
Friday 27 July 2018


Wheeeeeee!! That week went fast. Which is not a bad thing.

I worked more hours than usual, filling in for a co-worker, doing a job which is different from mine. It requires more interaction with the public (difficult for me) and therefore I'm feeling somewhat overwhelmed, and happy that the week is nearly over.

It's been extremely hot here, and humid as well, but so many around the world have it worse than we do. Heat records are breaking across the globe this year. I would like to take all the global warming skeptics out of their air-conditioned homes and offices and stick them in the top floor of a high-rise with no way to get cooled off and see how long they cling to their notions. I'd guess . . . "not long."

I was already convinced of the truth of global warming before it got this hot, because SCIENCE.

And so should we all. If more people believed in facts rather than opinion it would be a better world. Now, is that a fact or an opinion? Discuss.

The cosmos I planted a week ago have sprouted, which kind of astounded me because of the heat and the fact that I forgot to water them a couple of days in a row. I like to dig and plant and admire but I'm not good at the watering part.  I would have taken a picture but they're only an inch high.

This is not a cosmos but it's darn cute:

In other news, I read a book last week that was so gripping all the way through and so, so disappointing at the end. I can't remember ever being so upset at an author as I was when I read the last page. I'm not going to identify the book or the famous author because goodness knows I couldn't write a book to save my life but from the little writing I do on this blog I know how hard it must be to put your baby out in public and deal with the negative feedback that would inevitably come along. But inside, DEEP INSIDE, I am still fuming and I refuse (at least for now) to read any more books by that author. Take that, you convenient-ending writer!! P. S. I haven't added it to my sidebar list yet. Maybe after I cool down :)

That's about it for my week. Except the squeak in my car is back. Not as bad as it was, but it's back. Wahhh! The good news is that the air conditioner drowns it out even better than the radio did.


What's up in your part of the world? How's your weather? Read any good books lately?

Hope you have a good weekend!


  1. Still no rain here even though we were meant to have a storm last night. Sigh.

    I'm very impressed with that dog you are growing. Although I have to say he doesn't look that impressed with you.

    Happy weekend to you!

    1. Ha ha! I forgot to credit the pictures again - not my dog, not my planter :D But you're right, he doesn't look that impressed.

  2. A convenient ending? Hiss and spit.
    I was given a delightful book which I devoured last night: the WISH POST BY Mister Finch. Clever, whimsical and artistically amazing. He has been described as a textile artist who lives in fairyland.
    The rest of the week has been filled with worry and pain so some incredible beauty was more than welcome.

    1. I had a look online and that artist's work does look delightful. I'm sorry that otherwise the week was not good. I hope things improve this week.

  3. That's something I hate too, getting all involved in a great story and suddenly it's "all better and all over" What? Why? How? There has to be more! It's very unsatisfying isn't it? And I usually don't read anything more by that author, for several years at least.

    1. This wasn't all better and all over; the author killed off the main character!!! That needed more than three exclamation marks but I'm trying to cut back.

  4. Hotter than the bad place here. We are so not ready for this heat. Few have air conditioners and oeople are suffering. And we don’t have it near as bad as most!

    1. I know what you mean. It really isn't safe for people at risk. My mom has an air conditioner but she doesn't always use it correctly so that's a worry.

  5. The science discussion point. It is an opinion until the majority of people believe in established scientific facts and then, it may just be accepted as a fact. Maybe?
    Famous author or not, you are entitled to be critical of a book if it doesn't meet your expectations.
    A recent good book read? Brodek's Report - Phillipe Claudel. Not an easy, comfortable read but one which might give the reader pause for thought.

    1. Definitely an opinion thus far, Alphie, and not shared by an unbelievable number of people :)

      I looked up Brodek's Report online and it sounds right up my alley. Thank you for the tip.

