
Friday 27 April 2018

Friday Funnies

Here it is, time to publish my Friday post, and I've got writer's block. I think my brain has seized up from overuse at work.

So once again I will look to icanhas.cheezburger for some feels of the good kind. Thankfully, April is almost over and things should slow down around here soon.

Let's have some canines, today, shall we?

bird dogs

grammar dog

flower child dog

dog with a cherry (or two) on top . . . now I crave a banana split

dog not on a diet . . .

groaner joke dog

overachiever dog

self-reliant pup takes himself for a walk

Uh oh . . . things have taken an unexpected turn . . .

It must be time to wrap up this post.

I'll be back on Poetry Monday, when we will tackle the topic "in the yard" . . .

I am looking forward to having more time to myself in May. What are you looking foward to? Or alternatively, what are you dreading? Because some months are just like that.

I hope this weekend, at least, is a good one for you!


  1. Love the dogs but, of course, the cat to finish with was my favourite today. And equally of course the cat was pleased with itself.
    I hope life calms down and your brain stops whirling. I have a busy few weeks ahead but will survive.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Cats are their own biggest fans, I think :)

      Good luck with the busy weeks to come.

  2. A pup that takes itself for a walk! That's my kind of dog :)

    1. If only we could trust them to follow the walking rules :)

  3. Love that second photo! Looking forward to more sun. A week of rain is on the way however.

    1. Yes, I see we have the same weather in store . . . maybe it's just as well for us; things are dry. We had numerous fires across the province a couple of days ago.

  4. That last cat slipped over to the dark side...and I like it.

  5. What can I say. I liked them all!

  6. I love that over achieving dog! well, i love then all....

    it's a good thing I don't do poetry Monday, in the yard might trigger me to write something awful :)

    1. I wonder how he even got all those stick IN his mouth!

      Now I'm curious about what's in your yard, kylie :D

  7. I'm looking forward to the new Neko Case album coming out the first of June. There are already two songs from it online.
    We saw her at the Fox Theater in 2016, as a present from our friend Brenda, and it was great. The Fox has a special section for disabled folks, and Brenda bought us VIP upgrades that allowed us to use a different restroom that wasn't so crowded.
    Neko is one of my favorite musicians, and got her start in Canada, as a part of The New Pornographers, who she still sings for.
    In the yard sounds like a timely subject. We found half of a robin's egg out there yesterday, so I don't know if that means the baby robins have hatched, or something got one of the eggs.
    Have a relaxing weekend if you can, and try not to wok any dogs...

    -Doug in Oakland

    1. I'm impressed by her voice. Does she write the music for the background instruments? It all combines to make an unforgettable sound.

      Sounds like spring is springing in your yard. And I can say for sure that I will not wok any dogs :D

    2. She says that she likes to co-write better than doing it by herself, but she can do every job from the thinking up of the words to the final mastering of the tracks.

      -Doug in Oakland

  8. I am looking forward to completing the first chapter and the outline of the book i am working on in May! This is the first test...

    1. And best of luck as you wade into your new project, Angela :)

  9. I like these...another dreaded medical appointment next week...

    1. I hate that kind of medical appointment. I hope yours goes better than you expect, e.

  10. Just like a cat to sneak in like that :) I am looking forward to good weather and a lot of time spent outdoors!

    1. I hope it stays nice and makes up for the long wait :)

  11. Grammar dog was my favorite. May? Hmmm, I am not looking forward to the kids being out of school. It makes things interesting when they are home all day. Enjoy your weekend, jenny_o.

    1. And I know just what you mean by "interesting," Mr. S . . . yes, I do . . .

      I did love the time I spent with our kids at those ages and I miss having my kids around now. But parenting seems to be always feast or famine -- why can't there be a better balance? :D

  12. I love "Overachiever dog"!! That IS quite an achievement. I'm impressed when I see a dog with just three sticks in its mouth!

    1. And we think we're so great with our opposable thumbs - hah!

  13. Hi Jenny, everybody gets wrters’ block from time to time - don’t worry too much about it. I’ll still be a follower.

  14. Dear Janny_o, I'm looking forward to completing the novel I'm working on. It's going through a final polish and copyediting. And also, I'm so looking forward to regular walks now that spring has decided to stay around! Peace.

    1. Good luck with the final steps of your novel, Dee. And I'm glad your spring has arrived! Peace to you as well.

  15. Do hardware stores in Canada sell WD-40? If you spray some of this in your ear-holes it is guaranteed to ease your current brain seizure. As for "In The Yard", here in England we never refer to our gardens as "yards".

    1. I'll try the WD-40 just as soon as I finish this reply - thanks!!

      Re "yards" - but don't you call a "garden" what we refer to as a "yard"? And do you refer to anything but the measurement as a "yard"? Help!

    2. A yard would a a very small paved area - often behind humble terraced houses. Schools often have hard play areas called yards. But a garden is not a yard. Definitely not. I am just saying.

    3. Okay, that helps - thanks!

  16. Hehehe! I loved the "wok" dog. (But now I'm going to have a twinge of concern the next time somebody mentions they're planning to wok the dog...) ;-)

    1. Just give them the same look that dog is wearing . . . lol


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