
Monday 26 December 2016

Too Much Pie? Maybe.

Just a quick post to say that I feel like a stuffed

because I ate too much Christmas

among other things.

I'm thinking I'll just chill out and

and when I wake up, it will be time to go buy some new

No no no no no ... not a new dog, new PANTS :)

I hope your celebration was excellent but somehow magically does not require new pants.

Until next time ...

... I'll just stand here - a donkey in a pie-induced fog - until things are clearer.

(All photos courtesy of Pixabay.)



  1. Replies
    1. We fog-lovers know how to do that, right? :)

  2. That was fun to read but your donkey looks sad and lonely.

    1. Thanks, Delores. I think the donkey is enjoying the peace and quiet! He's an introvert, so the fog is a good thing :)

  3. I just finished a piece of apple pie with whipped cream. Then I did some weight lifts, and a little later I'll walk ten laps around the back yard in the afternoon sunshine that has broken through.21111111111111111111111111111111111A
    Sorry about that, the cat just walked across my keyboard and demanded that I play with her, and she's far too adorable to deny. I do like the way she managed to capitalize the A though...
    Thanks for the good wishes, and I actually do think that my pants are all going to make it well into the new year...

    -Doug in Oakland

    1. Congratulations on the pants front :) I'm going to get back to walking in a few days and I can't wait.

      Hey, maybe your cat can help you blog ...?

  4. HAHA! This was fun :) Sounds like you had a lovey time.

  5. I am partial to donkeys and to fog. That donkey pic reminds me of Wuthering Heights.

    And the pig reminds me of Esther the wonder pig, she's Canadian too. She loves cupcakes.

    1. Why have I not heard of Esther the wonder pig? Something new to Google! Thanks for coming by :)

  6. Nice donkey pic! I hope you feel less full soon as it's nearly time for the New Year pig-out!

    1. I know! Maybe it's time to start dialing it back a bit ...

  7. Happily I was central to a range of 300-mile-traveling loved ones, and today I didn't have to foot the lunch bill at the restaurant --and my brother kissed me for the first time since we were kids. Jenny, this is a magical season.

    1. It IS a magical season, and it makes me happy to hear about the magic, Geo.!

  8. I'm struggling to get my trousers done up. Sigh. That means the diet starts in the New Year.


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