lol

  15. HAHA! This was one of your best yet. So much fun!

    1. Thanks, Martha! I'm glad you enjoyed it :)

  16. Dogs in clogs reading? Franklin and Penelope protest that line. They don't have clogs, although they read and write blogs. Bird have a thing about their passwords. They change them constantly because they're afraid the other birds can read everyone's passwords while they're flying. I don't know if that makes sense. Gnomes? Combs? Foam? I got nothin."


    1. My abject apologies to Franklin and Penelope - but I know they would NEVER wear clogs; it's just understood!

      And now you've triggered a thought in my head about birds and passwords and ... TWITTER ... which I wish I had worked in there :)

  17. Love your poem very funny, but poor Dusty makes me sad.

    What a surprise you couldn't find a picture of bees with knees trying out their skis. I would have thought there would have been hundreds of photos. :D

  18. Absolutely adore your latest poem. Reminded me a lot of Dr. Seuss and that is appropriate because it was Dr. Seuss week for the kids at school.

    1. Thanks, Mr. S. I didn't realize it was Dr. Seuss week until after this was written! I do admire his ability.


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