
Friday 14 January 2022

How It's Going

December was a difficult month. It felt like I was standing on the edge of a cliff, looking at the upcoming weeks until the anniversary of my husband's death, never knowing if or when a gust of emotion would push me over the edge.

But I got through Christmas. Our son spent the day with me, and that was a comfort.

I worked from home the next week while our office was closed, and that was a distraction.

I got through New Year's Eve. There were fireworks all around from 7:30 pm until the wee hours of New Year's Day, but they were far enough away that I could mostly ignore them.

Then I got sick. How do you get sick with anything when you're masking, social distancing, sanitizing, and working from home, and your only close contact had zero symptoms before or since?

So then I went for a Covid test (PCR). After three long days, the results came back negative.

I missed my booster shot because I was sick (and isolating).

In the meantime, I had to ask someone to take Mom's pills to her for a few days. It wasn't convenient for this person, but he has been a long-time family friend, and she likes him and accepted his help, and he stepped into the breach. I am so grateful. And reimbursed him accordingly.

Then we had a huge snowstorm. Many folks lost power but luckily my mother and I were not among those affected.

But my mom's pills had to be delivered ahead of time, because I knew I wouldn't be able to get to her house that day. She was very confused that there was an "extra" pill (the evening one, which I usually hand directly to her and she takes it immediately). She was still confused the next day when I delivered her next set of pills. It reinforced for me that she cannot handle her medications and that I am doing the right thing by visiting her daily to dispense them.

The big snowstorm came on the first anniversary of my husband's death. By that point I was worn out from being sick earlier in the week, happy to be feeling well again, and - in summary - distracted from thoughts of the date, which was not a bad thing.

I got through it all.

We have another big snowstorm coming tonight. I'll get through that too.

Thank you all for your kind words of sympathy and encouragement on my last post.

I feel very lucky to have support and friendship from family and friends. I will continue to get through whatever comes.

Except climate change. That's still a big question mark.


Honestly, the test I had was easy and not the least bit uncomfortable.



I wonder how many "incidents" happened that made this sign necessary.



Our snowstorms look like this, but usually with more snow. And without the "No Swimming" sign.

How to get through the next year ...



I know this is late, but I wish you all a happy 2022. Hang in there, friends.



  1. I really love the first comic (of the first covid test) I have been tested a few times and I think the testers have become gentler but my first was a bit like the cartoon :)

    I'm so glad that you have got through a rough couple of months (and years) and had people to support you.

    There seem to be a lot of people falling sick with some non-covid thing that hits hard, which I suppose could be expected after two years of freedom from most seasonal bugs.

    Have a great week!

  2. Thank you for sticking with Mom!
    Great memes.

  3. Good to hear that you got through this sad time . I hope things continue to improve for you.

  4. Hang in there, you will continue to make it through. Sad to read about your Mum's confusion, but that's not enough to make her realise she needs help.
    Love the jousting nose swab :)

  5. Happy 2022 to you. I love the appearance of fresh snow, especially in forests but I really don't think I want the experience of a snowstorm.

  6. I'm glad you didn't have covid but I'm sorry you were sick. It seems like so many people have this Omicron. I've been sick with cold-like symptoms but we can't get hold of any covid tests around here right now so I've just stayed home.

    I have thought of you so much this past month, knowing it was a difficult month for you. It's a big step to be past it now. This first year I know has been difficult but you've made it through. You've made amazing progress whether you realize it or not. Your friends will always be here for you.

    Love the memes, especially the last one!

  7. We are supposed to be getting snow tonight also. 2 to 4 inches. First "big" snow of the season. 40f by Tuesday so it will be gone quickly.

  8. Good to hear that you're making it, even when you have to make do. I feel it will get better, and Briana, Zsuzs and I all send you our best.
    There was four feet of snow on the ground when it stopped a week or so ago, and now it's hard and icy, not soft and crunchy. Zsuzs got me some spikes that fit over my shoes for Christmas, and I have been out walking with them twice. I was skeptical, as I am disabled and walk with a quad cane, but the spikes work really well and the scariest part was when my cane slid sideways a few times.
    First I walked up to the creek. The next day I walked up to the mailbox (roughly twice as far). Perhaps tomorrow I will walk all the way up to the mill pond for the first time since early December.
    Our power went out when the snow came, but only for a few hours, mostly while we were asleep, so we have gotten off easy so far.
    Glad your mom seems to be doing OK with the changes, as that sounds as if it could be stressful to deal with. Hang in there, we're all pulling for you.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  9. Happy 2022. The storm is quite bad this weekend. We have white-out conditions this morning. I hope all is well with your mother’s pills during this storm.

