
Monday 28 October 2019

Poetry Monday: Tuna

It's Poetry Monday, and this week's topic is ....... TUNA.

Join Diane, MotherOwl, Mimi, Merry Mae and me (that's a lot of m's!) as we take a deep dive into the waters of this topic. You can leave your poem in the comments here or post on your own blog; if you do the latter, please leave a comment so we can find you and your poem. Use the topic or choose another; the objective is to have fun and make our brains work a little harder.

Note: Diane is still in Technical Difficulty Land and will not be posting a poem this week. She hopes to rejoin us next Poetry Monday.


What can I say about tuna?

About the only time I have anything to do with fish of any kind is to open a can of it to make sandwiches.

But who is that, anxiously hovering at my feet before I even get the can opener halfway around the lid?

Lulu the cat, that's who. Lulu, with her "tuna meow" -- a full-throated, rounded-vowel voice that is reserved solely for this event, telling me exactly how much she wants what she knows is coming: a small amount of tuna broth in a tiny feeding dish.

Our other cat, Missy, is not overly impressed with tuna broth, although she usually laps it up. I really don't think she'd care if she never had it again.

Lulu cares. She cares deeply. Truly madly deeply, as the song says.

Thus, today you shall get a poem from Lulu. (Full disclosure: She meowed it to me, and I typed it for her.)


I Heart Tuna Broth

There is nothing so fine as the broth from a fish
It smells so divine and it tastes so delish
It's lovely, it's wondrous, it makes me meowwww
I love it so much I would like some right nowwwwww

Not meowing here, because it's not a tuna broth occasion. But she felt this was a decent photo of her. ("You got my good side," she said.)


I hope you all have a treat this week which is as uplifting to your spirits as tuna broth is to Lulu's.

Next week we will be tackling the topic . . . . . . . busy days . . . . .

Good luck!


  1. I think Lulu's poem is excellent and her photo too. I get the same reaction from Lola when I'm opening a can of tuna, but she isn't happy with just the broth, which is just Springwater, she needs some of the tuna too or she comes sniffing around my sandwich. Oddly enough, she doesn't much like cat foods with tuna, she prefers the salmon ones.

    1. Makes you wonder what's actually in those cat foods . . . no, maybe we shouldn't wonder that after all :)

  2. My feline ruled self is always pleased when I find something that they love.
    Mind you I hear you on the insistence. I want it NAOW miaows are particularly piercing.
    And yes, Lulu most definitely does have a good (excellent) side.

    1. Piercing is the right word!

      Lulu is a wee bit vain :)

  3. your description of Missy's feeling for tuna are so intriguing dear Jenny :)

    Oh i loved the poem so much ,so exquisitely written through the point of view of your cat :)
    "Delish" sounds so DELICIOUSLY FANTASTIC here
    fish broth is favorite of me either but to describe it in poem can take weeks because humor is something hard tocatch by me lol
    wishing you all the peace and happiness in this world my dear friend !

    1. If fish broth is a favourite of yours too, Lulu would LOVE to visit you, baili! ha ha

      Thank you for your kind wishes; the same back to you.

  4. Littlebeast is the same way, and I've seen Briana just open the can and let him at it, then make herself a sandwich with what's left. He'll eventually eat the whole can if you leave it for him, but the broth does seem to be his favorite part.
    When I worked at Tumbleweed, a natural foods wholesaler, we carried Natural Value tuna, and especially the salted albacore, it was the best canned tuna I've ever seen, like a round tuna steak in a can, but it was frightfully expensive, like five dollars a can retail. So how do I know it was good? Cans get dented sometimes, and you can't ask five bucks for a dented can...

    -Doug in Oakland

    1. I love the name Littlebeast! Canned tuna is nearly five dollars a can here, now, and it's not a large can. I hardly ever buy it at full price.

