
Monday 30 January 2017

A Milestone

This is my 100th post. I know, I know -- I'm still in the baby stage compared to most bloggers. But, still, it surprises me and makes me feel like celebrating.

I wasn't sure what would happen when I set out in my little blogging rowboat on the big, big ocean of the internet last March. (If you're new here, and you're interested, here is my first post. It explains my blog name, among other things.)

But now, I'm so glad I set out on my big adventure. There was barely a ripple on that ocean, and I landed in blogland with both oars (although some might disagree) and a smile on my face. 

It's been fun, and educational, and heart-warming.

The fun has been finding my own voice, taking photos for illustration or as a jumping-off point, and searching for Pixabay photos to fill in where my own fall short. (Their library of free photos is amazing. And amusing.) I have to admit a sneaky pleasure in doing my "cheat" posts of pictures from, too. Research in university was never like this. 

The educational part of blogging came with learning more about my camera, figuring out how to edit my photos, forcing myself to cut out long rambling bits of writing (although I fail sometimes), and coming to the realization that not everything I write needs to be published -- sometimes writing for myself is enough and then I can get on to something else for a post.

The heart-warming part? Well, people are just so nice -- engaged, encouraging, clever, interesting, funny, full of compassion -- you are lovely people.

Thank you for reading! If I could send cake through the internet, I would. Instead, you get this lovely specimen:

I even sorta learned how to take a selfie! Believe me, it wasn't easy ...I'm all hooves ...

(Photo credit: Pixabay ... who else?)

How long have you been blogging (if you have a blog)?
Any advice, anecdotes, insights?
Do you plan to keep blogging for the foreseeable future?

I'd be interested in hearing anything you want to share.


  1. Happy 100th post. Woohoo!

    Only advice I give when asked is the same thing my husband told to me when I started blogging. He said, "Jump in. Have fun. Be yourself."

    For me, best advice in the history of ever.

    1. Oh, that IS excellent advice - in a nutshell!

    2. It really works for me.

      But I do see a lot of bloggers, back when I started to blog offer advice and some of them were so very, very serious. Don't ever do this, don't ever do that. Silly bloggers.

  2. Love that elegant face. And it is a more presentable selfie than I can manage.
    I have been blogging for six years now. And yes, while I am about to take a break, I hope to blog for the forseeable future. The warmth and the wonder I have found in the blogosphere blows me away. I have laughed with other bloggers. I have cried with and for them. And I learn things. Every day.

    1. It's quite amazing, isn't it? And breaks are important - I'm glad you are taking care of yourself.

  3. I have been blogging since 2009 and while many bloggers have left for Facebook, died or simply quit writing, I've met some interesting people I would not have otherwise. Background and personal inclination render me a better writer than photographer, so I don't tend to worry about photos or graphics. Make of your blog what you will and enjoy it! Thanks for your interest.

    1. Good advice! It's funny, I never thought photos would be such a large part of my blog. That's been a surprise for me.

  4. I don't think you need advice from me! Your blog is your own creation, after all. That's the beauty of it -- it can be anything you want it to be. I've enjoyed reading about your Canadian home.

    I think one of the biggest challenges for bloggers is learning to self-edit. And yes, like you, I learned a lot through blogging as well. It's definitely an ongoing learning process!

    1. No doubt about that; there's a lot that can be learned if we pay attention :)

  5. That's quite the selfie lol. How long have I been blogging..on and off for about seven years. Will I continue? As long as it continues to be fun. Advice? Just be yourself. So glad I found you.

    1. Back at ya! and that seems to be the same message from experienced bloggers so far!

  6. If I could, I would ramble--more than I do. I try to remember my freshman English teacher's admonition: if it doesn't advance the story, leave it out.
    I do enjoy your posts. They're good for all of us.

    1. Thanks, Joanne; that means a lot to me. I don't remember anything I learned about composition but I do pay attention to what I like in other peoples' writing and try to learn.

  7. Well, congratulations on the 100 th post. I can tell you're in it for the long haul as you've found the things that are great about blogging. Voice yes. Most people don't realize the voice thing. You have a great metaphor in your 1 st paragraph. Best of luck in the big ocean.

