
Monday 23 April 2018

Poetry Monday: Sun

This week's theme for Poetry Monday is "Mr. Sun" (or "the sun" if you prefer). Join Diane, Delores and me as we share our thoughts on our closest star. You can read a poem or write a poem and leave it in the comments on any of our blogs. Or you can post it on your own blog -- if so, please leave us a note in the comments so we can find you.


I'm taking a pass on Poetry Monday this week. Work has been busy; life has been busy; nothing is gelling in the poetry brain cells.

Instead, I've combed through my photos to find the ones that show off what the sun can do.




Sunlight reflected from the moon

Creating a water mirror

Revealing the colours in light

Coaxing crocuses out of hiding

Keeping the blooms and greenery happy

Creating shadows

The sun is pretty versatile, isn't it?

There's one more thing that comes to mind when I think of all the sun can do:  make a basking kitty happy. And I didn't have a photo of that. (Above kitty is slinking, not basking!)

To fix that, I turned to .......

Ah, that's better. This post was FAR too serious.


Have a good week, everyone! I hope you get just the right amount of sun.

Update: Next week's topic is "in the yard" . . .

Note to UK readers: To help clarify the topic, the North American "yard" is the equivalent to "garden" in the UK. (But for the OTHER meaning of "yard" -- as a unit of measurement -- we all agree!)

And now I'm wondering what our friends in Australia call "the yard"!

Remember, use it how you wish, or feel free to choose any topic of your liking :)


  1. Each and every one of your photos gives us more than 1000 words of poetry. And I do love a basking cat.

    1. Cats love their spot of sunlight, don't they? Thank you for those kind and encouraging words, EC. I wish I could have squeezed a few of those words out onto the computer screen!

  2. I love the water mirror and shadows and of course the basking kitty determined to get no tan lines.

  3. Hello Jenny, I know the feeling well of being so busy both inside and outside the home that you don't really know what day it is. Things improve thank goodness, then you'll have more time and thoughts on more interesting leisurely pursuits.

    Unlike you, as I am retired I have more time, therefore no excuse in not coming up with something for Poetry Monday, so here is my offering today.

    The Sun

    How many negatives become positives,
    With the Sun?

    How many dark rooms become bright,
    With the Sun?

    How many frowns turn to smiles,
    With the Sun?

    How many heavy steps become light,
    With the Sun?

    The Sun is like a tonic
    That fortifies our aching souls,
    For light and warmth and comfort,
    Far away from the Arctic Poles.

    We've had a long wet dreary Winter,
    With snow and wind and rain.
    It's always a pleasure to see the Sun,
    To get away from Winter's pain.

    We are rejuvenated! We feel alive!
    We're not weighed down with heavy clothes.
    We can spread our arms out wide open
    And worship the Star that glows.

    'See' you next Monday. Have a good week and take care.

    Joan (Devon)

    1. So true! It's been a long winter for so many, and that sun is a very welcome sight. I think the feeling of fewer clothes is one of the best things about the finer weather. Thanks for contributing your work again this week!

  4. A picture is worth a thousand words and your’s are are lovely. I especially like the ‘kitty on deck’ shadow photo.

    1. Thank you, Arleen - that cat and deck are quite photogenic. It's hard to go wrong.

  5. Mr Sun

    Mr Sun
    Rarely had fun
    When the day was done
    He crawled exhausted into bed
    Images of Hong Kong in his head
    Remembering words his father said
    “We live to work and then we’re dead”

    Mr Sun
    Rarely had fun
    But he had a daughter and a son
    They worked in the business too
    Along with his dear wife Madam Xiu
    Once they went to Scarborough on a train
    They walked on the beach and it started to rain
    Never would they return again
    Riding home, sighing, Mr Sun said
    “We live to work and then we’re dead”.

    1. Well done, YP! Thanks for your poem again this week. I thought of this angle for Mr. Sun but couldn't figure out how to make it work. I think my brain is fried :)

  6. We both ended with a delightful kitty photo this time.......

    1. Yes - and I very nearly used YOURS as my last photo! lol I saw it on the lolcat website as well, and it was so appropriate for this topic! I loved your poem this week.

