
Tuesday 6 August 2019

Poetry Monday on Tuesday: Thunder And Lightning And Rain .......

It's Poetry Monday on Tuesday, and this week's topic is a mouthful:  THUNDER AND LIGHTNING AND RAIN ..... and as Delores added, "OH MY!"

What trouble can we get into with this topic? Come along with Delores, Mimi, Diane (yes! she's back!), and me to find out. (MotherOwl is on summer break at the moment.)

If you have a poem you'd like to contribute, you may leave it in the comments or post it on your own blog. If you do the latter, please leave a comment so we'll know where to find you.

Use the topic or not --- just have fun and exercise your brain cells. Writing poetry is like taking your brain for a jog! (or in my case, a stroll ... but every bit counts)


The phrase "thunder and lightning" has been rolling around in my head since last Poetry Monday, and what kept emerging was a fragment of the lyrics from a very snappy song from 1966, covered and taken to #1 in the U.S. in 1979 by Amii Stewart, called Knock On Wood, which you can hear -- and see -- here.  I thought if I looked up the song on YouTube I might get it out of my head and then proceed with the poetry topic.

I found the video a wee bit cringey at first, because of the gold lame and incessant hip action, but then something happened right at the 2:07 mark, when I began to realize just how talented Amii Stewart and her backup guys were as dancers. They had impressive precision, flexibility, and stamina. Those moves are not easy at that pace.

How would I even begin to know that? Well, the video reminded me of the aerobics classes I took in the 80s, except I wore shorts and T-shirt instead of high heels and yards of gauze like Amii did.

I really liked aerobics. It was similar to Jazzercize and Zumba which came along later, but back then it was a new and different kind of exercise and very much connected with the high energy, beat-driven music of that era. I was in the best shape of my life when I took those classes.

Aaaaaaaand that's when I knew the topic had grabbed me and taken me down a completely different road than I expected.

Join me, then, as I go back to the days when I had one toddler, a slim physique, and a twice-a-week date with twenty or so other ladies and some great rhythmic music to jump and crash around to . . .


Get On Yer Pink Tights And Aqua Bodysuits, Folks

After our toddlers were parked at day care
And after ascending two steep flights of stairs
We ladies would spend forty minutes to sweat
A privilege we paid out good money to get

Most of us worked to get back into shape
After having our babies had made us gain weight
The funniest part -- looking back, anyhow --
Is how skinny I actually was (unlike now)

Led by a boot-camp instructor wannabe
We marched and we kicked and we jumped -- oh did we!
The beat of the music propelled us along
And we felt energized by each high-octane song

A-one and a-two and a-three and a-four
We thundered like rhinos upon that gym floor
A-five and a-six and a-seven and a-eight
Our adrenaline surged, as did every heart rate

I can still hear those songs in the back of my mind
They transport me back to a very good time:
Hall and Oates, Blondie, Donna Summer, and Queen
Dolly and Joan Jett, J. Geils and Irene

In fact, as I sit on my chair, here and now
I'm thinking of how I can get back that "wow"
So excuse me; I'm going to dig up some songs
And head back to the eighties where I think I belong

I didn't dress like this but some did, headband and legwarmers and all


I went off topic again, didn't I? But I did use "thundered" -- did you spot it?

I'm thrilled that Diane has re-joined Poetry Monday -- it was her idea to begin with and Delores and the rest of us were just keeping it going in her absence. The link to her blog is at the beginning of this post. Welcome back, Diane!

And next week's topic, courtesy of Diane, is going to be ............. A CHILDHOOD HERO ................... Good luck! 



  1. I am glad that your friend is back from break Jenny ,you guys are doing GREAT job here by creating so much fun with topics :)

    i am really enjoying all this :)

    you used the topic metaphysically here :)))

    but EXCELLENTLY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i loved the video regarding topic ,i actually felt the impact of thunder and lightening when i saw blazing dress and sensational dance

    you are so amazing and intelligent dear Jenny to pick the resemblance and use so wonderfully :)

    at the moment after watching video and reading your intriguing poem i strongly wished to see your image from 80s :)

    though my imagination supported my desire to some extent and i was so thrilled to see you dancing there in such enthusiastic way :) (hope you din't mind)

    can i ask how many children do you have ?

    stay blessed with beautiful life each step my friend!

    1. Now I wish I could see what your imagination came up with regarding me dancing in the 80s - lol!

      We are the lucky parents of two grown up children (one boy, one girl), and lucky grandparents to two grandchildren (two boys)! Thanks for asking, baili :)

      Thank you, as always, for your positive and supportive comments, my friend.

    2. thank you for sweet reply dear Jenny :)

      i saw you dancing with elegance and decency ,pink shirt white short
      smile playing on your lips and eyes have grave ,sober and intelligent shine , following music nicely you were happy with yourself :)

    3. i am so happy to know that you have perfect family by the grace of Lord :)

      daughters are friends of moms mostly , i know that your daughter is living bit far from you but i don't know whether you have your son close or not
      i really appreciate your kindness my friend !

    4. Haha - I like your imaginary portrait of me, baili! You were quite close except you missed the beet-red face! (I'm fair of complexion and flush easily)

      Our son lives about ninety minutes away by car, and comes to visit now and then as he still has other business in our area. We need to plan a trip to visit him soon, too. I know how much you miss your son and completely understand that, my dear friend.

    5. haha you right
      i had in my thoughts your pretty fair face but yes i could not think that your exercise is making your cheeks red :)

      pink shirt and pink cheeks ,looks beautiful dear Jenny :)

      this is absolutely relief to know that you have your son closer my precious friend , he visits and and you can visit him whenever you want is BLESSING indeed!
      hope your daughter is doing great and you will see her soon too!

