
Monday 16 September 2019

Poetry Monday: A Joke For You

It's Poetry Monday, and this week we bring you ........ A JOKE! This topic comes to you from Diane, the blogger who started Poetry Monday in the first place.

Join Diane, MotherOwl, Mimi and me as we put our humour into verse. You can play, too -- just leave your poem in the comments or post on your own blog; if you do the latter, please leave a comment so we can find you.

Use the topic or feel free to choose another; the object is to have fun and use our gray matter.


Whew! This topic was a big challenge for me. I'm terrible at remembering jokes, so first I had to find a joke. Then, of course, came the wrangling of the joke into poem form. The result is less than stellar, but with the deadline approaching I decided this was likely as good as it was going to get! I hope the funny below will explain it if it isn't clear. Because that's where I got the joke from in the first place :)


The Limerick, She Limps Along

There once was a cat from Black Forest
Who ran home with a new-bought thesaurus
But his heart quickly sank --
All the pages were blank! --
And he'd no words to say just how sore he was


Next week's topic is ........ YOUR FAVOURITE DRINK ........

Good luck, and may the upcoming week find you never at a loss for words :)

Bonus funnies! I've been collecting lolcat puns and silly jokes for awhile now; enjoy!

And so must I 😁


  1. haha you too Jenny ?

    either i have the same problem ,no jokes in my memory existed ever except one which i told my boys when they were two and till today haha ,they say not again ami (mama)lol

    my sister and now my sons are good joke tellers and fill the dining table with laughter and smiles often

    you still managed it so well ,i loved the poem and then explanation in the funny :)

    enjoyed the all funnies i always find them hilarious :)

    hope weather is lovely and peaceful at you corner my friend
    wishing you all the love ,health and happiness !

    1. That is funny about your one joke that you keep telling - I have one joke I always tell, too, and I get the same reaction! ha ha

      Thank you for your good wishes, baili - same to you!

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you, MotherOwl - I am not happy with that last rhyme but couldn't think of anything else :)

  3. Love them! The poem and the funnies.

  4. Your poem, Jenny, perfectly matched the the picture and both were delightful. Your funnies are always funny and since I often read Blogger in the early AM, your posts start my day off with a smile.

  5. Points for creativity, absolutely! I love that you could make a little rhyming limerick out of a LOLCatz!

    1. It feels like I was being a copy cat, though . . . lol

  6. Writing poetry is a good challenge. We must follow a form and say something . I always had my students do a poetry writing exercise. I hope they kept their poems.

    1. It really is a challenge, you're right. Good for the brain. I bet some of your students, at least, kept those poems.

  7. That was clever, turning it into a Limerick.

    Thanks for the funnies, stress relief for a busy Monday.

  8. Limerick was a good way to go! Have a great week!

  9. I know one joke. I've known it for years. It's my go-to joke. I like your limerick and all the funnies.


    1. Same here, Janie - it's like my brain can't hold more than one joke! lol

  10. Hahaha, thanks for the laughs today I really needed them. I can never remember jokes but one of my favourites is:
    "I had to get rid of the vacuum cleaner. All it was doing was collecting dust."

    1. Ha ha! I love it! And glad you had a laugh here today :)

  11. Replies
    1. Ha ha! That's what happens when you're retired :)

  12. I, too, like your poem.
    My brother was a biker, and that's both where I heard and what I feel gives me the authority to tell this joke:

    Q: What's the difference between a Hoover and a Harley?

    A: The Hoover has the dirt-bag on the inside.

    -Doug in Oakland

    1. Ha ha! Yes, that's the kind of joke only an insider is allowed to tell! Thanks for telling us, Doug :)

  13. Another good effort, this time for something to rhyme with thesaurus.

    1. It was a tough one, Andrew. I still can't think of a good final line, so that will have to do!

  14. Great work with a tough topic. Very well done! ;) And I love your funnies! Where do you find them?!

    1. Thank you, O Poetry Master (Mistress?)!

      Most of the funnies come from this site:

      I check every day and take the best ones :)

  15. Now you've got me thinking of words rhyming with thesaurus. I'll be like a dog with a bone for the rest of the day.

    1. If you come up with anything, PLEASE let me know! I know of rhyming words, just not ones that let me tell the punch line of the joke - ha ha

  16. What are you talking about? I think your poem is fantastic! And adorable!

    1. Thanks, Dawn - I'm going to have a swelled head :D

  17. Limericks are my favourite form of poetry, and I love yours! I'm still chuckling. (And the LOLZ made me LOL, especially the ether/oar situation!) :-)

  18. A wonderful post, jenny_o. Loved the poem and all the animal jokes and puns. It was tough but alpaca my bags was my favorite.

  19. LOL, I get the joke. I’m notoriously slow at getting the joke but yours works nicely!

    1. It's more of a writer-type joke, isn't it? lol

  20. Hahahahahaha, wonderful! I stole several of your memes.

    1. Steal away; I did! Thanks for dropping by, Debra :)


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