  6. We have rain, rain, and more rain (since April) followed by flooding, trees falling, car accidents, homes destroyed and worse. However, climate change is just a hoax if you listen to the present administration. I am hoping for some of this crazy weather to affect certain golf courses.

    When I worked, I often said that the best half hour of the week was the ride home on Friday evening. There is relief and joy with the anticipation of all good things for the two days ahead. Of course, it will seldom (never) be as good as expected, but that half hour is full of hope and that is a very good thing.

    1. You're so right. Anticipation is the best part of just about anything for me. And also the worst part of most bad things, come to think of it. Hmm, I have to pursue that line of thinking some more. It might help with my anxiety over medical and dental appointments.

      I think I'll try a little hoping about the golf courses also :D

  7. I trust science. Our planet is warming up and it's causing problems. That I believe.

    We have had the hottest and driest July around here. I'll be very thankful when the weather cools off.

    As an avid reader, I can totally relate to what you're saying. I have gotten upset at authors for ruining the ending of an otherwise great story. I wonder sometimes if they were rushing to meet a deadline and compromised the quality of the ending. Or maybe they just got lazy. Or got writer's block. Who knows!

    Enjoy the weekend!

    1. In the author interview at the end of the book, the author said he/she knew the ending before he/she started writing! It just felt like such a lazy plot twist. I was so upset I swore, numerous times :D ha ha

  8. I just read Happiness is a Choice you Make by John Leland. It's worth a read.

    1. I checked it out online and it looks excellent. I'd like to read it and then decide if my mom might like it also. Thanks, Red.

  9. I have also been upset with authors. I want to say "that character just would NOT do that!" Of course, I read very little fiction these days so I don't have to worry about it.
    I read this book by David McCullough: "The Wright Brothers". I loved it so much I mailed a copy to my father-in-law in England for Father's day. He told me it was the BEST book he had ever read! How thrilled was I? :-)

    1. That looks good, Kay - and well done on meeting your FIL's reading taste so precisely! That's a tricky thing to do, picking out a book for someone else. Thanks for the tip!

  10. We've had rain heat and's supposed to cool down this weekend. Fingers crossed.

    1. I'll cross mine, too! Our forecast is for more of the same. Blech.

  11. In the land of sweltering humidity and frequent downpours which are infinitely better than hurricanes, it is hot. I devise methods of staying indoors. Reading is a favorite. Bite Me is the latest title, by Laura Lefkowitz, DVM.

    1. Yes, no matter how bad heat and humidity are by themselves, they are better than a hurricane.

      That book looks really good; I'll add it to my list. My readers are giving me excellent suggestions!

  12. Congratulations on making it through the week! We're in the same trend as the rest of the world: +35C today and for the next few days - unheard of for the Island. We're lucky to have air conditioning, and I'm just hoping it doesn't quit.

    Oh, I feel your pain over that book! There's NOTHING WORSE than the wrong ending to an otherwise riveting story. For authors, though, the problem is that one person's disappointing ending is another's "OMG that was fantastic!" As the saying goes, "No two people have ever read the same book." ;-) (I hope it helps to know that the author probably didn't intentionally disappoint you.)

    1. Well, when you put it that way, it does make me feel better! Wise words from a bona fide author! I checked online reviews and there were a lot of people whose reaction was like mine, but then there were others who liked the book and never mentioned the ending. So ... proof that you're right!

      By the way, it WAS NOT one of your books!! Thought I better make that clear! :D

  13. I am also glad that the work week is over and ready for the weekend. I think we are getting to point of no return with climate change/global warming. Some of the politicians need to pull their heads out of their butt and take some meaningful action. Have a good one.

    1. I agree wholeheartedly, Mr. S. All the science in the world won't help without action on the part of leaders, whoever they happen to be.

  14. I wonder what that squirrel is doing!

    1. I wondered that, too! I thought he might be reaching for a bird feeder :)

  15. Ukraine has had a very wet July. Good for gardens, corn, and sunflowers. Bad for farmers trying to harvest winter crops of wheat, barley and rapeseed. Saskatchewan had a couple warm days, up around 30C but last week has been moderate. Haven't run the AC all week.

