
Sunday 17 September 2023

Lee Has Moved On

I am feeling very fortunate today; the storm has passed and is heading to Quebec. My roof is no worse than it was two days ago, my trees are still standing, and I had no interruption of power. As far as I'm concerned, that's a trifecta of good luck.

Other parts of Nova Scotia have had downed trees and loss of electricity, but overall our province was spared. New Brunswick was hit harder, and I can't find any news reports on how Prince Edward Island was affected but significant damage was not expected. (Maybe Marie, our blogging friend in PEI, will have a report on this later.) 

The storm is heading for Quebec now. It took a westward turn and that is what helped us here in NS and also those in Newfoundland.

I know that our good fortune is someone else's misfortune, however. I hope the storm wears itself out quickly.

For now, I will not have to worry about my hair falling out like it did after last year's Fiona.

This guy is my spirit animal:

I hope you have a good week, people. Thank you for all your comments and good thoughts on my last post.


  1. And we are about to get the tail end of Lee...but hopefully not as destructive as it has been your side of the Pond!!

  2. I am thrilled to read this. Thank you so much for the update. And yes, my thoughts go out to Marie - and everyone in Lee's path.

  3. Congratulations on the no damage thing. You have faced quite enough adversity for one year, in my humble opinion.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  4. Thanks for checking in, especially with such good news. Yes, I'm waiting for Marie's word on PEI. They had a terrible time with Fiona, let's hope Lee is kinder.

  5. People on the news were saying this wasn't going to be any worse than the storms you normally get.

  6. Maybe it was a slow news day here, but we even heard a report on the storm here.

  7. Good to hear your good news. Love from Joanne in Ohio.

  8. Good that you didn't suffer any damage and are safe.

  9. It's always best when these things just wear out and don't do nearly as much as we expect.

  10. I had no idea a storm was in your area, perhaps I missed it on the news since I don't pay as much attention as I used to.

  11. What a relief! I hope the stress hasn't drained you too much.

  12. I am sorry you had that stress and happy you are okay.

  13. Hooray! I'm so glad to hear you got through Lee unscathed. :-)

  14. this is grace of of god dear Jenny that no harm was caused by the Lee storm !

    hope it will pass peacefully by the Quebec as well

    i can imagine the relief you feeling right now .

    may the peace last forever my friend!

  15. I am so happy to read that the terrible storm missed you, dear Jenny. I know that feeling of relief when these wicked weather related occurrences are expected and then go elsewhere.


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