      The Dent Discount sounds like a good thing. Our son worked in retail at a department store for a few years and he liked the Squashed Discount and the Outdated Discount also :)

  5. Ahh, you had a brain wawe there, letting Lulu tell of Tuna. UnforTUNAtely I have no cat.

    1. You have a sharp eye - I would not have noticed the TUNA in unforTUNAtely!


    1. I love your poem, MM - sums up TUNA perfectly :)

  7. Tuna broth! Yummmmmmm

    (Channeling my inner cat)

    1. Hah! I wouldn't have guessed you had an inner cat; good to know :D

  8. One of my cats goes insane when I open a can of tuna. I think she's sneak off with it if I turned my back.

    Lulu is a very good poet. And she's adorable, too :)

    1. Aw, she loves compliments; you can tell by how she narrows her eyes! lol I'll tell her you said so.

      Yep, never ever turn your back on your tuna :)

  9. That was really cute and Lulu looks like such a sweet kitty.

    We have tried tuna, a true cat treat, on our cats. They smell, and smell and maybe give a lick, but then look at us with a side stare which lets us know that they are thinking, “did they sneak a pill into this mess”.

    1. You have smart cats! You must have tried that trick once upon a time :)

      Lulu is not what I'd call a sweet kitty, but we get along now that I know The Rules, which include never patting her when her eyes and ears look a certain way, which is only a fraction different from the way they look when she DOES want patted.

  10. While I like the broth
    I must insist
    I would rather have
    Some fish in my dish.

  11. Wow...What a fun poem! Meow to Ms. Lulu!

  12. Haha, very good. I remember that some cats really go crazy over fish.

    1. Yes, some do - and some don't - which is weird :)

  13. Replies
    1. She has pretty markings but not a great personality, but we're fond of her anyway :)

  14. Tell Lulu she has some friends here who would also love some tuna broth, they hope to be able to share a whole can with her someday.

    1. I told her; she said, "How soon can I get there?" lol

  15. I would rather eat a tuna stake
    Than some other food they make.
    It’s something I would have much sooner
    Than a new piano tuner
    (He’s on the 4:15 from Yuma)

    CLICK HERE for Bazza’s deliberately devastating Blog ‘To Discover Ice’

    1. Ha ha! Excellent, bazza :)

    2. I set a timer for ten minutes. I HAVE to finish the 'poem' in that time or it's REJECTED!

    3. That's an intriguing approach; I'll have to try it!

  16. We no longer have a cat but our two little dogs love the broth from the can. They snarf it down in seconds. A cat, I think, would never be so uncouth.

    1. Hahaha! I love how enthusiastic dogs are!

  17. Tuna broth. Hmmm. Never thought to try that.

    1. I bet if you were a cat you'd have thought of it :D

  18. I don't mean to depress you but I think Lulu is a better poet than you. I can feel the passion and desire in her work. And she sings "Shout" better than you do too. Sorry to be so harsh. ;)

  19. Well done, Lulu. Don't tell Jenny, but your poetry is superior to hers.


  20. Jenny-o:

    I am so going to try to begin to participate in the poetry "contests" you have!!!! I admit though... I am sure to be horrendous. I have tried a few different times to "figure out" how to write poetry (for some reason it completely alludes me). I even checked out a poetry textbook from the U once and tried to read about how to do it, thinking I might learn at least some sense of structure.... but I failed again.

    I guess, I am going to TRY again... and with the help of your blog, perhaps over time (perhaps eons, I am afraid) I may gradually improve.


    1. That's wonderful, PT! I hope you can enjoy it as well as figure out how to do it. Would it help if some of us posted about how we approach a topic? And remember, start small! Even a rhyming couplet (two lines) is a good way to start. If you put several couplets together, you have a rhyming poem. Or start with something that doesn't have to rhyme, like a three line Haiku which is just your thoughts on something/anything. Everyone approaches poetry differently, I think, but there is no wrong way to do it. Not that I know about, anyhow :)

      If you'd like your name added to the preamble as a regular, let me know. If you don't want it there yet but in time decide you do, that works too :)

  21. Aw, so cute! I'm sure you captured her feelings exactly! :-)

    1. I hope so, but then who knows what REALLY goes on in those fuzzy little heads? lol


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