
Thursday 23 March 2023

Komputer Kaput

Just letting you know that my computer died two nights ago and that's why there has been a delay in getting your comments released from moderation.

My computer guru is assisting me in getting up and running again, and in the meantime I've gotten a tablet to work on, so I'll still have email and other internet services like Blogger. But this will slow me down a bit, and there won't be any photos or illustrations.

I will answer your comments and visit your blogs as soon as I can. Off to work now 🙂 


  1. As Rosanne Rosanna Dana would say, It's always something.

  2. Friends do not put requirements on friends, you do not have to visit or comment on my blog if you can't spare the time or for whatever other reason. Take care and i hope you have a new or repaired computer up and running soon.

  3. Here's to your computer guru helping you out. Cheers and boogie boogie.

  4. I hope you are soon up and running again, but don't rush things.

  5. Good luck. We will be happy to see you whenever you stop by.

  6. It's good to have a computer guru. When this machine became so bogged down as to be unusable, I cooked a cheeseburger made of Briana's cousin's beef for my guru, and the next morning it worked fine.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  7. Sorry to hear this but at least you are still able to communicate. I hope you are doing okay otherwise.

  8. Yuck. Broken down computers are a P.I.T.A. Luckily no one got hurt, so take it easy and return when everything is A-OK again. I hope your computer wizard lives up to his epithet.

  9. Ooh, bad luck. I hope it's soon sorted.
    Have a nice weekend x

  10. I hope you didn't lose anything important when the komputer kaputted :)

  11. When you said the computer had died, I thought you were going to bury it in the garden. Is your computer guru called Jesus O'Nazareth perchance? If he can breathe new life into dead technology he must be a miracle worker!

  12. thanks to your guru who has given us hope dear Jenny :)
    i know working through tablet is hard so best wishes to computer and to you work y friend!

  13. I was checking in on you because it's been a minute since I heard from you. Hope you got your computer issues resolved and you are doing OK. Take care, jenny_o.

  14. I am losing my mind. Did I hit the publish button on my comment? I got distracted by the dogs.

  15. Oh dear, I can understand you. I hope to get a new system soon, this one isn't at its best at the moment but works for me. So sorry about your system.

  16. Good hearing from you, jenny_o! Have a good week!

  17. Thank you, everyone who commented. I have a new hard drive, which is the part that died, and (not by choice) an updated operating system which I do not like, because why change things that are already working well. Sigh. But I'm happy to be back using a keyboard instead of a touch screen!!


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