
Monday 18 December 2017

Poetry Monday: A Christmas (Or Holiday) Memory . . . Another Fail

It's Poetry Monday, and this week's topic is "a Christmas (or holiday) memory."

Join Diane, Delores, Joan (in the comments here) and me as we give this theme our best. You can play along, too. Just leave your poem in the comments on any of our blogs or on your own blog; if it's on your own blog, don't forget to leave us your address so we can find you.

Last week I had trouble thinking of my "happiest family memory" and I ended up not writing anything.

This week, I wrote a poem but it ended up being serious and schmaltzy and self-centred and it was hard to have fun with it, which is my favourite thing to do when writing anything, and it also made me feel guilty that I have such positive experiences when countless others are starving, homeless, bereaved or seriously ill.

Instead you get some funny pictures. And hopefully come January I will be more inspired. Or I will decide to forego Poetry Monday. I'm not clear yet which it will be.

Funny pictures in 3 ... 2 ... 1 ...

Hope everyone has a good week!


  1. Love the funnies. I think the last was written by Jazz. Or for Jazz. Or something.
    Rather than chalking up a fail, perhaps you can ask for an extension and/or change of theme. Next year is soon enough.
    You have had a heap on your plate, and need to cut yourself some slack. (Says she who doesn't).

    1. I only cut myself slack on the housework!! Plenty of slack there ...

      One of our cats would react like your Jazz :) Can't say I'd blame either one of them.

  2. The last one is purrrrfect. Don't worry you'll get back on track. Please don't stop doing Poetry Monday...I'll miss your entries so much. I've been having trouble the last few times myself but I'll NEVER give up (unless my computer dies).

    1. I think brains have only so much power to function on. I don't want to give up but I can't take the frustration! Hah!

  3. Sorry you feel guilty. Here's to more inspiration and fun for you in 2018.

    1. Thanks, Ivy - I hope my poetry brain returns!

  4. Sometimes the topics roll around in our head and we can't get them organized into a post.

  5. My smallest cat is about five or six pounds, but she is the feistiest. There are times when I am sure she grows four more legs and adds to her arsenal of scimitars. If anyone tried to dress her up they would need a transfusion in minutes or be totally drained of blood. If she ever gets the look of that last funny picture, one would be well advised to run and run fast.

    1. Cats are quite deadly, what with all their pointy bits ...

    2. And the smaller they are the more they have to stick up for themselves :)

  6. Hello Jenny, I can understand how you're feeling after the day you had last week when everything went wrong, also the worry about your mother. We do get days and weeks like that unfortunately. It feels like everything is ganging up against you.

    I also like to put some humour into my poems, unless they are of a serious nature.

    Anyway, my poem this week is one I wrote nearly two years ago.

    Chimney For Santa.

    Christmas is a magical time
    For little girls and boys.
    Sending lists to Santa Claus
    Of wanted games and toys.

    Hoping that Santa will know
    They've been good throughout the year.
    And getting quite excited
    As Christmas Day draws near.

    Santa will squeeze down a chimney,
    Or use a magical key.
    Whichever is the best way,
    For his unseen entry.

    There isn't a chimney at Amber's home
    So Daddy had a plan.
    He would build a chimney
    As fast as ever he can.

    He collected cardboard boxes,
    Duct tape and paints in a pot.
    With Amber's help it was finished,
    And decorations were bought and got.

    Santa used the chimney
    In Amber's room that night.
    He thought how clever Daddy was
    And that he'd built it just right.

    Amber didn't hear a thing
    As deep asleep was she.
    On waking up, she saw he'd been
    And was as happy as she could be.

    The 'chimney' looked quite authentic, with fire-place and chimney painted like red bricks. There was tinsel around the fire opening and Christmassy things along the 'mantel' with another Christmassy thing attached to the 'chimney-breast'. On the floor in front of the fire-opening there was a mat saying 'Santa, stop here!'. It truly was a creation and I took a few pictures of it. Just shows what can be done.

    Next Monday is Christmas Day, so I don't suppose there will be any poetry. I wish you, your nearest and dearest and everyone else a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Peaceful New Year.

    Joan (Devon)

    1. What a wonderful idea for a chimney-less home! Any child would be delighted with that! And she will never forget it, I bet (while we are on the topic of Christmas memories).

      No poem for me next week, no :) Best wishes to you and your family, Joan. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas!

