
Friday 6 April 2018

Birdy Things, And Funnies

Alas, "birdy things" does not mean I am feeding the birds again.

I have temporarily given up on the bird feeder --  the deer have defeated me; my short stature has defeated me; my energy deficit has defeated me. (Translated, that means I can't figure out how to keep the deer out of the bird feeder except to place it high in a tree, which I can't do without a ladder, which I can't find the energy to put up and take down on a daily basis.)


That doesn't stop me from reading about our fine feathered friends.

Have you ever seen a blue bird? (Not a "bluebird," but "a bird that's blue.")

I thought I had, too, but it turns out there is no such thing as a blue bird. Read about it HERE.

If you want to see another blue bird, and other amazing nature photographs, go HERE. If you hover your mouse above the picture, left and right arrows will appear and you can use them to cycle through the photo gallery.

For more blue birds, Marie -- on her blog, Island Musings -- has some fantastic pictures of bluejays, including some just at the moment of lift-off; check them out HERE. The pictures, and Marie, tell a marvellous story  that I'll leave you to read about, as I don't want to spoil the surprise.

And now some funnies, because I'm out of time and brainpower.

I hear you, kitty

Guilty as charged

I don't know about you, but I never played this version of "Clue"

Or, if you wish, you may scream AAHHHH!

Deliciously punny

But at least you got your money's worth

Going faster might be the wrong thing to do at this point in time, you guys

Time for that after-breakfast nap, maybe

I'll be back on Poetry Monday with the topic "Ignorance" . . . wishing you a good weekend!


  1. Thank you so much for the smiles :)

    1. It's such a great pun! Some people are so good at those.

  2. Such a lovely post. We used to hang a feeder on the tree outside of our house but the tree surgeons came and lopped all the lower branches off, and again like you we are unable to get to the higher branches. Shame, we used to love watching them.

  3. Thanks for the shout-out, Jenny.

    Who doesn’t love an animal meme?

    1. Your post was amazing! And yep, animal memes seem to be universally loved :)

  4. Mr. Fluffy with the PVC pipe. And proud of it.

  5. We gave up on bird feeders as well....too many weeds coming up in the grass under the feeder lol. Love the 'after breakfast nap' kitteh.

    1. I've read that the solution to bird viruses (which actually became a problem here a year ago when I was just getting into feeding the birds and had to stop) is to move the feeders regularly. I could picture the weeds springing up ALL over the yard!

  6. Dear Jenny-o, I've never seen a bird that is blue, but then I admit to not being very observant. Whole days can pass me by, leaving only the memory of the bedside light! Peace.

    1. Welcome, Dee! Or maybe you just don't have any around. I think little brown birds are the most common :) Peace to you also.

  7. There must be some way of getting the bird food high up in the tree without using a ladder. I am thinking a pulley system or perhaps a drone.

    1. That sounds like a lot of work! I'm thinking it would be easier to climb the darn tree.

  8. I am not sure whether Mr Fluffy is a disgrace to sneakycatdom, or proof positive that a cat does what a cat wants/needs to do. I am leaning towards the latter.
    And loved all of today's moggies. Thank you.

    1. I wasn't sure whether to use the dentist one or not . . . but that sure is a cute kitten.

      Mr. Fluffy has that "hardened criminal" look about him, doesn't he? :)

  9. Please tell me you haven't read ALL those books in 2018!

    What about a kingfisher?

    1. No, to the books - if you scroll slowly you'll notice where 2017 starts (and further down, 2016)!

      I assume if no birds have blue pigment and they only appear blue, then it's probably the same for the kingfisher, but I'm far from being an expert :)

  10. The Steller's Jays we have out here are obnoxious birds. If you are walking through the woods, they will fly from tree to tree in front of you and announce your presence to any other animals that happen to be around. They are also known to mimic the calls of hawks to scare the other birds away from food sources.
    I had one fly out of a bush in front of me when I was riding my race bike down a logging road, and I will admit to doing my dead level best to try to run him over...

    -Doug in Oakland

    1. Jays and crows are related, I do believe. And both are aggressive. So somehow it doesn't surprise me that your jays are maniacs :)

  11. Our non-blue Bluebirds have red breasts and are beautiful. According to that article, seeing is not believing. Mother Nature is putting out Fake News.

    1. Absolutely correct! Oh, well, the old girl tries to balance it out with beauty, at least :)

  12. I would like to see a yellow cardinal in real life. Mr. Fluffy made me LOL. Thanks for sharing. Have a great weekend, jenny_o.

    1. There are so many interesting birds. We don't even have RED cardinals here, let alone yellow ones!

  13. HAHAHA! These were hilarious. My favourite was the one about 'clue' :)

    That is so fascinating about the blue in birds. Or the lack of. I just can't wrap my head around it. Nature is messing with us!

    1. Weird, eh? They sure look blue to me! hah

  14. I did not know that about blue birds -- although, in a similar vein, Dave has told me there is no such thing as a naturally blue food. All blue food, apparently, is really some variety of purple. (Blueberries, for example.) I don't know who decides these things.

    1. Interesting! Come to think of it, blueberry stains on clothing are certainly purple. I have experience in THAT. Yummy experience, but still.

  15. My stepmom has a bird feeder on the back porch and when I was there recently, I was sure I had seen a new kind of Blue Bird but it was your standard issue Blue Jay. Very pretty, though. I wish I was as flexible as that cat!

    1. Bluejays are beautiful; I don't care if they're actually blue or not! haha

      I wonder if that cat woke up with any kinks?

    2. i think you should listen to your body dear Jenny which is very important as when we push ourselves to do something consequences are often terrifying !

      your humour is soul of your writing i loved the way you translated your emotions in first para lol

      back in village and even here too during the travelling to rural areas i saw birds which have shiny blue head and neck not whole body though and blue is my MOST favorite colour so i love to watch them ,back in native village the blue bird i watched had a single horn like thin on his beautiful blue head and i felt as i am seeing an angle .

      Fantastic funnies specially the last one :)

    3. I'm glad you enjoy my sense of humour, dear baili! I like to find the funny aspect of life most of the time :)

      Those birds sound beautiful! I enjoyed the post you did on your native birds very much, too.

  16. "Blue" birds - who knew? And I got a chuckle from your funnies. "Mr. Fluffy... In the yard... with a PVC pipe..." LOL!


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