
Friday 14 July 2017

Facebook Is Not Entirely Useless

As readers know (or can find out from my profile), I post on Mondays and Fridays, which are Tuesdays and Saturdays for some of you, depending on which side of the globe you call home.

This week, after Monday's post was published, my mind turned toward Friday's post. I immediately thought of something to write about. I'll remember that, I thought. How could I forget it?

On Tuesday, I reminded myself of the thing I was going to write about for Friday. AHA! I thought; I had NO trouble remembering that! I'll do the post later in the week when I'm not so busy.

On Wednesday, I didn't think about it at all because I already knew I could remember it at will when I finally got time to write my Friday post.

On Thursday, I drove two hours to the city to have lunch with a friend and then drove two hours back home, with another visit to a relative and some shopping along the way. All the way there and all the way home I tried to remember what I was going to write about.

You know where this is going, do you not?


So, instead of my excellent yet somehow absent post, here are a few funnies that were delivered to my Facebook account. Most of the things that show up on Facebook are, in my opinion, not worth reading (although you no doubt see the irony that I must have read quite a few of them in order to establish that fact), but I had to admit that I enjoyed these, so I stole rescued them for "recycling."

They are actual notes written by apartment dwellers and home owners.

In one of my apartments, my upstairs neighbours never clomped around, but there were a lot of squeaky springs almost every night. Sheesh, people, get a room ... Er, yes, I guess you did. I just wish it wasn't right over MY room.

I bet Bob is SUPER HAPPY about that, especially with the smiley face :)

You'll need to click on this to make it big enough to read (or use "Control +"), but it's worth the effort. I'm especially impressed by Max's drawings.

I hope they plan to get a nicotine patch for the cat's withdrawal symptoms.

Now, some of you already know my thoughts on Facebook (i.e., that it doesn't interest me) so why, then, you ask, do I have a Facebook account?

Here's why: so I can keep in touch with my niece and nephew, whom I see only once every year or five. And to see adorable pictures of my little grand-nieces posted by said niece and nephew.

One final comment on the value of Facebook (hmmm ... could apply to Twitter also):

An isolated incident, I am sure!

If you have cats I hope they are not smokers. If you are painting your fence, have fun with it. If you are wearing cement flip-flops, you're probably pretty tired by now. If you have to share laundry facilities with other, unrelated people, good luck. (I remember those days well.)

Wishing you all a happy weekend!


  1. A very happy weekend to you. I particularly love the note to the laundry user. When I used shared laundries (decades ago) if you weren't present your laundry was removed from the machine and dumped. If you were lucky, not on the floor.
    Jazz isn't a smoker. I have at last found one bad habit he doesn't have. Can you tell I have bled a lot today?

    1. If only people would follow the Golden Rule it wouldn't be hard to share things! On the floor? I wouldn't be happy about that!

      I hope whatever is driving Jazz to attack you goes away quickly. You are a very patient lady! Watch him, though ... now that he realizes the smoking would be a bad idea, he'll be trying to do it :)

  2. I imagine anyone wearing cement flip-flops would have very well toned legs and butts. On the other hand, why is there not more sound insulation between floors? I can hear almost every move made by Loony Louie above me and hate that he can probably hear every move I make too.

    1. Lack of insulation = less expense for the builder. That is, sadly, probably the reason. I don't like hearing or being heard by strangers, either.

  3. I often have really great ideas on a post that disappear from my mind as quickly as it came. Sometimes, it may be for the best.

    1. That's an excellent point, which I will use to console myself!

  4. I know the feeling of lost post topics. I've been there done that. I try to write them down as soon as they pop into my head.

    1. Usually I do that. I was just SO SURE I wouldn't forget ... yep.

  5. Great collection...I needed a laugh this morning.

    1. Glad to provide a laugh, then, Delores :) Hope your day improves.

  6. Hi Jenny, I don't do Facebook. It's so annoying. I just don't get it. I've written to them THREE times to report a problem. They don't do anything about it. Having said that, it's quite funny to see a cat on a laptop. Was he trying to get in touch with FB? Probably.

    1. You never know about cats. Or Facebook! I'm surprised you didn't hear back. They're a big, successful company - one would think they'd be more responsive.

  7. I forget most of my good ideas and then have to think of something else. It's rarely as good. Do you think I would remember to write it down? By the time I remember to write it down I have forgotten. Maybe my thoughts are just dying of loneliness. I do Facebook for basically the same reason. Most people that are important to me live far away.

    1. "thoughts dying of loneliness" - I love that line! Maybe that's my problem, too. I have a lot of them but it's only the good ones that slip away into the darkness.

  8. Someone is wrong on Facebook. Haha! These are funny!

    1. AND on Twitter, Angella!! Imagine that!!

  9. Bahahaha!!! Max is hilarious! And he must have been waiting a LONG time if he had time to write an illustrated story. :-) Thanks for the funnies!

    1. Good point! Proves his claim, doesn't it?!

  10. I'm not on Facebook at all, but I've been thinking it might have been useful in our cat-search. Briana found a thing called that is proving useful.
    When I was in rehab, my speech pathologist gave me an acronym for helping to remember things:
    It was WRAP.
    W=write it down
    R=repeat it
    A=associate it with something
    P= I forgot.
    Yup, that's right, I forgot the last item in the memory acronym.
    I accidentally bumped into her at Highland Hospital last year, and owned up to having forgot what the "P" stood for. She was very amused, told me that was OK, really, and reminded me that the "P" stood for "picture it"...

    -Doug in Oakland

    1. Heh :) I bet you won't forget again, though!

      Did you find your kitty?

    2. Not so far, but we're still looking.

      -Doug in Oakland

    3. I hope she (he?) shows up. It's hard when you don't know what has happened. Good luck.

  11. I enjoyed the laundry and the cat smoking message the best. Every now and then, there's some good stuff on FB. I only visit once a day to see if I have any messages. If I stay any longer then I will get sucked down some rabbit holes and lose about 3 hours of my life.

    1. I agree; there is some good stuff. It's like any other technology, I think - it can be used for good or for bad.

  12. till giggling over this post...wait until you see mine...

    1. Oh, now I'm intrigued! Checking now ...

  13. Long ago I lived under the cave dwellers with the cement shoes. The one about the cat amuses me. Facebook is a major time suck, but I also stay on it to see family photos. And I've discovered that it's the way some of my readers find my blog posts.


    1. That's an interesting point. More readers is a good thing!

  14. Sometimes it can sound like concrete shoes.

    1. Yes, especially with a person who has a heavy tread to start with; if you add shoes or boots it can get loud!

  15. Max's drawings! BAHAHAHA! That is funny :)
    I must come up with 100 different blog posts a day but when I'm ready to share some of those thoughts POOF I can't remember a single one of them. I keep saying I'll write them down but I forget that, too :)

  16. drawings are cooooool..hahaha.

    i can very easily relate with your post as i think i am one of biggest forgetful ever.

    speaking of my personal experience .when once in seventh grade i started writing answers i was very much excited that i remember all the answer specially one that i was expecting and praying for to come and guess what i FORGOT to write it
    you can imagine my cries later hahaha

    1. OH NO, baili!! How frustrating! (although there is some humour to it this many years later :) )


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