    1. Yes, the weather isn't necessarily bad for all things (or good for all of them either). Different crops have different needs. Our temperatures here have been consistently in the low to mid-30s but with the humidity it's been feeling as much as 40C. I would be in rough shape if it weren't for our AC.

  16. How come you don't like dealing with the public at work? In your blog you certainly don't come across as being painfully shy. I like the fact that the ending of the book has annoyed you. Perhaps that is what the author intended even though some readers prefer endings to be neatly tied up with ribbon and put to bed.

    1. Oh, you just like to see people annoyed any which way you can, YP! :)

      Shy and introverted, although often used as meaning the same thing, are different. I'm one part shy and one part introvert. The shy part is not confident with people until I figure out what they are like and how I am comfortable intereacting with them (which is hard when meeting new people all the time). With those I know, I am not shy, but interaction still tends to be draining. The introvert part of me needs time alone to recharge my batteries. In blogland, I can choose when to interact. Also, I can stand back and figure people out before I decide whether to chime in or not. I feel comfortable among the ones I choose to associate with. I think I'm also one part performer, as confusing as that is, given the shy and extrovert parts. I seem to enjoy making people smile or laugh in real life, and that's true of my blog also. Hope that explanation helps. It's probably way more than you were looking for - ha ha

    2. Thank you for the explanation Jenny. However, I am unable to relate to the puzzling opening remark. Was it meant to be funny? I did not find it so.

    3. Sometimes I find it hard to know whether you are joking or not, YP. Just to be clear, I WAS joking, but only based on your statement that you "like the fact that the ending of the book has annoyed" me. Plus your replies to your comments on your blog, and your comments on other people's blogs, which are often -- I think -- meant to rile people up, in an amusing way. Does that help you to understand?

    4. I am always true to myself. I never wrote one comment that was meant to rile people up.

    5. Maybe we have different definitions of the word "rile" then :) I DID add, "in an amusing way"!

  17. Oh i am sorry you did not like the end of the book you just read dear Jenny!

    i realized that every kind of writer (most of them) trying to Surprise the reader than amuse them which bitters the taste

    i agree that weather wise world is getting hard place to survive

    may be i am spoiled by my husband that mostly forgot to water the plants when he specially ask me to water while leaving for office as usually this is his hobby

    i loved the cute dog growing in your flowerpot :)

    i send you lots of cool breeze and chilly weather from my imaginary worlds
    stay safe ,strong happy and blessed my dear friend!

    1. Being disappointed in a book ending is not really the end of the world, though, is it? :) I found the comments here helped me see things in a little different way, which is good!

      I need to start an imaginary world with cool breezes and chilly weather, but until I do, thank you for yours! Be well, my friend :)

  18. I have not read any books but now that I have a fairly long commute, I listen to audio books all the time. Mostly memoirs and non-fiction. I just finished listening to Tony Robbins, "Master the Game". I've never spent much time thinking about finances or how to manage them because it didn't seem like an appropriate use for my time since I don't have much to manage, but this book was eye-opening. I'm looking at these things in a whole different light now! I did pick up a book at the library yesterday called, "Faith Fox" by Jane Gardam. I'll let you know how it goes. You know I'm dying to know what book you read, right? I can only think of one book I've read in the last several years that disappointed me with the ending. It was "Gone Girl". I double the author will care much since millions disagree:-)

    1. Hahaha - I feel better about discussing what book it was now, after reading the comments, because I feel I can be more fair and positive about it. So watch for that soon :)

      Yes, do let me know how you like that book. I've almost completely stopped reading non-fiction because I don't seem to have the energy for it. Reading in the evening is my relaxation -- after I've read all the news on the internet I can't seem to take any more real world stuff.


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