
Friday 25 January 2019

You Don't Have To Buy The Product To Appreciate The Marketing

Lately whenever I view a video on YouTube, this ad keeps popping up.

Have you seen it yet?

I find it captivating. Mesmerizing. Creative. Brilliant.

Disclaimer:  I have no Apple products in the house and do not intend to buy any.

A thousand years ago when I used to watch TV, I enjoyed some of the ads far more than the shows. It didn't make me buy any of the stuff being advertised, though.

But I say genius is genius, no matter what shape it comes in.

Wishing you something -- ANYTHING -- to be enthusiastic about!

Disregard the cat's opinion :)


  1. I avoid ads when at all possible and hadn't seen that one. It is vibrant and clever. Thank you.
    I can't remember an advertisement which has made me buy anything, though a few have made me determined NOT to buy the product they were spruiking.

    1. Oh, yes, the negative results of some ads! You are SO right.

      And thank you for the new word - spruiking. Have not run into that one before!

  2. I haven't seen that ad, I'm not at youtube all that much.

    1. I'm not either, to tell the truth, but the few times I go, this seems to be the ad that I get!

  3. I have never been on youtube and I've never seen that advert before and as I watched it, it did remind me of the game, Lemmings.

    We pay a licence fee to the BBC so they don't need to advertise, mind you they're always increasing the fee. For the networks that have adverts we always record the programmes we want to watch then we can zoom through all adverts. We find them so annoying!

    1. Most ads ARE annoying - especially when they are repeated over and over during a program!

      I know the scene you meant when you said lemmings! Since it isn't actually lemmings, it's one of my favourite parts - ha ha

  4. I have not seen it, but I very seldom go to You Tube. However, it is an excellent ad and I enjoyed it.

    1. I don't go to YouTube all that much, either, but this is what pops up every time I do.

  5. My first time seeing this advert and it is fun. The music, is strong with this one as well. Fun! Happy Weekend and boogie boogie.

    1. Yes, I love the music they used! Have a good weekend, Ivy :)

  6. My enthusiasm is flagging, a bit worrying. Now you have wished me some I am going to make a list of all the things I have to be enthusiastic about.

    1. Sometimes enthusiasm is hard to come by. At least that's what I find. Other times it comes when you least expect it. I hope you find some!

  7. This is the first time I've seen this ad, which is stranger considering how much time I waste on YouTube...LOL But I agree, it is a good one. Lots of fun. Very colourful. There are some ads that are really good and stay with me for a long time even though I don't buy the product being advertised :)

    1. Sheesh - I wonder why it keeps coming up when I go to YouTube - I'm not on there that much!

  8. While I appreciate the craft that goes into advertising, my spending decisions are not in any condition to be influenced by it, and if your ads annoy me, I'll avoid your product, so all that effort you put into making me remember who you are will backfire on you.
    I own three Apple devices, one of which I actually like and use: the iPod nano my sister bought me when I was in the hospital. Having music in my ears helped me in rehab, I'm sure of it.
    The other two are iPods also, given to me after friends found them, but already having a working iPod with my favorite music on it, I've never even checked to see if they work...
    I also used to have a couple of second hand Mac G4's that I liked OK... I got them from our local e-waste recycler when Briana worked there.
    Apple has always had creative ads, from the 1984 Macintosh ad with the sledgehammer girl, to the whole "Mac vs. PC, nerd vs. cool" ads that seem a little dated now that they are bigger that Exxon/Mobile...
    And don't even get me started on Apple stores. When I got a small inheritance in 2015, I got the idea to get some new music on my iPod, so I brought it with me when we went to the bookstore, and stopped in to the Apple store to see if I could buy some music from them. The salesgirl took my 7 year old nano like I'd handed her a dead rat and suggested I buy something newer or download music from iTunes.
    I told her that if I had working internet I wouldn't have needed to come to the Apple store, but if she couldn't help me, could I at least have my iPod back? The only worse customer service I can remember was at the AT&T store, where we went to pay our internet bill so as to get it turned back on, and they couldn't do so. Chris and I left after about an hour of being shuffled from one agent to the next in a big circle that never got our bill paid or our service turned on, despite the cash and ID and account info we both were carrying...
    Most of my enthusiasm right now is toward getting over the flu I came down with Wednesday. I almost never get sick, and the last flu I had was 2012, and it was worse than this one was, so that's at least worth some optimism, right?

    -Doug in Oakland

    1. Bad customer service is frustrating, and in many cases it's at stores where you have no alternative but to deal with them. My mother was told about a year ago that she could no longer pay her telephone bill in cash at the local phone store. She still complains bitterly about it, and I can't say I blame her!

      I'm sorry to hear you are sick - all respiratory flus are miserable, it's only a matter of degree. Take care of yourself, Doug.

  9. That cat has uber expressive eyes.

    1. Hah! That's a nice way to describe them :)

  10. What fun! Remarkable clip! Where did they find 1000 guys in boiler suits?

    1. It's like magic or something, isn't it? :)

  11. Considering I haven't watched any TV for almost two months now...I haven't seen anything on TV to get enthusiastic about lately. I am enthusiastic about that cat though.

  12. Parkour in boiler suits! it should start a trend!

    The cat is fab, I need a huge poster of him in my office because as much as I try to be the warm, lovely, likeable colleague sometimes I just want people (ok, a person) to stop being so chirpy!

    1. "Parkour in boiler suits" is it, in a nutshell!

      Oh, there is one chirpy person I know like that, too. I feel guilty saying it but this person can be too much.

  13. That ad is worth a view for sure. That’s not something one says very often.

  14. That ad really stopped me, too. I should analyze why. The energy perhaps, the sense of so many people with an apparent common purposed, the visual trick of the colors flowing so quickly like a human river. I find I stop and watch every time it comes on, so it's an effective ad I suppose.

    1. I guess it depends on how you define effective - the purpose is to get people to buy the product and I don't know that the ad would do that. If the purpose was instead to entertain people, I think there would be no question!

  15. I love creative ads like that! I don't watch TV so I never have to watch the deadly-dull daily commercials, but I always enjoy the good ones that get shared on social media. Your Apple ad reminds of this one for beer (the first of the "crowd scene" type of ad I'd ever seen):

    1. I never saw that one before - it's hilarious! Thanks! I bet it was a lot of fun being a part of it. Although there was a lot of running, which was probably tiring :D

    2. But there was beer afterward... ;-)

    3. I was actually thinking that, too :)


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