
Monday 2 January 2017

Fuzzy New Year

No, fuzzy does not refer to my head. I do not indulge, so New Year's Day is hangover-free.

And fuzzy does not describe any gifts I may have received, say, of the bear variety. I've always preferred chocolate.

Fuzzy DOES mean these fuzzy little faces. They are happy that the holiday rush and roar is over and they can once again enjoy a little lap time and peace and quiet.



And Lulu:

Oh, and this kind-of-fuzzy "face" ...

... which is just our composter, covered with snow. Is it just me who sees a face there? With a tall hat?

Okay, maybe.

I need to get out more.

How's your year going so far?


  1. LOVE your fuzzy faces. And the composter could feature in a Dr Who series. There is definitely a face there. I am not certain how benevolent it is, but there is a face.

    1. Now I will be looking over my shoulder when I'm out there :)

  2. I see the face on your composter! Maybe I need to get out more, too :)

    Your fuzzy faces are adorable. Do they sleep most of the day away like mine do? It's a cat's life, I tell you!

    1. They sleep when they're not having lap time, Martha. And sometimes even then :)

  3. I think animals are always relieved to return to routine. Fuzzy faces rule! I kind of see a face in the composter -- a cross between Abe Lincoln and Darth Vader!

    1. I tell you, between your and Elephant's Child's interpretations of that picture , I'm not going in my back yard ever again! :)

  4. Happy New Year to you and the fuzzy babies...beauties all of them. And yes, I see the face.

    1. I'm starting to wish I didn't see the face, Delores :)

      Happy New Year!

  5. You have a snowy-looking Darth Vader out there, and wonderful furry faces! My favorite furry face would send greetings but he is too busy napping!

    1. A nap sounds like a good idea right now :) I hope your kitty is doing well.

  6. Kitters wasn't too thrilled over the fireworks on NYE, but she seems to have gotten past it.
    You needn't be frightened over the compost face, we all see faces in unlikely places sometimes. They even have a name for it: pareidolia. That being said, it does look a little Easter Islandish...

    -Doug in Oakland

    1. Ahhh, thank you for that new-to-me word (pareidolia). I've heard of plenty of examples before; I just didn't know the label for it. I'm not actually frightened, just to put your mind at rest :)

      Our neighbourhood fireworks ran intermittently from 7 pm to midnight. Our cats weren't impressed either.

  7. Your composter, like the face on the moon, is demonstrating pareidolia. Your cats just never shave and would look silly if they did. I like cats and am glad they don't shave. It's silly enough that I have to.

    1. Knowing the cats, they'd want ME to do the shaving. No thanks! It's hard enough to get them to stay still so I can trim their claws once every two weeks :)

      Doug (above) mentioned pareidolia as well. I'm going to use this word often and with great satisfaction.

  8. You definitely have a face in the back yard. And, a lot of snow!

    1. We've had that much snow several times and it keeps getting rained away! The ground is bare now. But baby, it's cold outside ...

  9. Such cute cats you have! I have the same composter although we don't have as much snow as you have. Happy New Year!

    1. Don't let the cuteness fool you :) Happy New Year to you, too!

  10. i am glad for these cute faces that now they can have a lap time during the day .here in Pakistan school get closed in winters only for ten days though winters last longer . there are some snowy northern areas too where school are closed for two months like we get summer vacations ,i wonder that why you guys get such short winter vacations as there is lots of snow and cold outside and hard to get going with it .Happy new year to you and family dear friend .

    1. Thank you, baili, and the same to you and your family! I'm not sure why we have long summer vacations instead of long winter ones. Maybe because it would be too hot then. It's interesting that parts of Pakistan get a long winter vacation due to snow!

  11. I see the face! I see it! I'm glad the fuzzies are on your cats and not your chocolate. That would be bad.

    1. Fuzzy chocolate - definitely on the bad side of the scale. And also on the bad side of the scale - un-fuzzy cats. Just NO.

  12. I think I read in A Course in Miracles that Nothing has meaning until I give it meaning.

    Why don't they make automatic grammar correction?

    Have a great weekend, Jenny!

    I enjoy all your posts. Thank you.

    - Sam

    1. Thanks, Sam. I'm glad you find something here to enjoy!

      Automatic grammar correction sounds good. Until it starts correcting to the wrong thing, like autocorrect does now with spelling!


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