    6. A blessing indeed, baili! Thank you for your kindness, my friend :)

  2. I went to an aerobics lesson once, a friend talked me into it as her usual partner wasn't going that week. it was okay, but I think I'd prefer Jazzercise which is more like the dancing they do on stage behind the singers, like Jazz Ballet which I also did for a while and really loved it, then we moved away and I had no other options open to me.

    1. But now with internet videos you could start your own class at home! What would Lola think, I wonder? I'm afraid of spooking our cats!

  3. I watched the video and then of course I got stuck on you tube watching several other videos (*~*)

  4. I never joined those classes. Yoga was as far as I got in the 'group exercise' line. Something I think I need to get back to - being as flexible as a brick. That sound track you danced to triggers memories though...

    1. "As flexible as a brick" - I like that. It describes me as well.

  5. The right music does make physical work easier, doesn't it?
    My mom used to get nervous during thunder storms because she grew up in Oklahoma where they were often accompanied by tornadoes, which are genuinely scary.
    Accustomed to the mild weather of North coastal California, I never minded them too much, except when they got in the way of my outdoor activities.

    -Doug in Oakland

    P.S.: Joan Jett is still a badass at 60 and is still touring, will be playing the East Bay next month.

    1. Some rock stars have aged very well, haven't they?

      I think if I grew up like your mom did, I'd be nervous too. It's not easy to disconnect the links that are made in childhood.

  6. You love the thunder and you love the rain
    What you see revealed within the anger is worth the pain
    And before the lightning fades and you surrender
    You've got a second to look at the dark side of the man

    From Jackson Browne's magnificent song You Love The Thunder
    CLICK HERE for Bazza’s unexpectedly uxorious Blog ‘To Discover Ice’

    1. That's new to me, bazza - thanks for contributing!

  7. Jenny, that was fun and brought back memories of those post baby exercise classes. I remember all that sweating and what a great feeling I had when it was over - for two reasons. My adrenaline was pumped and the the class had ended.

    1. Hahaha! Yes - the post exercise feeling of gratitude that it was over!

  8. What memories! While i never officially joined Jazzercise, i did later do some Zumba, it was fun. Maybe i need to look up some easy beginner videos on YouTube. No way i am going to go do that in public now.

    1. Me either, mimi :) But thank goodness for the internet, eh?

  9. Now put this to an energetic beat and you have a hit. Your poem gives all of us a look back.

    1. The force - er, the music - was strong back then, wasn't it?


    When God created everything
    Lightning sparked from his fingers
    And the skies were filled with terrible thunder
    It was elemental
    A celestial alchemy
    Like the night that Frankenstein’s monster
    Rose from the dead
    And said
    And on that day
    The Day of Creation
    God’s own God
    Made even brighter forks of lightning
    That cracked the skies
    As even louder thunder
    Boomed like wildebeest
    Migrating through the Serengeti
    And the God of God’s own God
    Slept on
    As the endless rain teemed down.

    1. Thanks for contributing, YP! Sounds like a cracker of a storm :)

  11. Lol. Really enjoyed the poem! Lard thunderin’

    1. HAHA! I read that in the appropriate accent, Marie! Love it :)

  12. Oh Jenny that was great. How I remember those days (and those leg warmers). I'm glad Diane is back...I was running out of ideas.

    1. Ha ha! You'd have been fine :)

      I never had those leg warmers. I'm not sorry :)

  13. Brilliant poem! You must have worked those brain cells hard overnight to come up with this poem.

    My rhyming brain cells don't seem to be very co-operative at the moment as i couldn't come up with anything.

    Have a good week and take care.

    1. To be scrupulously honest, I had the first two verses written by Monday, but just couldn't finish it off. A day's break helped so much!

      Thanks for your support, Joan.

  14. "... back to the eighties where I think I belong." I hear you. I miss the innocence and vigor and energy of those days. I never joined one of those classes, but my sister did Jazz ballet. And all your music and the verses just bring ma back to that when. Thank you.
    And Yes I'm back, but unfortunately in Danish only.

    1. I miss that time in my life, too. And you're the second person to mention Jazz ballet - which is completely new to me! I'll have to do some internet sleuthing :)

  15. You definitely get points for originality! That is NOT where I would have gone with a prompt like "thunder and lightning." I do remember that Ami Stewart song, though -- my brother used to call her "keyhead" because she once performed on TV with a big headdress that looked like the top of an old door key. I wonder if those were the "Solid Gold Dancers" backing her up?

    I love those '80s songs too -- definitely the music of my youth!

    1. It was an era of such up-tempo music, wasn't it?!

      Those dancers could certainly be described as "solid gold dancers" so I'm going to say yes :D

  16. The mind takes us down interesting paths, and magic often happens when we follow, as you've done here. I could picture it all from your images. Oh, I remember.

    1. Come sit with the rest of us mentally kicking up our heels, 37p :D

  17. Your poem brought back a blast from the past for me, too!

    You know what impressed me most about that video? She did it all in high heels. Owie. I'm lucky to keep high heeled shoes on my feet and myself upright, never mind prancing around and high-kicking and shaking what my momma gave me at the same time. Talent indeed! :-)

  18. LOL, lots of lightening and lard here at the moment...

  19. This is absolutely brilliant! You are a true poet in the best sense of the word!
    I'm ready to 'thunder' along behind you.
    Got my leg-warmers on!

    1. LOL - the only thundering going on these days is in my head, Diane!

  20. Your poem made me think of the programme Fame. That was a classic. I always connect Blondie with the 70's.

    Come on admit it, you had the pink leggings! :D

    1. Fame - yes! That's why I included Irene Cara in that roll call of singers!

      Nope nope nope on the leggings - ha ha


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