
Monday 20 May 2019

Poetry Monday: Favourite Food . . . And Funnies

It's Poetry Monday, and the topic this week is . . . FAVOURITE FOOD.

Join Delores, Mother Owl, and me as we whip up our mouth-watering and delicious poems on this topic! You can leave a poem in the comments or post on your own blog -- if you do the latter, please leave a comment to let us know where to find you.


I had a surprising amount of trouble with this topic (who suggested it, anyway? oh right that would be me), until the moment I found a different perspective.

I was thinking about how people will sometimes speculate for fun what they would choose if they had to eat the same thing for the rest of their lives. I was thinking that wouldn't be the same as a favourite food for me because I doubt I could eat just one thing forever, no matter how much I liked it to start with.

Then it occurred to me that that's exactly what many dogs and cats do, especially the pampered ones being fed a veterinarian-approved diet . . .

Written from the point of view of my cats this week :)


Let's Have A Bit Less Of That Crunchy Kibble, Eh?

What's in your bowl, Tall One?
What's on your plate, Furless One?
Whatcha cooking, Stiff-Spined One?
Whadja bring me from the store, Water-Bathing One?
What's in your mouth, Selfish One?
Whattya putting in the Cold Box, Clawless One?

Whatever it is,

But you just said you wanted it . . . Sigh. This, too, is normal for a cat.


For the sake of all that's verbal, verbose, and full of verbiage, please Delores please give us a better topic for next week!

I'll update here the moment she does :)

(Note: I've put the update on next week's topic at the bottom of the post, where it is usually found.)


In the meantime, some more funnies, just because:

Wishing you a week with your favourite foods in it :)

Update:  Next week's topic is . . . THE TOOL SHED . . . thank you, Delores!


  1. Love the funnies. Jazz has a habit of developing a favourite food, waiting until we stock up, and then telling us (loudly) that it is poison. Sigh. He is very skilled at pushing my buttons.

    1. Hah! Cats somehow seem to know the exact moment we think we've covered all the bases . . .

    2. Lukas is becoming an expert at this tactic as well. It irritates me no end! Hi Jenny!

    3. I wonder what would happen if you (EC or e) tried the offending food again in a few weeks? Let me know if you do try it. I currently do not have fussy cats, but that could change any day. )As cat owners know.) Hi, e!

  2. I absolutely love that adorable little ginger kitty, "Gramma's hair is NOT cotton candy"

  3. I am a cook of habit and tend to work on improving the same dishes over time, which means I do sometimes get tired of my favorite foods, but still want to eat them anyway because of the thought I have put into how they add up to an overall diet.
    My doctor got me to start using whole grain pasta and back off of the sugar, as my bloodwork came back "on the high side of normal" for sugar, and I really don't need diabetes on top of my other difficulties.
    I'm a big fan of Mexican food, and my previous neighbors ran a taco stand out of their driveway, and I tried to eat as many of them as I could before we moved.
    They were simple, delicious, and two bucks a piece.

    I like your poem. It reminds me of the song about cat food that Blue Gal sings on her podcast: "Freshly poured, freshly poured, oh my lord it's freshly poured!"

    -Doug in Oakland

    1. I went looking for the podcast and think I found it, but it's nearly an hour long and I haven't gotten past the ten minute mark yet. But I'm hoping to hear the song eventually. I love the lyrics in any case.

      So you have completed your move, Doug? Good going. Moving is stressful.

    2. The song is near the end of the podcast, after the news roundup, so you can skip ahead if you want. It's called The Professional Left Podcast.
      And yes, we've moved, and still have a ton of work to do. As I sometimes get more in the way than I am helpful, today I went for a walk and found a nice park with lawns, benches, and redwood trees only two blocks away, which is still a good walk for the likes of me...

      -Doug in Oakland (I'm still gonna call myself that online so everyone knows who I am, and also because I still love Oakland even if I don't get to live there for a while.)

    3. You're in Oakland IN YOUR MIND, Doug :D

      It's wonderful that you've found a good nature spot not too far away. Good luck getting the rest of the moving-related stuff done, and thanks for pointing me to the right spot in the podcast.

