
Friday 12 April 2019

The Continuing Saga. And More Funnies.

Thank you all for your good wishes and for being so nice about my whining and complaining - I'm only trying to amuse myself while I'm sick, so please don't worry about sympathizing with me yet again. Just read (or not) and then get to the good stuff :)

I just know you all have been on pins and needles waiting to find out how things went with my respiratory bug after Day 6. I am here to meet that need, folks.


Day 7: My eyes feel like they've been over-inflated by an imp with a bicycle tire pump. Another imp is alternating using a hot pointy stick and a feather duster on my sinuses. My neck feels like my shirt collar suddenly shrank.. And my teeth are aching so much I have actually taken Tylenol, which is not a decision I make lightly. I'm still coughing; the kind of cough that sneaks up and grabs you without giving you a chance to even take a breath so you can cough and shakes you like it's a dog and you're a favourite dog toy.

Day 8:  Still coughing, but cautiously optimistic about having a future counted in more than hours. That's good, because I'm going to need that time to grow new skin on the raw places (nose, eyebags, lips, and hands).

Day 9: Aside from the coughing (probably something to do with my asthma) I'm going to trust (and knock on wood) that I'm on the mend now and no more diary updates will be needed. *knocks a few extra times just to be sure* *and then a few more times because I really want to be getting better* Leaving the cats wondering why I'm not answering the door.


And now for more funnies! I've been collecting these from icanhas.cheezburger for quite awhile but since I've usually only been posting on Poetry Mondays, I haven't used them. Enjoy!

And since it is, after all, Friday . . .

 Wishing everyone a great weekend :)



  1. What would we do without those kitty captions?

  2. Thanks for the laugh. Have a great weekend with lesser coughing and gradually new skin.

  3. Glad to hear that you may live (and don't even appear to mind).
    And love the funnies.

  4. Pleased that you are on the mend, its not funny when these bugs carry on and on is it?

    1. The last week has taken a month to go by :)

  5. Hi jenny_o. Sorry you haven't been feeling well but glad to hear you are finally on the road to recovery. I knocked on some wood over here for you just in case. Have a great weekend yourself.

    1. Hope Ms Frizzle didn't think there was someone at the door! Thanks, Mr. S.

  6. These cheezburger pics are always amusing.

  7. HAHAHA! The first one with the fertilizing and weeding...hahaha! I probably laughed more than I should! But it really tickled my funny bone.

    What a lousy cold. I'm glad to hear that you're at least finally on the mend!

    1. That's an amazing bird, isn't it? Glad you laughed! :)

  8. At least you have kept your sense of humour through the coughing and hacking. The last image looks a bit like my dog. I can't let her read this comment as she likes to be thought sophisticated.

    1. LOL! I think even the most sophisticated dog (or human) would look the same with their head in the wind!

  9. hahaha each one made me laugh which sound good to me as i am laughing soooooooo less than few weeks :(

    BIG THANKS for such treasure stuff "coffee is not working" perfect for me lol.......
    Thanks to dear Lord that your are approaching to returning point at least dear Jenny!

    Stay blessed .love you so much !

    1. Thank you, baili, and I hope you are feeling better soon as well!

  10. It's day ten here, so hopefully you are feeling even better than day nine...Love the cartoons :)

    1. At least there are no new symptoms, River - that's a plus :) Glad you enjoyed the funnies!

  11. Glad you are feeling better, and my, that's quite a bird. I showed it to Briana, who collects feathers, and she was like "What is that thing?"
    I very much agree with the one about censorship.

    -Doug in Oakland

  12. Glad you’re on the mend. That was a bad one!

    1. It seems to last a long time, Marie. My husband took it a week before I did, and he was still exhausted and coughing up until two days ago. It's more than a cold, I think, but less than full-blown influenza, because there was no fever involved. I'm ready for it to be gone, but it doesn't care :D

  13. Those funnies would make anyone feel better!

    1. Glad you enjoyed them, Mimi :) I find humour helps in a great many situations!

  14. I'm glad you've started feeling better - what a horrible bug. But your funnies made me laugh, especially the ginger kitty with the "telltale". I used to have a ginger kitty who did that. Happy memories!


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