
Monday 17 February 2020

Poetry Monday: Blue

It's Poetry Monday, and this week's topic is ....... BLUE.

Join Diane, MotherOwl, Mimi and me as we tackle this topic. You can leave your poem in the comments, or post on your own blog. If you do the latter, please leave a comment as well so we can find you and your poem. Use the topic, or choose another; the objective is to have fun and exercise our brains.


It's a picture poem this week, folks. I looked through my old photos and anything blue that caught my eye made it into the poem.


Blue is . . . . .

The inverted bowl of a summer sky

Tiny forget-me-nots nodding in a gentle breeze

Ocean waves meeting boulders along the shore

Early evening sky as a backdrop for the moon . . .

. . . and for a lamp along a walking trail

A bluebird looking for a sunflower seed

A fuzzy snowflake blanket beneath a fuzzy cat

The promise of fine weather through gray storm clouds

The dish that holds my sewing pins, now a half a century old

. . . and the first -- and last -- pincushion I ever made, equally old

Christmas 2019 bird ornaments made from felt and love

The bluish cast of cold winter snow, crisscrossed by deer tracks

And a welcome sight for a tired traveller . . . the sky as I near home


Over to you, readers -- what does blue bring to mind for you? I hope it's good, whatever it is.

Next week's topic will be ....... PUZZLES .......

Good luck!


  1. I really like your poetic photo Odyssey. This isn't a proper poem, and lacks relevant photos but:

    Blue are my jeans and sweatshirt
    Blue is the cover of the Ry Cooder album in the box beneath the
    Blue cat carrier Littlebeast rode all over the state in last year.
    Blue has been the sky this last week as I walked up the road by the river, past the
    Blue car we came here in with the cat in his carrier.
    Blue was the sweater on the little dog that passed me on my walk today, dragging his masters up the hill and across the little bridge by the sign on the building that says simply "Sugar Pine Community" with so many trees all around.
    I intend to find out what that sign is about soon.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

    1. I would sure call this "a proper poem" Doug - and I love the images in it and how you tied them together. Now I'm smiling at the thought of a little dog in a blue sweater :D

    2. I'm smiling at the name Littlebeast in his cat carrier.

  2. LOVE your pincushion and those enchanting birds.

    1. That pincushion is a bit like the Velveteen Rabbit - it's nap has been worn off from use :)

      Those birds were sold - every single one I made. And I had such pleasure making them.

  3. Blue always, ALWAYS has me thinking of the ocean.

    1. Not surprising at all, knowing how you spent so much time in it or near it! I tend to think of sky and ocean, too, for the colour blue.

  4. Lovely picture-poem. And man, I forgot the forget-me-nots! I like the lamp photo and the coming hime one best. What a good idea!

    1. I hope my poetry mojo comes back soon - I'm getting desperate for ideas, Charlotte!

  5. dear Jenny
    your blues are SOOTHING and BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i cannot define my connection with blue but i can say simply i love blue ,there exist in room in my consciousness where i want to fill with things all blue including walls and roof lol i don't know i would bring it to reality or not though

    oh i absolutely fell in love with you handmade pincushion and birds ,your art is DELIGHTFUL and CHERISHING!!!
    i found each image you share fascinating ,sky ,booms ,moon everything speaks for your love to blues :)))
    i loved sky near your home and the promising sky peaking through storms is powerful !

    blue and green are most dominating colors of nature and speak directly to soul who look for peace :)
    more joys and blessings to you my friend!

    1. Nature has such beautiful colours, does she not?
      Hugs, baili :)

  6. So there's more than one way to write poetry! Nicely done.

    1. This is what happens when the words just won't come :)

  7. Replies
    1. Thank you, 37p. I feel like I cheated, somehow :)

  8. The photos and words are perfect for blue...which I am not after reading your post!

  9. I really liked your photo poem. I so appreciate color and how it affects my mood. Blue was the color of my mother’s eyes and I associate love and peace when surrounded with this hue. Blue was the color that I used throughout my first home, now it is yellow, but still with shades of and there.

    1. Colour can create such different feelings! Blue is one I love too. My clothing is mostly shades of deep blue, about the colour of the evening sky.

  10. Replies
    1. Nature has such beauty, doesn't it? (she?)

  11. I love all your blues and your poem that accompanies them. A poem can take many forms. The photos and words are relaxing. I love the old pins container. I have one that is at least that old and although it looks a little different it is that same shade of blue.

    1. That must have been "THE" shade of blue in our youth!

  12. It's clever to combine the poetry with photos.

    1. It was more desperation than anything! I'm having a dry spell as far as poetry goes.

  13. Replies
    1. Thanks, Joanne - but they belong mostly to Mom Nature :D

  14. Love your phoem and especially love your little bird ornaments. Blue is the color of the walls in my little studio here in the Ocean State. It's also the color of the eyes of almost all the people in my family, including my parents. It's the color of my favorite berry, my favorite blouse, my favorite get the picture. I really like blue, as a color, though, not a feeling.

    1. Blue as a colour: wonderful. Blue as a feeling: a struggle. You're so right.

  15. Well done, and beautifully done!

    1. Thank you, Mimi - it was nice to go back through photos and be able to pick so easily - the blue pictures stood out spectacularly from the others in my files.

  16. What a cool twist on your poem for this week - love it! And your "blues" are beautiful. I particularly like your little felt Christmas birds!

    1. Thanks, Diane. I had so much enjoyment from making them.

  17. Nice set of images, blue is a favorite color.

    1. A lot of people say blue is their favourite! So I guess we're in good company.

  18. When saw the title of your post I thought of a blue mood and not much else but normally I might think of the sky or water or a kookaburra or blue eyes.

    My very favourite dress as a little girl was blue Swiss cotton with a little floral print on it, ruffles down the front and a velvet belt. I still have it, probably the beginning of my fabric habit!

    1. Ah, yes, the fabric habit - I've got that, too, in a big way ... I can picture your little dress and don't wonder that you kept it!

  19. I meant to say, your photos pretty much cover the important blues!

    1. The other important one, which you mentioned (mood), is harder to capture.

  20. Oh, I loved this! Blue is one of my favourite colours. It reminds me of the sky, the ocean, water in general... It makes me feel happy.

    1. There's a lot of blue in nature; maybe that's why so many folks like it so much!

  21. Nicely done, jenny_o. I love how you incorporated the visuals to go along with your poem. You are a superstar.

    1. It was a last-ditch attempt to create a poem! The poetry muse was absent :) But thank you. Being kind and supportive makes you a good commenter and more importantly a great dad.


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