  4. Hehe, yes cats are like this. We once had a red tomcat who ate pickled cucumbers.

    1. Now that must have been quite a sight! Did he make any faces while eating them? lol

  5. Very amusing captions. I remember a very pregnant pet cat in my childhood grabbing sausages from the refrigerator and tearing off with the string of sausages trailing behind her.

    1. Like something from a cartoon, but REAL! Must have been funny :)

  6. it Is a hard topic. You did well with it though. I would never have been so creative with it.

    1. Desperation, Marie - I thought about it all week but came up with nothing until the eleventh hour :)

  7. hahahahaha..................

    your funnies made my belly ache dear Jenny :)))

    you are BRILLIANT in choosing such stuff ,so funny so laughable lol

    poem through the perspective of your cuties is fun to read :)

    there is one food that i can eat forever "red pulse with boiled rice"
    but doc caught me and banned :(
    take lots of care my precious friend!
    and thank you soooooooooooooooooooooooo............much for your kindest comments on my silly posts !
    hugs again !

    1. I'm so glad you enjoy the funnies, baili! It isn't much fun to have your favourite food taken off the menu . . .

      Your posts are always enjoyable and thought-provoking, my friend. It's a pleasure to read them.

  8. Cute Jenny. Next week.....'the tool shed'....good luck.

    1. Hopefully it will be easier than this week's topic, ha ha - thanks, Delores.

  9. You have captured food from the POV of the cat quite well!

    It'll never win any prizes, but it does fit the assignment and describe my favorite food.

    1. I'll be right over, Mimi - thanks for playing along again!

  10. Oh yes, cats and their food. . We once had a cat who liked to travel the neighborhood, but would never cross a road (circular blocks). When we could not find him at night, we would walk around calling him and banging a plate with a fork. Within a very short time he was scampering home to get his treats. Like men, cats are very motivated by food. Of course it has to be what they like that day.

    1. It would be nice if they could tell us in words, wouldn't it? Instead of making us guess . . .

      Or maybe not. If they could talk, they'd likely have a lot to say that we might not like :)

  11. The tiger one really made me smile!

    1. Yes, although if I was Bob, it would make me nervous :) Thanks for dropping in, Fran!

  12. HAHA! can't help but smile with them. And some can eat the weirdest things. Our calico enjoys some popcorn, now and again. Other times, she likes to be given a morsel to bat it around!

    1. Food that she can play with - what's not to love! ha ha

  13. My cat has had kibble all his life. Recently a friend gave him some kitty treat thing that turned him into a monster for more. Either her will become better friends with her, or get a job...

    1. Uh-oh . . . there's no turning back now.

      Let us know how that ultimatum works out, okay? :)


    Lying here on the floor
    I dream of food.
    Beyond our open door
    Parched fields
    Remain untilled for
    The rains have failed again
    And it is the same
    Day after day
    Thinner than before
    I dream of injera
    Cambuulo and rice
    A bowl of any
    Would be very, very nice.

    1. A completely different - and sobering - take on the topic. Thanks for contributing, YP.

  15. It's funny how Olga will not be hungry for her kibble, but if we offer her some of OUR food she always jumps at it!

    1. I think people would be the same if they ate the same thing every day!

  16. I would be finally slender if i could only eat one thing for the rest of my life. even if that one thing was cheese.

    1. I hadn't thought of that angle! If only there were no interesting flavours and textures, I'd be much less interested in eating, that's for sure :)

  17. As a former cat owner (read 'slave'), your poem cracked me up! And so did the vegetarian "decapitated mouse".

    Funny you should bring up the 'if you had to live on one food for the rest of your life...' thing. I've always said that I could live forever on milk alone... and my doc has just told me she thinks I'm allergic to it. Not to the lactose, which would be manageable; but to the milk protein itself. I'm CRUSHED. But we're still testing, so maybe she's wrong. (Thank heaven for denial.) :-)

    1. Oh, man, that's awful if it turns out to be the final answer. I feel for you, Diane. Fingers crossed it's something else, something easier and more manageable.

    2. Thanks! I'm crossing my fingers, toes, eyes... ;-)

  18. Glad you are happier with the topic for next week. The memes made me LOL especially because Ms. Frizzle needs to lose a few pounds but she keeps looking at me like it will be fine if I give her some cheese.

    1. Ha ha! I feel her pain :) C'mon, Mr. S, just a tiny piece??


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