  7. Bwahahaha! I needed that!
    And please don't step out. You don't have to write anything! Just be here with us. And give us funny pictures . . .

    1. I think (and hope) my empty brain is a temporary glitch! Not enough time or brain this week. Fortunately, there are always funnies on the internet :)

    2. I was suffering severely from 'empty brain-ness'. After a few weeks, it came back. The brain. Not the emptiness. It is just temporary. When the busy-ness dies down a bit. Trust me!

  8. You gave me a good laugh - thanks! And don't worry about skipping Poetry Monday - it's not a 'fail' at all. Creativity needs time and breathing space, and you have neither at the moment. Just be kind to yourself... :-)

    1. But, dang it, I wanted to write . . . it just wouldn't come out in a satisfactory way. Maybe next time. I'm glad I could make you laugh, at least!

  9. The snowman comic looks kinda like Dan Piraro's Bizarro comic, which I really enjoy.
    Sometimes poetry (and music) just won't happen when things are busy or difficult, and sometimes it's the only way to get through those times.
    Have a good holiday week, if you can.

    -Doug in Oakland

    1. A great observation, one that I need to remember.

      My favourite part of that particular comic is the rabbit with the hairdryer. So very out of character for a bunny wabbit :)

  10. Love the funnies...Hope you can relax a bit...Stress is terrible and you've had rather a lot lately. Hugs!

    1. There seems to be a lot of stress going around, e. May we all get a bit of reprieve soon! Hugs to you too.

  11. Thanks for the funny cartoons.

  12. No need to stress. You'll see when the time comes how you feel. In the meantime, I'm good with humour!

    1. I always appreciate funnies and it seems most people do. Yours are always good!

  13. That cat looks royally p***ed off. I'd be getting way out of range very quickly.


    At midwinter we gathered around a burning log
    Drinking flagons of ale as a roasting hog
    Spat and sizzled in those lapping flames
    As our children played their childish games
    And we sang songs from long ago
    As moonlight glistened upon the snow.
    And green were the garlands about our door
    Though more weeks of winter lay in store
    We knew that at last the darkness had turned
    Even as the Yule log burned.

    1. Being a "heathen" I fully endorse this poem :)

      Nicely done; you have a gift for word pictures and cadence that I can never hope to match.

    2. Your kind response has made me blush with poetic pride. I am now a beetroot.

    3. Be careful someone doesn't stick you in a pot of water and cook you up for lunch!

  15. i always loved your humour dear Jenny and i think if you are passing through the serious version of your's this is only for short time as soon as you cross the tunnel you will meet again real you!

    wishing you a beautiful ,full of joy and peace holidays my friend!
    Loved the fun stuff ,frosty in hot tub brr haha

    1. I like the idea that the real me is still out there and I will find her again sometimes, baili. That makes it easier to get through this time.

      Thank you for your wishes, dear friend. I wish the same for you.

  16. Haha I love all your funnies this week, especially the rabbit with the hair dryer. :D

    Worry strips me of the ability to do anything creative, so I can understand how you struggled to write a poem.

    1. The rabbit and hair dryer is my favourite part, too! He's a feisty little bunny.

      Worrying takes up too much head space! Someone should pass a law against it :)

  17. I put a red and white jingle bell collar on my cat. I will be lucky to make it to Christmas.

    1. Be careful when you're sleeping, Birdie :)

  18. I don't think it serves any purpose to feel guilty. I enjoy what I have and I help others as much as I can. I feel sad about all the suffering in the world, but not guilty.


    1. Usually I can remind myself that it doesn't serve anyone for me to feel guilty, but not this time. Not sure why.

  19. Hey Jenny,

    Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar has told me that there are indeed times when to heck with putting up pawetry and instead put up some funny photos.

    That cat looks like one of Penny's starstruck, somewhat aggravated fans.

    You take care, my kind friend.

    Gary 😀

    1. If wise Penny said it, it has to be true! I will do my best to remember.

      You take care, too, Gary. Keep your eye on the prize; better days are coming.

  20. Hi Jenny-hang in there:-) Number 3 is all me! Want to hear a secret? Our tree isn't up yet. It's sitting in the garage.

    1. It's not Christmas yet so the tree is fine in the garage :) (Seriously, we rarely have ours up until a day or so before Christmas.)(But we leave it up until after January 1.) If it was just me, I don't think I'd even bother with a tree. Maybe a branch. Maybe a houseplant with lights. Not a tree :)


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