  7. Well, that's a pretty sneaky post . You take the topic and run with it using photos. You tied things together very nicely.

    1. When your brain is mush, sometimes you have to cheat a little :) Thanks for your encouragement, Red.

  8. These images are their own poetry! The sun is beautiful. We've been getting oodles of it in the past couple of day. With warm temperatures to go with it. Ahhhh, life is good :)

    1. Thanks, Martha - I'm so glad you're getting some fine weather!Your last sentence sounds like something a cat would say if they had words - lol

  9. this is a wonderful photo poem!

    1. Thank you, Angela . . . I still feel like it was cheating, though :)

  10. Bwahahaha! Yes, far too serious! But very, very pretty! ;)

    1. Thanks, Diane! I'm heading over to your place in a moment!

  11. It’s off to a great start, Jenny. A few more days wouldn’t go astray, would they?

    1. And I think those few more days are in the forecast, are they not? Finally, spring!

  12. Beautiful photos. We're getting a lot of sunshine around here just now. I think I need to water the potted garden again today, and I watered it gay before yesterday, which was the tenth anniversary of my stroke.
    I've come a long way since then, it would seem, but luckily there still seems like there's a long way to go.

    -Doug in Oakland

    1. Ten years . . . I imagine there were a few memories running through your mind . . . you've worked hard for your improvements; I hope you continue to see gains.

      The sun is a welcome sight to many people this spring. More than usual, it seems.

  13. Replies
    1. Thank you, John! It was nice to re-visit some of my photos.

  14. Great photos, and your kitty things always make me chuckle!

    1. Thanks, e! I can't take credit for the kitty things, though - ha ha

      I hope you're feeling better this week.

  15. The basking cat avoiding the tan lines cracked me up. If only we could all sunbathe so freely. :D

    Great set of photos.

    Not only do we Brits have gardens and not yards, we also have metres not yards. Although some of us, of a certain age, still cling on to inches and have never quite embraced centimetres. :D

    1. You know what? We've had metres and the whole metric shebang in Canada since the seventies, but like "some of you" I'm still clinging to my Imperial system, too - ha ha

  16. I love the shadowy deck photo! You may have taken a pass on the poem, but your photos are quite poetic. I'm also glad you photographed the crocuses before the deer got to them. :)

    1. Yes, I have the evidence that something once grew in my flower bed. For a short time. :)

      I wish I could have come up with a poem, but everything I wrote was just awful! Maybe I should have posted it as a farcical poem!

  17. OH my !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    you first image has hold my eye and it took effort to remove them for quite looong!!!

    tremendously POETIC image ,what a beautiful and lucky shot dear Jenny!

    yes sun is source of life on earth and doing his duties brilliantly
    since my childhood i am in love with him and most of my eyesight is lost because i try to look straight in his shining body

    here we say yard to area before the rooms

    Lots of love and best wishes for you and dear mom Jenny!
    take care

    1. Thank you, baili! I love your phrase that the sun is "doing his duties brilliantly"!

      It's interesting how words are used around the world!

  18. "No embarrassing tan lines" - bahahaha! Wishing you lots of sunny days - happy spring! :-)

    1. Same to you, Diane! I wouldn't advise sunbathing on your deck like the kitty does, though :D

    2. That wouldn't end well. For those of us in the "fish-belly-white" category, sunbathing only happens while wearing SPF 60. And a hat, long pants, and long sleeves. ;-)

    3. Hahaha! I get you. Another fish-belly-white here. My husband can tan more in one day than I do all summer. It's not fair :)

  19. The only thing I can say about the sun is don’t fall asleep in it.i did and I ended up as red as a beetroot. I’m still living it down.

    1. Ouch! A bad sunburn is so painful. And sometimes embarrassing :)

  20. Very nice theme and accompanying images. My cats would like the name of your model.

    1. Hahaha! Your cats would probably like the sun he or she is basking in, too :)

  21. Every good photographer sees things that others don’t

    1. Yes, there is quite a bit of individuality that comes out in a photograph, isn't there? You're right.


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