
Monday 25 November 2019

Poetry Monday: Windows

It's Poetry Monday, and this week's topic is .....WINDOWS.

Join Diane, MotherOwl, Mimi, Merry Mae, and me, as we put a shine on this topic. You can leave your poem in the comments, or post on your own blog. If you do the latter, please leave a comment so we can find you and your poem. Use the topic, or choose another; the objective is to have fun and work our brains :)


Can you believe I struggled for days to produce four lines of "kinda" poetry about windows? I had ideas, but, people, nothing worked until I followed the line of thinking that had been in the back of my mind but which I had been trying to avoid the whole time . . .


I Don't (Often) Do Windows

Invisible when they're freshly washed;
Less so, with some screening.
Windows let us see the world, but --
I wish they didn't need cleaning

This picture cracks me up every time. Those expressions!!


I hope you have a better relationship with your windows than I do, and -- at least this week -- you don't have to wash any :)

Next week's topic will be ........... HUMMING .......

Good luck!


  1. Love that photo - and your poem.
    Window cleaning is not one of my favourite jobs, but I have noticed a line of cat snot 'adorning' the windows in the lounge so it will have to move up the agenda. Soon. Ish.

    1. And as soon as you get it done, Jazz will have to re-do his artwork :)

    2. Lucky for me, Lola doesn't put her nose to the window. Yet.

  2. Yes, rather wish they didn't need cleaning too. Children don't care about what marks they make on mirrors and windows, no matter how much I hate them.

  3. You nailed it!
    I've lived in this house for 22 years and I clean the insides of the windows but the outsides have never been done, it's too hard for me so we just live with dirty windows

    1. A curtain - even a lace one - makes dirty windows disappear, I find :)

  4. Oh yes, that cleaning. Not at least now in autumn and winter. My fingers get soo cold.
    Lovely poem.
    And the photo is a sweet excuse for window cleaning.

    1. Isn't it? Noseprints are just a reminder of our wonderful little people or pets!

  5. LOVE the poem Jenny.
    And that you told us about how it came to be.
    The picture is darn cute, too!
    Happy Monday and boogie boogie.

  6. Snoot on a window...yucky!
    I like 4 line poems. Who needs more?
    I can't recall seeing a cat expression before. Priceless.

    1. Our cats have a lot of different expressions. I guess when you live with them you get to see the variety!

  7. That is a great photo.

    On this island, window washing is a common chore due to all the red earth blowing in the wind. Hateful job.

    1. Add water and it turns to red muck, right? :)

      Our windows actually get the dirtiest in late winter, as the salt from the street gets blown onto them with spring storms. If only we didn't need salt spread on icy streets!

  8. Cleaning windows is always an awful chore!

    1. I've been preaching to the choir, I see :)

  9. that is cute ,wise piece of poetry dear Jenny :)

    i think windows always fascinate me a lot ,their existence is powerful and meaningful until they are CLEANED and we are ABLE TO WATCH THROUGH THEM CLEARLY :)

    so dusting them regularly is uttermost important to view and to think better :)
    hugs and countless best wishes for your days ahead my friend!

    1. Clean windows can make a good metaphor, right? Thank you for your kind comment, baili!

  10. Simple but meaningful when you're an old guy who has to clean windows.

  11. Ah windows...the eyes of the soul of the house. Not so much when they're dirty.

    1. Now you're just making me feel guilty, Delores - lol

  12. Best. Picture. Ever!!! Is that cat saying, "Let us in! Please!!!"
    Great poem. And I SO agree!
    Humming, eh? Cool!

    1. I love that picture! I wish it were one I had taken :)

      Humming might be difficult for some participants; I hope not, though.

  13. Eyes..the windows to our soul

    1. Yes indeed . . . and that is like a micro-poem, gz :)

  14. My eyesight isn't that good (or wasn't) and when I drove a delivery truck for a living, I liked to keep the windows clean, which wasn't hard when refueling as the large tanks gave me plenty of time to clean them while they were filling.
    Then we started renting trucks from Coast Rentals in San Francisco, and every time we picked up a truck, they washed the windows with a water hose and a brush on a stick.
    That got the windows so clean so fast that I began cleaning my glasses by holding them under hot running water and got the same effect.
    The look on that cat's face is priceless.

    -Doug in Rohnert Park for a few more days

    1. It's vital to have clean windows when you're driving. I can't understand why some people here drive without cleaning their windows of frost and snow in the winter. Dirt is just as bad!

    2. Hi Doug-Have you found another place yet? Did you break 20 minutes?

    3. Hi Doug-have you found another place?

  15. While i wish they didn't need cleaning, too, all that cleaning is my bread and butter!

    1. And that makes me look at it in a whole different light, Mimi! There are always pros and cons to every issue :)

  16. Perfect, perfect, perfect! I only notice how filthy my windows are when company is coming. I try to do them within hours of them entering the door because they never stay clean for long.

    Gosh, I love that picture!

    1. If we have company and the windows aren't clean, we usually just pull the curtains . . . partly because OUR primary issue is getting rid of cat hair :D

  17. I can't remember last washing a window. That's something I'll pay for, forever!

    1. Some things are worth the money, aren't they?!

  18. The expressions are pretty amazing. I have only two windows, lucky me and they're smallish, but I don't bother with cleaning them. I'll get it done when I'm ready to move out. Maybe.

    1. "Maybe" . . . lol. A woman after my own heart, River :)

  19. HAHAHA! That photo :)

    Love the poem. Not so much cleaning windows!

    1. Window washing seems to be universally disliked :)

  20. My husband is cleaning windows as we speak lol. It's nice that he's willing because it's a low priority for me. Leave a window dirty, save a birds life, that's what I say. Who's with me? Is that little one someone you know? Is that your cat? Love that picture.

    1. I'm with you! Also I hardly have the energy to do the really important stuff like cooking and laundry, ha ha. Lucky you to have a husband who does those things :)

      Not my child, not my cat - I Googled "lolcats windows" to find that :) I love it too!

  21. Cleaning windows and mirrors are at the top of my list of things to avoid doing. Second on the list is writing poetry about windows. Haha.

    1. I understand both those things, especially after racking my brain to write a windows poem this week :)

  22. Happy Thanksgiving day dear Jenny :)
    hope you enjoyed this special day with loved ones
    blessings to you my friend!

    1. Yesterday was Thanksgiving for the United States. Canada's Thanksgiving was back in October. We had our special day a couple of weeks ago in place of October because my husband and I were sick on "real" Thanksgiving. Kind of complicated this year!! But we did have a good get-together the day we chose to celebrate. Family makes a day complete! Thank you for your kind wishes, baili :)

  23. Nicely done jenny_o and you are right about that photo. I tried to write a poem this week but failed. I have a lot of work to do to get to your level.

    1. In case you haven't noticed, my level is pretty much at ground level, Mr. S... you don't have to go very far to get there :) But I appreciate your kindness :)

    2. OMG I just went to your post for today and read your poem - it is HILARIOUS! I love it!

      People, click on Mr. Shife's name on his comment above, and then on his blog name "Confessions of a Dumb, White Guy", then on the post "Turkey Day 2019" to read his poem!

  24. That picture is hilarious! I particularly love the cat's "Wh-a-a-a-t?!?" expression.

    And I completely agree with you about windows. I hate dirty windows; but they really only stay clean for a few days. Sigh.

    1. Yes, all that time wasted when a person could be reading a good book -- or writing one! lol

      That picture still cracks me up, and I must have looked at it dozens of times now :)


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