    1. Thanks, Red. I'll be blogging as long as I enjoy doing it and can manage to get to a computer :)

  8. Congratulations on reaching your centenary Jenny! I don't think anybody knows how things might evolve when they start out on their blogging voyages. Mine started in June 2005 so I will soon be entering my thirteenth year as a blogger. How the time has flown! I wouldn't presume to give you any advice - you don't really need it but I would just say this... Not everybody is nice. I have encountered one or two nasty screwballs along the way and also one or two obsessives who have followed my every word - including my comments on other people's blogs, storing up this information and chiding me with it months or even years later. Rather spooky and unsettling.

    1. Thirteen years is the longest I've run into yet; you must have been pretty much at the leading edge of blogging, YP. And thanks for the heads up - I was actually referring to my commenters and those whose blogs I comment on. I've seen some examples elsewhere of the screwballs. But I appreciate you pointing it out. Forewarned and all that.

  9. Congratulations on post 100! Isn't the blogging world the most amazing place? You meet some wonderful people along the way. I've been blogging since spring 2009. And I've made some wonderful friends during that time. I plan to stick around for a long time. Or for as long as I can. And I hope you stick around, too! Just be yourself and have fun.

    (P.S - Perhaps you can try again with getting that cake through the computer :)

    1. You've been doing this awhile, then! And I keep pushing that cake into the CD drive but then it won't close! Sheesh :)

  10. Heartiest congrats on this lovely achievement dear friend.
    i loved reading your first post and finally am able to understand the reason of this blog name .
    iadore your love for donkeys and i share this love too as i love this really innocent and calm nature creature !!!
    My advice is that just BE YOURSELF! as you are doing wonderful job here,your sharing are interesting enough to hold attention and to comment upon !
    I will always be reading your amazing writings dear friend[life is condition though!]

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words, baili! I am glad you found me because then I found you as well :)

  11. You have done so well!
    I'm just passed 1800 and still learning, Jenny.
    But you have already surpassed me!
    I can't seem to figure out how to get people to reply. I have visitors, according to the numbers and I keep running into people who say they read my blog every day, but I only have a few of you stalwarts who respond. I'm not complaining, but I wonder how I can change that?!

    1. Thank you, Diane. Wow - 1800 posts! I hope I get there someday! The only thing I can come up with about the replying is that I leave comments on quite a few blogs, and the comments I get here are almost all from those bloggers. It's like a conversation - it takes both sides to build it. I only comment on blogs that truly interest me, so it's not a chore. It does take time, but it's something I enjoy. I don't know if that's any help - I hope so!

    2. It is definitely a help, Jenny! I do leave comments. I've just clued in that I also need to leave comments on the sites of my good friends who do visit! Thus I will be commenting here more regularly! Thank you for your help, my friend!

    3. My pleasure, Diane - your blog is one I wouldn't miss!

  12. Congratulations! Sorry I didn't get around to this comment yesterday, but things happened that wanted me to pay attention to them, and then I forgot.
    I'm working on getting my own blog going, and I guess I'm just going to have to blow off the finishing of the few tasks I put in front of it or it will just never happen. How about we wish each other luck on that one.
    It is turning out to be me who is procrastinating here, huh?

    -Doug in Oakland

    1. Hah! And I'm glad you're still planning to blog, Doug. Looking forward to it!

  13. I have no idea how many I have written, but I find it somewhat therapeutic and fun to share with people who seem to care. It's all good and it is fun to be part of a community of sorts.

    1. Yes, you nailed it there, Jon. We are a community, I believe, just separated by distance.

  14. Congratulations on your 100th post, Jenny. I sure like how you write. I started blogging because I wanted to retire in the company of good minds --yours certainly qualifies.

    1. Thanks, Geo. I'm glad to have found your writing, too, even though I haven't retired yet :) It's never too soon to be around a set of sharp wits.

  15. Congratulations Jenny. I admire your disciplined approach and I love you posts. Just you follow, "The AC is on"? He is a fellow Canadian I think you would like. There's another, too- but I can't remember the blog name. I'll find it. I think you might already follow her though- might be where I met you.

    1. It's so good to hear from you again, Chickie. I miss your posts! Disciplined is not a word anyone who knows me in real life would use, so that one has left me nearly speechless. Nearly.

      I will check out the blog you mentioned - I'm always looking for good ones. As I remember it, I first saw your comments on Pearl's blog. But I could be wrong.


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