  10. A timely snow storm indeed. Onwards and upwards...
    In a way, good that you are sure now that your mum cannot manage her meds alone.
    Stay safe , warm and dry xx

  11. You did it! Another milestone under your belt. The first year after any life changing event is the toughest but now those first anniversaries are all things you have got through once and you will know you can do it. I was in an absolute tizz about our first Christmas without my daughter's husband and grandchild's Dad. Our daughter's only plan was just to get to our home and be looked after. So I planned and planned and got sick and like you had to let go a bit and then got snowed in for five days, twice, so some of the planning was tossed. We muddled through. I'm glad it's over even though it went better than I expected. I already have ideas about what I would do differently or can tweak and feel a lot more in control. I hope it is the same for you.

  12. You've been on my mind a lot this past month. Knew it would be tough even without getting sick--very sorry to hear about that. On the positive side (aren't I Susie Sunshine? And don't you feel like smacking me?:), good to find you have folks who will step up for you when absolutely needed (e.g. mom's care). I'm with you on how the heck you got ill--I picked up Strep Throat in December and I hadn't been out of the house for more than a week. Go figure.

    Hope the coming weeks will be more than a tad less stressful and demanding of you. Try to take care of yourself as best you can.

  13. kylie: I'd heard that testing could be rough, so I was kind of worried. As for the bug I picked up, my big question is just HOW? How does that happen when I'm blocking bugs in every conceivable way!

    Joanne: Good to see you finally got home! I'll be around to your blog before too much longer. Take care of yourself.

    Red: Thanks - I'm learning that there's no such thing as back to normal but there is, as you say, improvement - and that's what I'm aiming for.

    River: You're right, Mom is completely unaware of her cognitive issues. As the geriatric doctor said, that's a good thing for the patient and a difficult thing for everyone else.

    Andrew: Yep, the experience isn't great. I've shovelled part of my own driveway (a kind neighbour did the rest with his snowblower) and helped clean out my mom's driveway. I'm ready for a three-day nap now. But it IS pretty - just like a Christmas card :)

    Bonnie: Thank you for being one of those friends, Bonnie. I hope you don't feel too awful with whatever bug you've picked up.

    Mike: It's hard to judge how much snow we got because it blew around so much, but the forecast was for 40 cm (15 in) and I wouldn't be surprised if that was the actual amount. There was a lot, that's for sure. I'd take your snowfall any day instead :D

    Doug: Thank you to you and the ladies for your good wishes. I'm glad your spikes are working well and you're getting out. I wonder if there's something similar for your cane? Four feet of snow - wow! You really got hammered!

  14. Marie: I hope you're all shovelled out by now. We got a lot of snow here and people are still digging.

    gz: Thank you; and yes, good to have the knowledge about Mom confirmed and at least be sure of what we are dealing with.

    Susan: I know that must have been a very difficult holiday season for your daughter and grandchild as well as for you. I feel for all of you. So sorry you got sick as well ... it does get to a point where you just have to let go, doesn't it? Exhausting until that point, though! Take care, and sending you all my best.

    Mary: You are so right - it's good to know there are people who will step in when needed. I hope your strep is history now. How are these germs making it past our masks and hand sanitizer? I can't figure it out! Take care.

  15. I'm glad you made it through such a difficult "anniversary", made even worse by being sick and snowbound. If you made it through that, you can make it through anything. Here's hoping things continue to improve for you. I especially hope that the bureaucracy moves along soon in your process with your Mom.

    And thanks for the chuckles - that "snow swimmer" made me laugh out loud!

  16. Poor you! I'm so glad you made it through all of that and are COVID free. I hope the new year keeps you well and brings you some peace.

  17. My mom was the same way with her medication -- it got to the point where she wasn't taking it and we finally had to move her into assisted living. (Which fortunately was an option because she'd had the foresight to buy long-term care insurance, which I would never have known to do!) I love the "first covid test," LOL!

  18. I'm glad that you got through it all. One day at a time. Wishing you better days ahead.

  19. Diane: Thank you for the encouragement. I feel like I can probably handle whatever comes my way now, you're right. As for Mom, I think she is in that huge grey area of "not fully safe on her own, not quite needing to be in a nursing home", which is difficult. Her next geriatric appointment isn't until June. We'll see what happens then.

    e: I'm back to myself again, thankfully. And being even more careful about going out, putting on and taking off my masks, etc.!

    Steve: I don't think we have such a thing as long-term care insurance here. Interesting. I should look into that - for myself, not my mother, at this point!

    Martha: One day at a time - that is an excellent mantra. Good to hear from you; I hope you are doing okay, my friend.

  20. i am glad that you got through everything specially the "date" i imagine it could have been so tough but your recovery from sickness balanced it well dear Jenny that is what i think .

    keeping up with your mom in such situation must be challenging but i am so happy you were able to manage it nicely .

    how nice you had your son on Christmas day ! mine visited us after three years and i was beyond just happy ,it was inexplicable experience believe me .

    wishing you best of luck with all tasks dialy life brings to you my brave lovely friend !
    hugs and blessings!

  21. baili: Hugs to you, dear friend. I'm so glad your son was able to finally make the trip home to be with you and the rest of your family! That makes my heart very happy :)


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