
Friday 20 July 2018

Photo Catchup And A Lone Funny

Not having planned a post, I'm going to stick a few pictures on here instead.

It's been awhile since I've taken these.

The irises are now gone, but the photo remains.

 Five mourning doves, well camouflaged

River and trees at dusk

Sunrise over the lilac bush, taken from our deck. Sadly, the lilacs are gone for another year, just like the irises.

A visitor to our yard, taken from a second-floor window.

The mama deer and her two fawns have not been seen again. Instead, two young males have been dining on tree leaves most mornings.

I took down the bird feeders about two weeks ago, as finch disease has been reported in some areas of our province again this year. I miss the birds being nearby. But it's healthier for them to find their own food, which is plentiful this time of year.

It's been hot and humid here. I am so grateful to have window air conditioners. We use them sparingly but they have made the weather bearable.

Yesterday it was cooler and I did not have to work so I transplanted a few dianthus and planted cosmos. Yes, I know it's after the middle of July . . . I am counting on those cosmos to do amazing things, like actually blossom before the first frost. I don't care how tall they get, I just hope they don't die before they bloom. I take my gardening successes where I can get them.

That's it for this Friday. Let's have a funny cat picture to end with, shall we?

Pretty much the toy situation in our house. The favourite things here are a piece of plastic strapping tape under a layer of tissue paper, and a sweat suit waist tie with a knot tied in the end. I tell you, they're going to bankrupt us.

Have a good weekend, bloggy friends! I'm going to take it easy, as next week will be busy at work.

Do you have any plans for the weekend you wish to share?


  1. Love your serene and beautiful photos.
    Snap on the toy front. Jazz's favourite toy (of the moment) is two pieces of ribbon from chocolate boxes tied together. He made valiant efforts to get into the boxes the ribbons came from as well. An no, we don't buy or receive chocolates in boxes large enough for a substantial cat.

    1. Well, I think that's a situation that needs to be rectified, don't you? :D Cats are funny people.

  2. Plans? I never make plans for weekends, that way I'm free for whatever pops into my mind to do. Love your garden photos, I've been thinking of cosmos for my garden too, something bright for the bare patches.

    1. Having no plans is a plan in itself, in my opinion . . . I often go with that plan myself :)

  3. Great photos!

    Ha the cat picture. Kids are like that too... ;)

    1. Thanks, Sandi! You're right, kids ARE like that, aren't they? :)

  4. That iris is pretty. Is it a fragrant one?

    1. No, sadly, it's not. But it grows really well, and having a black thumb I really appreciate that - ha ha

  5. We have family arriving for a visit and we are so looking forward to seeing them.

    1. Lovely, Marie - have a wonderful visit!

  6. That morning dove photo is awesome and I love that picture of the deer. It is such a lovely animal but can do so much damage to a garden.

    All our spring flowers are gone (just threw away the last of the pansies) and my summer flowers are wilting in the hot, hot sun. There is lots of watering going on to keep them alive. I was thinking of planting a second crop of basil (I rooted some of my current crop), but am trying to decide if I want something more to care for.

    That picture of the cat could have been taken in my house, so many toys and nothing to play with at all.

    Have a good weekend.

    1. Thank you, Arleen. I get your hesitation to plant one more thing. I'm not good to remember to water even a hanging basket, so while I'd love to have more plants, I don't want to end up with more than I can look after.

  7. Actually, at this very moment I must cease reading blogs and go to the dentist. Bad start.

    1. Bummer . . . hope all goes well and your weekend is better than today.

  8. Sometimes it's good to stop and summarize what's been going on.

    1. It is, isn't it? I hadn't thought of it like that.

  9. Replies
    1. Thanks, Angela. I take so many, and so few are worth putting on here :) (and that could be more generous than factual!)

  10. Cats and their toys! My cat had more purchased toys than I can count. I actually gave away a whole bunch last year because he had so many. His favourite thing? A rock. A small rock he pushes around the carpet. He likes it when I put it on the couch so he can push it off. Hours of entertainment.

    1. That's a first in my experience! And pretty funny :) I need to go find a rock now and see if either of our cats will adopt it!

    2. The late lamented Medlyn had a pet rock. He loved it. He carried it around the house with him, and like Norbert liked to push it around the carpet and off things. That rock lives with my jewellery.

    3. Another one! I've heard of dogs carrying rocks around but never cats.

      The rock with your jewellery makes my heart ache a little, EC.

    4. I am sorry. I didn't mean to make you ache. Medlyn was (and is) a much loved cat. I miss him still.

    5. I understand. That came through clearly. Don't be sorry about that!

  11. We have the wee man this weekend so we're basically just trying to hold it together.

    1. I can understand why - good luck, Delores. I hope things go better than the last couple of visits.

  12. The cat picture sums our house as well. Ms. Frizzle has a box full of toys but she brings in a nasty stick from the yard to play with. Have a great weekend.

    1. Hah! And she'll thank you not to call it "nasty" :)

  13. I always enjoy these posts! It's nice to catch a glimpse of your world.

    We have an assortment of cat toys that tend to be ignored. Instead, the favourite toys are wax paper or foil paper rolled up into balls. Our young cat LOVES that. Go figure :)

    No plans this weekend. We are still dealing with a heat wave and I can't wait till it's over!

    1. Lie low and keep cook, Martha!

      Every cat seems to have their favourite kind of toy and activity, don't they? We had one who would chase and fetch a tinfoil ball and drop it at our feet to have it tossed again. Our other cats have all treated tinfoil balls as being of absolutely no interest!

  14. The camouflaged doves made me grin. Great photos, even though the deer one looks a little surreal, I'm not sure why, maybe it's the angle.

    Have a lovely weekend!!

    1. Yes, the angle on that one was what I liked about it! I know, that's weird :)

      Hope you have a good weekend, too.

  15. Hi Jenny,

    Such serene photos, Jenny. Makes me think of idyllic times.

    Thank you for that. Wishing a very nice rest of your weekend, my nice friend.


    1. Thank you, Gary; I appreciate your kind words. Wishing you the same and scritches to Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar :)

  16. Your photos are lovely and so peaceful. I like your cat looking for something to play with. Our cats lose all their toys under something. They play outside in summer anyhow

    1. Thanks, TBF. Losing toys under something is a classic for cats, isn't it? Cats really like to be outside, most of them anyhow. Ours are indoor only.

  17. Replies
    1. Thanks, Terry. I appreciate that coming from a photographer!

  18. Dear Jenny i truly LOVED your pictures !

    yes everything passes away after a certain time but we can preserve the moments through pics like these :)

    loved the doves sooo much and imagined your glorious morning !

    very well captured dear from second floor my friend!

    glad either you can feel better with the help of air conditioners here too they are MUST

    Loved the glimpse of water and dusk so fav of mine!

    1. Hello dear baili! I've missed you and I'm glad you'll be back to regular programming soon!

      Thanks you for the kind comments :)

  19. I especially like the photo of the camouflaged mourning Doves.

    1. Thanks, John. There was just something about that one that I liked also.

  20. Irises don't last long, do they? Zsuzs has one in the back yard that Briana has been trying to get a picture of in bloom for her, but the blooms only seem to last for about one day.
    Sorry for the late comment, but my internet isn't working and Jackie is letting me use her phone as a hotspot so I can post this.

    -Doug in Oakland


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