
Thursday 18 November 2021

Kitty Update

Just checking in with an update on Meredith cat. If you missed the post describing her problem, go here

In addition to her trembling spells, she had also started drinking a lot and, not surprisingly, peeing a lot.

I was originally given a December 23 appointment for bloodwork but when her drinking/peeing increased last week, I called again and they fit her in the same day.

All of her bloodwork has come back fine: no diabetes, no liver or kidney problems, no thyroid issues. But her urine is very dilute and the vet is concerned about that.

So today she is having a full body x-ray to see if she might have a growth or tumour of some sort that is causing the issue. I had to take her in first thing this morning, and it could be afternoon before I get a call to retrieve her, as they have been very busy and told me they'd just be fitting her in around the other scheduled appointments as time becomes available.

I hate leaving my cats at the vet, although I know they get good care. I just feel so sorry for them, not able to be in their own familiar surroundings, and with all the other anxious pets adding to the noise and strangeness.

I do wonder, though, if waaaay inside Meredith's memory, she senses that she has been there before for some extended period of time - back before she came to live with us, when the vet had fixed her up after her accident and she spent time recuperating and waiting for a new home. I hope so, if it makes it easier on her.

Maybe I'm more anxious than she is. 

I'll update this post when I've spoken to the vet later today.

Update:  The news is not good - the x-ray showed a "calcified mass" in her chest, which is pushing her heart forward. There is nothing that can be done. As long as she is eating and seems comfortable, we will keep going forward. This is the heartbreaking part of having pets, but I try hard, very hard, to remember that giving them the best possible end-of-life care is a vital part of having a furry loved one. I don't know how long Meredith will have, but I'll try to make it the most comfortable time possible.



  1. I hope Meredith is OK! When my cat started drinking a lot it was a kidney problem -- so it's good the vet has already ruled that out. Let us know how it goes!

  2. Steve: I've updated my post now. The news is not what any pet owner wants to hear, unfortunately.

  3. This is the absolute worst about having a pet. I've been through the end of life with too many of them.

  4. I am so very, very sorry. Huge hugs dear friend (and a scrootch for Meredith).

  5. EC: I know you are going through your own heartache with Mister Jazz. It's not easy, is it? Meredith accepts your scrootch with queenly nonchalance (but is secretly smiling). Hugs to you too, dear friend.

  6. I'm so sorry to hear this about your lovely Meredith. This is indeed the heartbreaking part of loving animals. You are doing the right thing to give her love and comfort as long as possible. You are also very wise to recognize the importance of end of life care with a loved pet. It is so hard to let go when the time comes but it is also the ultimate act of love to not let them suffer. I'm sorry Jennifer. Give Meredith love from me and my two furbabies and there's love there for you too of course.

  7. Sad news but at least you know what is up

  8. So very sorry. Here's something to maybe cheer you up a little:

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  9. Many hugs to you and scritches to Meredith. May she have a good bit of good time left.

  10. I have no doubts that Meredith will get the best possible care and love until she is ready to head down to the rainbow bridge. I am sorry the news from the vet wasn't better, jenny_o. Take care.

  11. Sad for you and beloved kitty...I am so sorry. Sending hugs.

  12. I am so sorry to hear this news of your sweet Meredith!

  13. I'm so sad for you. Our beloved furry family members never live long enough. :-(

  14. Sad news. Pets (and children) are remarkable in the way they carry on as normal even when quite ill. Hugs.

  15. Sad news and hard for you who has to call it at some point. After our last pet died, we said never again, and we haven't. It is just too heartbreaking.

  16. I am so sorry to read this. Give Meredith lots of extra hugs from me for as long as it takes. Hopefully a long while.

  17. Bonnie: I like how you worded it - "it's the ultimate act of love to not let them suffer" - exactly how I feel. It IS hard, though, and I appreciate the love you've sent.

    gz: Sometimes I'm not sure if the worry of not knowing is worse or better than the sadness of knowing. Ultimately I choose knowing, I guess. It allows for preparation and better decision making.

    Doug: It's a lovely song. Made my eyes leak all over the place though ... but it would have done that no matter what's going on here :)

    Mimi: Thank you - that's the best one can hope for, isn't it?

    Mr. S: Thank you for those kind words, my friend.

  18. e: I know you are having similar worries with Lukas; thank you for the hugs. Sending them in return.

    Marie: Thank you; it's hard news to hear.

    Diane: You're so right. Thank you.

    Susan: That is true, and it makes it a little easier for us, too, to live more in the moment and enjoy the good days, like they do.

    Andrew: It IS heartbreaking, and we enter into the pet relationship knowing that. Sometimes it is just too hard to do.

    River: Thank you. I hope it's a while yet, too. Meredith is getting lots of extra hugs and I'll tell her which ones are yours :)

    Charlotte: Thank you for your kind thoughts.

  19. Hard. So very hard. More than a few times, I have had to make that excruciating decision about my beloved pets. But would I rather have not had them, even at the cost of great sorrow? No. I would still choose to have them. The joy, humor, love and occasional craziness each of them shared with me and the family is too precious. Too important. May your time left with Meredith be peaceful and loving. Hugs, Jenny-O.

  20. Awww! miserable news.

    We love them to bits and miss them when they go.

  21. I'm so sorry, Jenny! I'm glad she has you! <3

  22. I'm so sad for you and for Meredith - I guess it's probably harder for you. I'm sure you will give her the best care and make her as comfortable as possible. It is heartbreaking, but I agree with you it is our responsibility to care for our pets when they're nearing the end of their lives and not abandon them.

  23. we had pet like cat and parrot for years and i know well that how strongly we are bonded to our pets throughout the years dear Jenny .

    i am sorry that Meredith is having heart problem due to some mass ( tumor i think) ,it is melancholic to see our loved ones suffer with life threatening issues like this but there is end to every thing whether living and even non living so we care compelled to follow rule of nature inevitably ,she is lucky to have kind and loving friend and caretaker like you !
    hugs and blessings to you and best wishes for all you do!

  24. Mary: Our pets have always come to us as strays or shelter cats, and one of the ways I make myself feel better when they reach end of life is to remember that they had a forever home once they reached us. Your comment somehow reminded me of that and I thank you for it.

  25. kylie: So true.

    Diane: Thank you.

    Carola: The hard part of being human is knowing what the future may bring. Animals live in the moment and I wish I could do that myself.

    baili: Following the rule of nature - you have stated that so well and it has brought me more comfort than you may realize. Thank you for that, my dear friend.

  26. I'm just now seeing your update here. I'm sorry to hear the news isn't good. What is the "calcified mass"? Is it a tumor, or a benign growth? I wonder if it would be worthwhile getting a second opinion to see if anything can be done? (I'm not sure how old Meredith is, though you've probably said.) Anyway, I AM sorry. :(

  27. Steve: I did ask the vet to clarify after I wrote this post, and she said the mass was a bony tumour. She couldn't tell if it has spread yet. She also said that there is an option for further diagnostics, but it's expensive - a CT scan at the vet college in Prince Edward Island. Meredith is around 13 years old, maybe 13.5 (we don't know exactly when she was born). I hate to just do nothing, but I don't know if this scan would accomplish anything or if it would just be hard on Meredith, with all the travel involved. When I asked the vet specifically if she would do it if it was her pet, she thought for a few moments, then said no.


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