
Monday 11 December 2017

Poetry Monday: Happiest Family Memory . . . Fail

It's Poetry Monday, which I can't quite wrap my head around, because we just did this a couple of days ago, didn't we?  Technically, it was seven days and I know that perfectly well, but it seems far less.

This week's suggested theme is "happiest family memory." I found this topic quite challenging and since it was a very full week in other ways, I am bowing out of the party for this one.

However, please feel free to use the comment section to leave your very own poem or to give me a tongue lashing for wussing out. You can also post your poem on your own blog; please leave a note in the comments so we can find you.

Remember, too, that Diane and Delores will have a freshly baked poem for you to digest; just click on their names to make your way to their blogs.

And just so you don't feel it was a complete, total, absolute waste of finger power to click over here to my blog today, here is a consolation prize:

Home decorating kitties (courtesy of

Have a good week and don't let your kitties (or doggies or hamsters or ferrets or ponies or lions or giraffes or elephants) help you with the furniture placement this holiday season.


  1. I swear I left a comment on your previous post but it doesn't seem to be there. Maybe my crazy computer re-started before it posted.
    I like your consolation prize, my husband has feng shui-ed our place and it most certainly has not been beneficial so i relate!

    1. It came to moderation, and I was tied up all yesterday so didn't get to it! It's there now, and thank you for leaving it.

      Hah - I bet your husband didn't root around in the flower pots, though :)

  2. If my kitty wants to rearrange any furniture, she'll have to go through me first!

  3. Not wussy at all.
    Some days/weeks/months life gets in the way.
    Sadly our cats (past and present) have all be experts at Flung Shwing. And decorating with kitty litter.

    1. I don't like committing to something and then not doing it, but . . .

      Kitty litter everywhere - I hear you. Cats just can't stand to see a clean floor.

  4. I have a poem.
    Snow snow go away
    Come again another day
    Like next year, or not at all, because I have work to do
    and can't get out to do it.

    How's that. Ha.

    1. You folks got hammered over there! I'd say that's a completely appropriate reaction :)

  5. Replies
    1. I think I'm going to call it "flung schwing" ALL the time now :)

  6. I love the flung shwing picture. There have been scenes like that in my home also.

    1. Amazing how they can make so much mess, isn't it? :)

  7. Lol. You brought a smile this morning, Jenny. I needed it!

    1. Glad to help! I needed it too, to be honest. I don't know why I feel so grim the last little while but funny pictures definitely help :)

  8. I think it's impressive that you do any of the poetry posts. I think I'd manage about one, maybe two, before calling it quits :)

    1. Oh, I've thought about quitting quite a few times :) Overall, I enjoy it, but it's really made me work my brain at times.

  9. Those kitties have created a 'special memory' of their very own. Better luck next week with your poem.

    1. I have more time open this week so that will help! "special memory" haha

  10. You are always worth visiting, Jenny:-) I'm not sure I could choose just one happy family memory. That's a tough assignment!

    1. I didn't have enough time to find "an angle" to the topic. Hopefully next week will be better. And thank you for your kind words.

  11. Having lived with cats, I've experienced that kind of feline "redecorating." (Though maybe not quite that severe.)

    1. I do believe Olga has done similar work for you, hasn't she??

  12. Hello Jenny, I too had problems this week as I couldn't choose just one happy family memory from the many there have been.

    However, I remembered a poem I wrote for my daughter, Lauren, so thought I would include this. Lauren was born just three days before our 15th Wedding Anniversary. Better late than never!


    I didn't believe in Angels,
    Guardians or any other.
    But what explanation could there be,
    When I became a mother.

    The Angels chose you perfectly,
    With your sweet angelic face.
    And you felt oh, so right,
    Within my warm embrace.

    You are our precious daughter,
    Dr Dawson was quite right.
    Once we got you sorted out,
    Confusing the day with the night.

    We soldiered on quite happily,
    In our own caring way.
    Hugely wanted and greatly loved,
    From birth to present day.

    So, my darling daughter,
    This poem is just to say.
    That despite our many differences,
    I wouldn't have you any other way.

    A bit mushy, but what's a bit of ott sentiment when it comes to children? I hope next week's is easier.

    Have a good week.
    Joan (Devon)

    1. Oh, I do love this, Joan! Your last verse says it all, doesn't it? Thank you so much for sharing this one :)

    2. The topic for next week is "a Christmas (or holiday) memory" - Diane posts them on her blog each Monday underneath her poem, in case you were wondering!

    3. Thank you Jenny, yes I did see it. Should be interesting.

      Joan (Devon)

  13. I love this, Joan! You definitely win the Best Family Memory medal!

  14. I copped out, too, Jenny! Couldn't decide on just one!

    1. And you linked to all of your posts - a big job! Your family memories are plentiful :)

  15. The cat hasn't re-arranged anything lately, but he keeps scratching little holes in the furniture, and there was that time when he knocked the dish drainer into the sink and broke some stuff...

    -Doug in Oakland

    1. He sounds relatively tame compared to some cats :)


    We waited by the clearing
    In the shadows of the trees
    Listening to the shallowness
    Of our breathing
    Waiting for the deer to come
    Then in the half light
    Between day and night
    We saw them arrive
    Already drinking from the stream.
    We licked our lips
    And waited for Father's first move
    And then we surged
    In for the kill
    They ran
    But together
    We brought the tailender down
    Showing no mercy
    And feasted on her meat
    Howling at the moon.

    1. Fascinating and unexpected take on the prompt today, Mr. Pudding Man. I'm not a fan of Nature's cruelties, but I know that everyone has to eat, and in that context I appreciate what you did with this.

    2. A family memory and probably a happy one if your stomach is rumbling, but methinks you've been watching too many Walking Dead.

      Joan (Devon)

    3. I don't know why Jenny - but every time you shout out a "Poetry Monday" challenge I look for an unexpected "angle" on it. I hope you don't mind too much. Contrariness is in my nature I'm afraid.

    4. O really? I hadn't noticed! ha ha

      It keeps things interesting, and I don't mind a bit.

  17. Yep, that photo brings back memories... and chuckles. Have a good week! :-)

    1. The chuckles come easier the further away the memories are, I would think . . . :)

  18. I can imagine the load of work upon your delicate shoulders dear jenny!

    as Christmas is near and weather is little disturbing ,blood in head circulates slow in these times of the year so i am sure next monday the you will come up with wonderful ideas!
    we all have these glorious happy family memories which keep warming up our soul to stay connected to :real us "

    hope you are perfectly fine and pain free now my friend!
    and hope your christmas preparations are going great !

    stay blessed dear Jenny!

    1. Thank you, baili - I will be over to read your latest post when I have enough time to do it justice. My mom is having health problems again so time is short. Be well, my friend.


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