
Friday 27 January 2017

Almost Wishing For More Snow

Last week I used a Pixabay picture of a peace symbol drawn in snow:

See how round that circle is? I was impressed.

Coincidentally, only a few days later I was following a link from a newsletter email that I hadn't even remembered signing up for, but which had some fascinating articles, and discovered some really impressive snow drawings - actually they're called trampled snow art. Don't be fooled by the casual terminology; these are carefully crafted, precise, and stunning designs in snow, done by Simon Beck, a man who lives in England but creates his designs in the French Alps.

I would like to provide some of the pictures from the article here, but without permission I hesitate to do so.

Therefore, I will just put the link HERE, and you can take a look if you're interested.

Interestingly, on Mr. Beck's Facebook account he has a photo of one of his most recent pieces of art: a large peace symbol with smaller ones around the perimeter, which he made for the occasion of Donald Trump's inauguration. He encouraged people to share it freely across the internet in the name of world peace, and I am happy to do so.

Now that's a peace symbol! It makes me smile.

* * * * *

And yes, for those who may already know that I eschew social media, I do have a Facebook account now. I have three "friends" on there - all relatives. I've used it less than a dozen times. It's about the only way I can keep track of two of those relatives. Sigh ... I haven't sold out to crappy media, I've just "adjusted to my current reality" ...


  1. LOVE that 'trampled art'. And peace is/would always be welcome.

    1. Trampled really seems the wrong word, doesn't it? I picture a herd of buffalo decimating a field. It's much nicer than that in reality!

  2. Haha, I haven't 'sold out' yet, and really have no desire to ever be on Facebook. I hope it brings you joy and not pain.

    The snow art is amazing, and thank you for the link, there are some other incredible works of art on that site too!

    1. Stay strong about Facebook! I held out for years :) Glad you found good stuff at the link.

  3. WOW! That is really cool snow art. I've never heard of this guy. People can be so creative, can't they?

    I wish I could get my mom on Facebook. I think it would be good for her and make her feel more connected to the rest of us, but she just won't go there.

    1. Art is everywhere, made with everything, I'm beginning to realize!

      I don't really feel connected to my FB people - it seems so impersonal. Maybe it depends on how you use it. I was kicking and screaming, I can tell you :)

  4. Impressive stuff. I saw it in a newsletter, too. Damned if I remember which one.

    1. Mine came from - which might have come through one of the U.S. newspapers (Washington Post or New York Times) - it's a free thing, anyway. I don't remember signing up for that exact thing but I know I agreed to receive newsletters from some site I've been to lately ... kinda glad as there's other stuff from them that is cool too.

  5. Truly beautiful...however, I can live without the snow lol.

  6. Well that is certainly impressive. And definitely more impressive than what you know who is doing since he moved into the White House.

  7. I have a bunch of pictures of that guy's snow art in my pictures folder. I think I first found him on Digg, back when that was still a thing.
    I'm not on Facebook or Twitter, although I keep wondering if Twitter might be OK, as it's the only way I have to read a couple of bloggers who don't really post anywhere else anymore.
    Facebook wants me a lot, I guess, as they send me between one and three emails per day trying to lure me in. Sometimes it's lists of "people you might know" which can include my sister and a couple of former roommates and a lot of people named Dumas for some reason, but mostly it's this obnoxious "A lot has happened on Facebook since you last logged on" message to which I usually growl "Yes. Everything that has ever happened on Facebook has happened since I last logged on because I have NEVER, EVER LOGGED ON."
    So there's that.
    I can't imagine how cold his feet must get, as some of those pieces are huge.

    -Doug in Oakland

    1. Yes, I hope he has warm socks!

      I think I can see how Facebook would be appealing to people who don't blog. It's kind of the same thing, putting things out there for friends to read and see but I much prefer blogs.

  8. Thanks for sharing Simon Beck's artwork. I admire such beautiful madness. Do you accept requests? Please could you make your own small artwork in virgin Canadian snow and post pictures of it here on your excellent blog? I would be most grateful.

    1. Well, I would ... if we had some snow. Right now we are fresh out. But when it snows again (and it WILL snow again) I'll give it my best, considering I can't draw, am blinded by the sun on the snow, and have terrible spatial ability!

  9. I don't really like Facebook and have been considering shutting my account down. I have 30 friends and no relatives which is just fine as the relatives never call or show up in real life either. Love the peace signs and wish people would take that concept serious.

    1. Yes, it's only a symbol - people need to act on it too.

  10. It reminds me of ice sculpture and sand "art".

    1. You're right, and I hadn't thought of that.

  11. Wow, that snow art is very impressive!

    I've been on Facebook for many years so I can have a connection to people I otherwise wouldn't have a connection to. However, I'm not very active there. I prefer the blogging world. Much more interesting!

    1. I do too, Martha! I need more words than Facebook usually provides - ha ha


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