
Tuesday 21 April 2020


You might have heard in the news that Nova Scotia, where I live, suffered a mass shooting over the weekend.

Nineteen people are dead and authorities expect they will find more victims in five burned-out homes across a 100 km route taken by the shooter. He had dressed as a police officer and drove a vehicle made to look identical to a police cruiser, which undoubtedly contributed to his ability to both get close to his victims and elude authorities over a period of twelve hours. The deaths to date all occurred in rural areas or villages.

Our family is all safe but not untouched by the deaths. Close family members lost a friend, and a community member, and another victim grew up a few streets from us.

I have no words for this, beyond stating the facts.

I'll be back, but not until I process this more.

Stay well, my friends.


  1. You can know about gun violence and hear about it every day, but it's a whole different thing when it hits close to where you live.
    We lived through the crack epidemic while staying in some of the poorest areas of Oakland and saw the carnage right up close and personal, and no matter how many times it happened, each time still shook me deep down.
    Take care of yourself and we'll hear from you soon.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  2. There are no words. Inadequate as it is, I am so very sorry.
    Heartfelt hugs. Today and every day.

  3. I heard this on the news last night and I was so shocked! That sort of thing just doesn't normally happen in your country. I read another blog by someone in Nova Scotia and I hoped you were both okay. And of course, why? Why do people do things like this? What drives them?

  4. Virtual hugs and prayers from Denmark.

  5. So sad..and like New Zealand and Sweden in the past...Canada is another place that you don't expect it

  6. Oh my goodness. Jenny love, that is dreadful news. I am so pleased that you are safe. My heart goes out to everyone who lost someone in this senseless tragedy. There is enough bad stuff happening right now without this kind of thing.

  7. When I hear of these acts of violence it makes ill and my stomach takes a tumble. I have no understanding of this pure evil and never will.

  8. Blessedly rare for Canada but terrible to hear about. Keep safe.

  9. Thanks for the update, Jenny. Glad to know that you and yours are, at least, safe. Wish I could give you a hug. So sorry.

  10. Nova Scotia rarely makes it into the BBC News but this horrible story burst through all the virus-related stuff. So tragic - so many good citizens gone. The name "Wortman" will live on in the annals of evil. He had no right to do what he did, no right at all. So pointless and so cruel. Love to Nova Scotia across the ocean between us x.

  11. I'm so sorry to hear about this, Jenny. What an awful shock for you, your family and friends. My thoughts are with you - sending you a virtual hug.

  12. A terrible thing for those involved, the communities, province and our country. It shakes you to the core.

  13. We have been following this through the news....hideous......whatever was going on in that mans poor sick mind to do something like this. Our thoughts are with you all. As if there wasn't enough to deal with these days eh?

  14. My husband told me of this a couple of nights ago, but we didn't know where in Canada it had happened. You have shocked me as I thought Nova Scotia was one of those places where nothing bad happens.

    Isn't it enough that people have to deal with the virus at the moment without having to deal with mad men? My thoughts are with the families of the victims. Stay safe Jenny.

  15. I have watched this in horror. It is so awful and I have been thinking of you and all the wonderful people in your country. These things happen all too frequently in the country where I live unfortunately.(U.S.) I have hoped that such actions would not spread to other countries. I am sorry this has touched your family through friends and acquaintances. I wish I could help but I hold you all in my thoughts. I will never understand such evil.

  16. There are no words to describe this event. Many lives were altered. My sympathy to you. There are many different loses in this event.

  17. My heart aches for all of you.

  18. My heart goes out to you and all those involved. So sorry.

  19. Not supposed to happen in your country. Quite dismaying.

  20. This doesn't happen in Canada!
    Take your time; we'll be here.
    Love from Joanne

  21. There are no words. Very sorry. Heartbreak.

  22. dear Jenny i just went back to check what happened as i was totally unaware of this because we don't watch news these days
    sorry will not be enough for what the residents of your area have beard
    this is shocking that such man involved in series of serious crimes was able to unnoticed by police
    seems he was mentally ill for sure
    i will wait for your return my dear sensitive friend ,i can imagine only how you might feel in such time !
    stay strong and stay well ,in my thoughts and prayers !
    sending lots and lots of healing energy and love and hugs!

  23. I heard the news and was heartbroken. I would ask what provoked him but there is no answer that would be understandable to me. I'm so sorry for your losses.

  24. I'm so sorry, Jenny, for you and your community.
    Life is just full of the unexpected right now, isn't it?

  25. So devastating. Such a horrible tragedy. I'm really sorry for everyone who has been personally affected. I just have no words.

  26. Oh no I had no idea that this was so close to home. Your home. I'm so sorry.

  27. Shocking, horrifying, and heartbreaking.


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