
Monday 3 July 2017

They Should Be Bald By Now

Here it is, Poetry Monday once again! Every Monday, you can find new poems--delicious, freshly grown, organic, and pesticide-free--here, and at Diane's and Delores' blogs. Leave a poem in the comments if the spirit moves you, or tell us where to find your blog if you've posted one there. Have fun!

Here in Donkeyland, it's been a very short weekend. I know there are supposedly twenty-four hours in every day, sixty minutes in every hour, blah blah blah, but I can tell you for a fact that some days are shorter then others and some are longer ... when you are measuring not in real time but in feel-time.

We've all experienced feel-time, right? Feel-time is what makes a dental appointment last forever, and it's what makes a vacation fly by uncommonly fast. Feel-time stretches out to the horizon when we are sad or lonely, and snaps back like an elastic band to less than nothing when we want a magic moment to last longer.

The effects of feel-time also kick in when we desperately need to get more done than we have time in which to do it.

That was the case this weekend when we had family scheduled to visit for supper on Saturday. The previous three weeks were busy at work for both my husband and I, and many household chores were put off during that time. So when Saturday came, we had to cram a whole lot of cleaning into a few measly hours. In feel-time, those few hours seemed awfully short.

There are only two people in our household now, but there are three cats, and despite daily brushing they are somehow still able to stroll through a room and shed hair with every step. We gave up years ago trying to keep them off the soft, cushy furniture, so there is a constant battle with cat hair on the upholstery. And I have even found cat hair stuck to the walls at times. It's a good thing they are cute and lovable, because no one would put up with their hairy mess otherwise.

And that's the inspiration for today's poem.

I'd Really Rather Sit And Eat A Chocolate Eclair

Cat hair
Didn't I just
Sweep there?
It's not fair!
They don't care!
Makes me swear
And despair.
They stare
Past my glare,
Quite aware
That they share.

Still, they dare.

Cats have flair.
And so much freakin' HAIR. 


Have a chocolate-elair kind of week, people :)

This is why we can't have nice things.

Well, except for the cats. THEY are nice things.

Disclaimer #1: this cat does not live at our house.

Disclaimer #2: we do not have a polka-dot couch.

But thank you, Pixabay, for this awesome picture.


  1. There is a patina of cat hair on EVERYTHING in our house. And I have noticed that when I am cleaning the toilet there is fur under the seat. HOW DO THEY DO THAT?
    Loved your very true poem. You are entirely accurage about the malevolent flexibility of time too.

    1. I am glad it's not just me (and our house)!

      Maybe Jazz is using the toilet when you're not looking? ...

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks, Terry! It's not "good poetry" but it's fun to write :)

  3. poem yet. Love the poem, love cats... if I wasn't allergic I would have a houseful.

    1. Thanks, Delores ... you're making me blush, haha

  4. My two cats always seem to want to show affection when I am wearing black. The bottom of my pants are often furry.

    1. Yes! I can't put my "going out of the house" clothes on until just before I actually go out of the house. Otherwise they're covered in hair from those last-minute "cat hugs" ...

  5. your lovely post reminded me the fast and furious week that just left so quickly and did not care for my call to be slow down and let me have some more time with my eldest son to whom i desperately wanted to feed with homely meals .

    inspite of you have busy weeks i find this poem very nice and sweet .i envy you as i can feel your poetic pulse is reactivating amazingly but i am still waiting for the flow .
    enjoyed the flow of thought and rhythm in this poetry dear Jenny!
    you too have a beautiful week ahead

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed it, baili, and I understand so well wanting time to slow down when you want to do things for and with your son! I hope you will soon find a poem forming in your mind. And I hope you are feeling completely well very soon.

  6. You really worked the introduction to the cat poem. You were also able to say something about time. I'd never heard of "feel" time before but it make sense.

    1. "Worked the introduction" ha ha! I have no problem being long-winded, Red :)

      "Feel-time" is just my made-up name for that phenomenon. Maybe there's a "real" name for it but I don't know what it is.

  7. Bwahahaha! Genius!
    I could do one about dog hair . . .

    1. I was thinking about your succession of long-haired dogs when I was writing that, Diane!! I would love to see your take on it :)

  8. I really do get the time thing, and I like your poem, and our cat, who has been missing for a couple of days, can shed as many hairs as she likes here if she just comes home soon...

    -Doug in Oakland

    1. Oh, Doug. I hope she finds her way home quickly. Good luck.

  9. Oh, yeah. Good poem and so true. It's dog hair everywhere in my humble abode.


    1. I know they can't help it, but - ack! so much hair!

  10. Oh, cat poetry extraordinaire and please do enjoy your eclair...

    1. Sadly, there is not really a chocolate eclair anywhere in my present or foreseeable future, but thank you anyway :)

  11. I switched my upholstered couch for a leather one which I can wipe down to remove cat hair and fluff, and put a light blanket on which can be shaken then washed. But there is no cat hair left in my home just now, Angel has been missing 15 days.

    1. Oh no, River - I'm so sorry to hear that. I hope he finds his way back to you. The heartache of pet owners everywhere ...

  12. BAHAHAHA! Loved the poem. Perfectly fitting for a (song? routine? chant?). Anyhow, that's what was playing in my mind.

    "This is why we can't have nice things." Yes! Us, too :) One of my cats sheds so much that there are tumbleweeds in our home.

    1. Yes, a cheerleading chant is what it reminded me of, too, although I couldn't put my finger on it until you pointed it out :)

      Tumbleweeds, yep! I hear you.

  13. Hey jenny_o,

    Ah yes, cat hair, cat hair everywhere. Reminds me of a certain dog. I do believe there is a carpet and some furniture under the mystery hairs that accumulate ever so quick.

    Time depends on which side of the bathroom door you're on.

    Loving the pawetry, um, poetry.

    Thank you so much for your comment on my last post.

    Penny's human dad,

    Gary :)

  14. Your observation about time is absolutely true! It can be a very clarifying experience ...

    Thanks for coming by for Pawetry Monday, Gary :)

  15. Bahahaha!!! I love your poem!

    I loved having cats, really I did; and I miss their purry presences in the house. But I don't miss the cat hair. Or the hairballs and puke stains. (Did I mention I had a cat who crawled under the covers of the bed to hork up a hairball and then slithered out again without disturbing the covers so I got into bed that night and lay down in a pool of cold slime...?) Or the 'oops-I-missed-the-litterbox-again' stench just as company arrives... I could go on, but I know you already completely understand. ;-)

    1. Pretty much, although the hairball under the undisturbed covers isn't in my experience base ... yet ... and now I'll be checking the bed every night!

    2. Be vigilant. They're sneaky. And then they look up at you with innocent eyes and give you a big purr, and you forgive them all over again...

  16. We used to have 2 cats until they died, so I can relate. The poem made me grin.

    For me time always feels the same whether I'm doing something I enjoy or hate. I wonder why that is?

    1. That's fascinating. I thought the different perceptions of time were a universal experience. Now you've got me wondering! I need to do more "research" on this (asking random people). There may be an update in future if I have anything interesting to report!

  17. Oh those crazy cats and their hair flair. At least you got a fun poem out of it:-)

    1. Hey, Chicken! Good to see you! Hair flair, heh :)

  18. Having once owned cats, I can certainly identify! They're worth the trouble, though. :)


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