
Monday 4 November 2019

Poetry Monday: Busy Days

It's Poetry Monday, and this week's topic is ....... BUSY DAYS.

Join Diane, MotherOwl, Mimi, Merry Mae and me as we get down to busy-ness and create our masterpieces. You can leave your poem in the comments or post on your own blog and leave a comment here so we know where to find you. Use the topic, or choose another; the object is to have fun and make our heads think!


Last week was full of busy days for me. There was visiting, and being visited, and Halloween, and phone calls upon phone calls, and meetings, and all the usual stuff that a person has to do to keep a house running. I feel like I accomplished quite a bit, which was good, but it was a huge relief to make it to the oasis of the weekend, and then to check the calendar for next week and see nothing planned.

That's not to say I'll be doing nothing. We couldn't have our family Thanksgiving dinner back in October because my husband and I were recovering from colds and didn't want to risk giving our germs to our elderly mothers (or anyone else, for that matter). So our replacement Thanksgiving will be this Sunday, and that will involve some extra housecleaning this week. But other than that, it will be quiet here. There will be time to read and make Christmas ornaments for a second craft sale and go for some walks.

These were my thoughts when I was contemplating "busy days" for Poetry Monday.


No Offense But I'm Not Answering The Doorbell This Week

Days that are full have their own special charm:
Completing my Do list as long as my arm ...
Visiting special folks too long unseen ...
Getting through meetings or errands routine ...

But days that are quiet are what I live for;
No drama, no worry (both things I abhor).
Some think it is boring, but I disagree;
My life's not for them but it's perfect for me.


Wishing you a week that's just as busy or quiet as you like it :)

Next week's topic will be ...... GLASSES (any kind). Thanks, Diane!


  1. Hey, you must be an introvert! I could stay on my own for days at a time.

    1. I think there are quite a few of us bloggers who are introverts.

  2. I generally agree with the thoughts in your poem.

  3. I like quiet undisturbed days at home too, when I can zip through the housework and have the rest of the day for reading.

    1. Yes, or even put off the housework and just read!

  4. We rush and we push and we hurry about
    We fight with the traffic and I've been known to shout
    As the day passes by in the blink of an eye
    And then it's to bed and I heave a big sigh
    But give me a day with nothing to do
    I'll stop and unwind and spend it with you
    I'm happy to settle for gentle and calm
    Surrounded by people who make me feel warm

    1. You've captured it well, Cherie. Thanks for taking part.

  5. I hope you're feeling better.
    I apparently like being busy, as I will work up a routine that pretty much uses all my available time when I don't have the usual constraints that come with employment.
    Maybe the trick is balancing accomplishment with "free" time, but that doesn't really feel right when you could say that most of my time is free, even though it really isn't.
    I suspect that women deal with that to a larger extent than I do, so perhaps I can at least relate to the way they feel about it?
    I do try to remember to make some time for music each day, as that seems to keep me sane, which is kind of important.

    -Doug now north of Oakland

    1. Doug...did you move? How far North of Oakland are you?

    2. Hi Chicken! Yeah, we're staying in Rohnert Park (a couple miles South of the Kincaid fire evacuation zone) for the time being. It's nice, but I miss Oakland. I left a long comment to your new post. It's good to hear from you again.

      -Doug now north of Oakland

  6. Nice poem. I reaaly liked it. Quiet, or rahter no busy dags are the best.

    1. Yes, I suppose quiet is not the opposite of busy, necessarily. Not-busy days are good.

  7. Oh i think you accomplished a lot dear Jenny :)

    i agree busy or slow days both have charm and because they come after breaks are always "worth enjoying"

    i am glad you enjoyed your busy days with family and friends :) and now ready to for some silent slow days with reading along coffee for sure :)

    thank God that you and your husband are feeling good now
    best wishes for your thanksgiving dinner and crafts making and sale my friend !

    i absolutely loved poem and images is so expressive :)))

    i love each shade of life busy or slow ,sundays are awaited and appreciated most since inside me there is sadness that my kids will also leave the home for life ventures , i so enjoy being with them and try to make best of it

    1. Yes, make the most of every day. The years pass so quickly. Hugs, my friend.

  8. Big smiles.
    The purportedly Chinese curse 'may you live in interesting times' has always struck me as particularly vicious. Those interesting times are without doubt frantically busy. A quiet/boring life is MUCH more to my taste.

  9. The rhythm and rhyme of your poems are always so wonderful. I love reading them out loud.

    1. What a nice compliment, MM - I have had the same thought when reading your poetry. Very rhythmic and easy to read :)


    I'm the Busy Boogie Woogie Blogging Queen

  11. I love that poem, Jenny. I think you spoke for many of us busy women who often are juggling so many things because it is expected of us, and truth be told, because we ask for it. The downtime afterwards is glorious.

  12. I like a good mix of being busy and down-time. It's hard to get the balance right sometimes, though!

  13. Love this poem. It’s perfect! Enjoy the week.

  14. And perfect for me as well.
    Next week's topic! I'm sorry! I forgot to put it with my poem. It's GLASSES (whatever type-drinkable or wearable). Sorry about that!

  15. I hope you enjoy your Thanksgiving celebration. Downtime is always good.

    1. Thanks, e - we're not quite as late as your Thanksgiving, but it's late for us.

  16. Beautiful! May you have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family. Good for you, celebrating holidays when you can, not being a slave to the calendar.

    1. Thanks, Mimi - it's officially being called Replacement Thanksgiving, because I'm all original and stuff, ha ha

  17. Well, you certainly don't need to explain this to me! Quiet days are wonderful, aren't they? Sometimes we need to bolt the day and shut out the world :) Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your loved ones.

    1. "Bolt the day and shut out the world" - I like that, Martha!

  18. I enjoy busy days, but there is nothing better than having the day to myself in the wake of a busy day. A chance to breathe and just be.

  19. I feel the same way! One of these days I'm going to grant myself a 'staycation' - where I stay at home and do whatever I want (or nothing). One of these days... (or so I keep promising myself).

    1. Sometimes you just have to do it, and not wait for a convenient time. Call it a mental health staycation :)

    2. An excellent idea. The problem is that when you work for yourself, sitting there looking at the work you're not doing can be more stressful than actually doing the work. ;-)

    3. Yes, I understand that aspect too :) My husband has said the exact same thing at times when he was self-employed. There's no magic fairy who will do the work for you, dang it!

  20. A lovely post, jenny_o. Hope the replacement Thanksgiving went well.

    1. Thanks, Mr. S. Replacement Thanksgiving is scheduled for Sunday and I'm sure it will :)

  21. I like a mix of busy and quiet, but whatever I'm doing I wish I was doing the opposite. :D

    Happy Thanksgiving.

    1. Hah! Isn't that the truth! I often do that too.

      Thanks, Joey - we had a nice day.


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