
Saturday 5 September 2020

Health Update

The news on my husband is not good. He has esophageal cancer -- an aggressive cancer that has already spread to other organs. It's often not detected until it's quite advanced, and this has been the case with my husband. His ability to eat has deteriorated in just four months from normal to only liquids. It started just as covid-19 put us into lockdown and doctors were not seeing patients except in the hospital emergency department. And his symptoms were not at first significant enough to send him to Emergency, so it wasn't until doctors started having telephone appointments in late May that he finally made his first appointment, which was set for early July. Bloodwork at that time returned normal results, so he was referred for a CT scan. As I mentioned before, that test was delayed due to repeated communication breakdowns, and it took a long time and several phone calls to finally get in.  

Once the CT scan was read, though, things started happening quickly. He had an endoscope last Monday, and Thursday he was admitted to hospital to have a stent placed in his esophagus-stomach junction to allow him to take food other than liquids, which is all he could get down for the past month. The stent was put in yesterday and so far he hasn't noticed a difference but it can take a few days for it to expand the passageway. He was also put on stronger pain medication, which was important as his related back pain was becoming unmanageable with the maximum dosage of over-the-counter pain killers.

The thoracic surgeon who talked to us about the stent said that the first thing they do for this kind of cancer is to support nutrition, and the second thing is to treat the tumour. The stent will help his nutrition, and to treat the tumour he has been referred for radiation and chemotherapy.

Thank you for all the kind and thoughtful messages you have left for us. They are appreciated more than you can ever know.

I will be absent from Poetry Monday for the foreseeable future. Diane at On the Alberta/Montana Border welcomes your poems in her comment section and I may see you over there from time to time. And I'll still be reading blogs when I get the chance, so I'll see you around, I'm sure.

We are doing okay, but my heart is breaking already at what is to come. Please hug your dear ones extra hard while you have the chance, won't you?

So long for now.


  1. Oh Jenny love, that is such awful news. My heart aches for you both. Please know that you are in my prayers. x

  2. Oh dear heart. I am so sorry. Thank you for giving us this update. As always heart felt non-infectious hugs and oceans of caring are flowing your way.

  3. Oh, dear Jenny. That was so not the news we wanted to hear from you. My heart is aching for you and your husmand. I'll be praying for a miracle for you, and lots and lots of strenght for both of you!

  4. Oh my dear Jenny, Norma and I wish you both strength and endurance.

  5. I'm so very sorry to read this. Thinking of you and your husband.

  6. I am praying for healing for your dear hubby and that he gets the best treatment that will be successful. This is very stressful for you too, so take tender care of yourself.

  7. Oh Jenny, I wish I had the words to tell you how sorry I am. I have made this horrible journey with my Mother and later with my brother with other types of cancer. No one knows all you are going through but I know it is difficult and heart breaking. My email is on my blog and if you ever need to talk with someone you are more than welcome to email me. If you believe in prayer, that can help. Take one day at a time and try to find any piece of joy and love you each can find in each day. If there are any TV shows or books or anything that brings you laughter then find it and smile and laugh as much as you can for you will find that to be healing to you both. This may all sound crazy what I am saying but I have been there and these things helped at the time. And don't forget the most beautiful and unconditional love from any pets you have!

    I'm holding you both in my prayers and positive thoughts.

  8. Jenny,

    I am so saddened to hear this news. I pray the treatments help and the support of friends and family get you both through what lies ahead.

    Sending a huge hug across the Strait.

  9. So sorry to hear. I wish you well in the hard journey ahead and take good care of yourself too.

  10. Oh Jenny. My heart breaks for you. What a tough road to diagnosis, I'm sure you knew you were in trouble and the worry of wondering is so so hard. So, so much love to you both

  11. I am familiar with this. A huge hug from me for both of you. You always had kind words for me when I needed them, and I don't know what to say except I love you and wish I could fix this.

  12. You've had to face some very bad news. It's a very life changing event. I'm sure you will find the strength to carry on.

  13. I'm so sad to hear this and hope treatment goes well with good outcomes.

  14. I held my breath when I saw your post on my dashboard. I had so much hope that it would be good news. My heart hurt for you and your husband as I read your words. I pray that the doctors will find the perfect plan to help your beloved beat this.

    I am so glad that your daughter and family have moved back near you and you will have her support and company.

    Jenny, you are a special lady, and we care about you very much.

  15. Wishing you the best in this horrible situation.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  16. Just sending a big hug.Not always easy, but keep positive and factual. You have probably found that there are support groups. Keep talking.

  17. Oh Jenny, my friend across the sea, I am so very, very sorry. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your husband. Much love to you both. Try to stay strong.

  18. Jenny, this is such awful news. As you can see from all our comments, we were so much wishing for a better outcome than this for you both. My thoughts are with you and your family, and will be throughout this sad time that you are all having to endure. Remember, you are in the hearts of all of us.

  19. Oh, I'm so sorry to hear this. It's difficult under any circumstances and it must feel especially unfair for it to happen now, during the time of Covid. I hope the radiation and chemotherapy are effective and his nutrition improves with the stent. Thinking of you both.

  20. I am so sorry, having been through this with relatives and friends, I understand the hear break. Thinking of you.

  21. As you know, Tom has a terminal illness and is progressively getting worse. Like you say, it is heartbreaking when you love someone so much. The good thing is that the treatment may well do good things and you may have a lot longer together. Tom unfortunately cannot be treated. Life is so, so difficult but rest assured there is a strength out there that will help you both through, I know it.
    Big hugs

  22. So very sorry to hear this news. It is a private matter but I, like I believe all your readers, am ready to listen when you need someone.

  23. Take care, jenny_o. Hugs, positive thoughts and well wishes to you and your husband.

  24. My heart aches for you, and you are in my prayers, both of you.

  25. Precious friend

    i am crying for the sadness you are bearing right now ,it is not possibly to find appropriate words to say how deeply i felt for you ,all i want is a miracle so i can get near and hug tight ,kiss your forehead and say that all will be fine my dear Jenny ,be sure of it !

    it is shame that doctors were not available soon to diagnose disease earlier ,what i found reliving that your husband is being treated well and got stent that will help him to eat normal food , hope second treatment effects well too by the grace of lord
    you will stay strong i believe this ,and you too know that it will pass eventually !
    you and your hubby are in my heart ,thoughts and prayers dear friend!
    tons of positive energy and healing power to you and your hubby!

  26. I am sending you a virtual hug by express delivery and a second hug for your beloved husband. Thinking of you both at this trying time Jenny. Be brave.

  27. Know words are impotent in the face of this news--but hope you will both feel the love and support of this community. Thinking of you.

    While your major focus will be on caring for your husband, please also take care of yourself as best you can.

  28. Thinking of you and Husby always, Jenny! All my love!

  29. Dear Jenny, this is hard news to hear, and I wish I had the words to comfort you both. One day at a time, dear one. Please know my love and prayers are going up and out for you.

  30. I'm so, so sorry to hear it's cancer. What a vicious and horrible disease. I wish I had words that would help. I'm keeping you and your husband in my thoughts, and wishing you strength and comfort in each other.


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