
Friday 1 September 2017

Skies Above Me

There's not a lot going on in my head today, so I thought I'd post a few pictures from the last few months instead. When I looked back at my picture folders, I had an awful lot of pictures pointing up; some were just sky, some were stuff with the sky as background. So I guess there's quite a bit to be seen even when the sky isn't full of stars.

The walking trail I use runs below the bank where these trees grow, which allows for a shot from nearly ground level without needing to lie down, get bugs or leaves in your hair, or get funny looks from other walkers. Do you know I've never once seen any other walkers with a camera? That seems against the odds, somehow.

The moon at twilight, trapped in the wires. I'm surprised it got free in time for the eclipse, but it did ... unless ... maybe that was an imposter moon that blocked out the sun

A beautiful sunset at our local Wal-Mart

Wispy clouds - they remind me of bits of cotton candy (candy floss, for some of you).  Except in white. Who would buy white cotton candy, though? Is there such a thing?

More wisps

So many layers of clouds!

Half a dozen mourning doves

Another night at Wal-Mart. I swear, they have the best sunsets. And they're free.

Can you spot the two crows? They remind me of sailors in the rigging of a sailboat. Except noisier. They were busy calling me names as I went by.

More clouds. These look like the wool of a lamb to me. I'm beginning to think I have a problem.

And a cheat picture - not the sky, but I couldn't resist:

The most photogenic cat I know. He has no bad side. (If you recall, he shows up on the walking trail at the look-out shelter.)

And that's what's overhead (and underfoot) in my corner of the universe. What's in yours?


  1. Love that black furry butt. And the clouds. And the birds. I have only once seen anyone else revelling in the sky with a camera in hand. Weird.

    1. It is, isn't it? Everyone should be out there taking pictures!!

  2. We'd had some heavyish rain on Wednesday, so yesterday there were lots of thick cloud formations, varying from white to grey. As we drove along I was looking at it (I wasn't driving) and marvelling at nature and thinking how lucky we were to have clouds. Can you imagine a sky without all the various typs of clouds there are, it would be very boring.
    On that note I feel for the people of Texas with the devastation they are going through at the moment. We have been to Houston and know people there who like many have suffered with the floods.

    Joan (Devon)

    1. The devastation has been tremendous - I feel for all those affected too. And (clearly) I agree about the clouds - there is so often something of interest in the sky.

  3. That one you labelled 'more wisps' if you squint a bit and use your imagination, that's one of Santa's reindeer flying upward after checking on who is naughty and who is nice.

    1. I see it!! (and laughed at your line "if you squint a bit and use your imagination")

  4. I love the cat photo! And the wispy clouds. It's very peculiar that Wal-Mart has cornered the market on local sunsets. I'm guessing it has something to do with that wide-open parking lot. :)

    1. And here I thought it was the power of bulk purchasing :)

  5. I am one of those walkers with a camera, too. Fortunately, most places I go don't have enough people to point and laugh so I am usually undisturbed in my weirdness.
    Nice pics, by the way.

    1. Thanks, Jon. Yeah, the wildlife probably doesn't care about your camera :)

  6. Is it cold there? Perhaps that's what is sucking the blog out of us. I checked the weather channel, and see the pattern is with us through September. This is not real weather, and probably the topic of those crows' discussions.
    The weather savagery in Huston is beyond discussion. I cannot believe it.

  7. Muc the same as yours with the exception of the cat...I've got bunnies instead.

    1. Ha ha! This cat is super friendly. Do your bunnies wind around your legs? :)

  8. Yup, it's a thing:

    The black cat reminds me a little of Squeaker, my friend Zsuzs's cat, who just scared the daylights out of her by running off for a whole day with a forest fire bearing down upon them.
    Her text telling me he had come home was hilarious, but contained a few too many uses of a certain word that begins with "f" for me to comfortably recount here.
    I think the crows may be contemplating murder...

    -Doug in Oakland

    1. Well how about that cotton candy - pure white!

      Crows are always all about the murder business ...

  9. Good idea for a theme..look up. I guess you could look down too.

    1. I did both those themes awhile ago ... but it seems I'm still taking those "up" pictures so I got to do it again :)

  10. It was an impostor moon. How did you find out? The whole eclipse was a conspiracy invented by the fake media.


    1. LOL! But in Canada we're far enough removed that we can spot a fake moon from twenty paces :)

    2. I can't believe I forgot that you don't have our president and his fake news.

  11. Thanks for sharing, jenny_o. Good stuff as always. We are just settling in for the long weekend. Hope you have a good one as well.

    1. Long weekend ... ahhhh ... doesn't that have a nice ring to it? :) Happy weekend to you, too.

  12. These are great shots! They give a feeling of total relaxation, which I imagine is what you feel when you're out walking and snapping these photos.

    And hey! What's my cat doing in your area? That cat looks exactly like my black cat! :)

    1. Maybe he's moonlighting as a *different* black cat, a Maritime one :)

  13. Thanks for taking me along on your walk! I've been mainly indoors lately because air quality warnings for sensitive groups have reverberated in this valley. I am sensitive, alas, after working outdoors most of adulthood. We've had three or four days of it & I feel I've become a bubble boy. Your excellent photos of the outside world are most stabilizing and appreciated.

    1. Thanks, Geo.; I'm sorry to hear you have to stay inside. I would be one of those bubble people too - twitchy airways, especially around smoke. It makes a person restless to be cooped up. I hope the situation clears soon.

  14. Skies are stunning dear Jenny!!!

    loved the sunset skies most .

    I too look at clouds with curiosity and my imagination indulge in naming the shapes of them ,it is interesting and captivating job !

    How alike that either i find myself alone with camera among crowed .
    specially on public places like malls my family get irritated with my this habit ,but what to do this is incurable lol

    LOVED the trapped moon!

    i for got to adore your cat photos and description ,it is so interesting and funny .
    Either i know many kids who are grown ups than me Jenny and this is why i don't want my kids to be outdoor until they learn the basic difference between GOOD and BAD or RIGHT and WRONG ,but after 18th birthday they are free to reveal and choose for themselves

    1. Ah, yes - your last point is a good one. That is being "grown up" in a whole different way, and I tried to shelter my kids from that also. I am frequently amazed, though, by how responsible and thoughtful teenagers can be when they need to be. I guess there are all kinds of teens, just as there are all kinds of adults ...

      Thank you for your very kind comments on the pictures! I think a lot of bloggers live with their camera in one hand - ha ha!


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