
Friday 3 November 2017

Humpty Dumpty

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall
All the king's horses and all the king's men
Couldn't put Humpty together again

Jenny O'Donkey slipped on the stair
Jenny O'Donkey got hurt landing there
Jenny can't sit and Jenny can't drive
And she cannot lean over but at least she's alive

Jenny O'Donkey

Yes, folks, another example of one blink and life changes. After the trick-or-treating was over on Tuesday night, I was letting one of our cats up from the basement, and went down the steps to bring her food and water dishes upstairs. On the bottom step I slipped and landed on my back on the pointy part of the wooden stair. I haven't hurt that badly since I delivered our babies thirty-odd years ago.

The bad part is that I can't lean over and I can't sit any way except gingerly and very upright on a hard chair for short periods of time. The good news is that standing, walking and prone are all pain-free positions for me.

The good news is also that I'm off work for awhile, so I have loads of free time. The bad news is that I can't accomplish much with all that free time, because I also wrecked two fingers on my dominant hand, and, in addition to not being able to lean over, I can't lift, push or pull.

The bad news is that it took four and a half hours of mostly standing in Emergency the next day to see a doctor for five minutes. The good news is that she told me if I was walking and standing I hadn't broken anything that mattered, in spite of the grinding noises I was hearing in my lower back. The good news is also that Tylenol (acetaminophen) really works to help with the worst of the pain.

Really, there are so many other things I am thankful for. My work deadlines were already met. My craft sale had already taken place. And what I'm most grateful for is that the damage to my body was not worse. When I think of what could have happened, my stomach does a little twirl, and not in a good way.

The thing I still can't get over is how I slipped in the first place. I go up and down those stairs many times every single day, doing laundry, placing and retrieving cat dishes, looking after litter boxes, etc. One moment was all it took.

Anyway, I think that's all the good news/bad news I have.

No, wait. I received this photo from our son, with whom our black cat now lives. This is definitely in the good news category.

Halfway through a yawn with eyes squeezed shut . . .

He (the cat) is getting along really well, and one way I can tell how happy he is now is that his fur has grown in again above his right eye. He had developed a habit of scratching there the last six months or so that he lived with us; seeing how good it looks now makes me realize he must have being doing it from boredom or anxiety. Our son plays with him a lot, every day, and Kitty loves it.

Actually, "he" the Son is getting along really well, too, and loves having Kitty. It's all very good.

What's good/bad in your part of the world today? My back may be rickety but my shoulders are strong and my ears are in "receive" position. Fire away!

Have a great weekend, everyone. And watch those stairs :) 


  1. I am so very sorry to hear this.
    I am very glad that the bright side is there, but...
    And love that black kitty and son are happy together.
    Look after yourself. Please.

    1. Thank you; your words are like a comforting hug, EC. There is a lot to be thankful for, I am realizing.

  2. My dear Jenny! What an awful fall! So glad nothing is broken but...but the sounds you describe are familiar. I was a gardener for many years and fell out of trees as a routine thing. Now, when I rise from my pillow in the morning, the sounds in my neck are like shifting crockery. Rest, and follow doctor's orders to the letter. The world and I need you in top shape to help with discussions that lead us to understand this strange new world. My thoughts and sympathies are with you. I'm trying to say you're important to me.

    1. Thanks, Geo.; I appreciate your kind words. I can't imagine regularly falling out of trees! That sounds, and no doubt WAS, a dangerous job with lasting effects. I hope I don't make a habit of falling on the stairs . . .

  3. Bad news: Heart is galloping and I’m on sick leave.
    Good news: Heart is occasionally calming down to trotting so improvement. Financial, social, physical support systems in place. Books available for rest, mental training and project management lessons. I met a friendly red cat on the street yesterday for an appreciated cat moment. Feeling hopeful. Sunshine.
    Conclusion: Predominantly good.

    1. Thanks for dropping by, Onevikinggirl, and I hope your heart starts behaving better soon. Cat moments help everything. Take care, eh?

    2. Thanks, your positive attitude is also helping me focusing on the good things. Get well soon!

  4. ouch! I'm sorry you have to go through that. Back pain is the worst. maybe you should get your son to have you stay there, take advantage of the healing there :)

    1. Hah! I think only cats receive the healing vibes there :)

  5. I am so sorry to read this Jenny and am glad that the Tylenol is helping. It sounds like nothing has been pinched or broken so it is just time and rest that will make you feel better. Thankfully, you are free from work and deadlines and you can take care of yourself.

    1. You are so right, Arleen - I am so lucky it happened when it did and that it wasn't worse. I couldn't have scheduled it any better, honestly. Fingers crossed that my mom doesn't need assistance for a week or two!

  6. Hi Jenny-I'm glad you are ok, and son is good and kitty is better. Fingers are a good example of body parts we take for granted until they don't work for some reason. Then we're like, wow, how can I get along without my fingers? I was walking last week with littleb and grandaughter Mac. She was riding on my back when I suddenly tripped for no reason and we both went down. I was thankful that she was not hurt and also that my new jeans didn't rip at the knee despite my knee being very banged up. I did the same as you-looked at the spot, played it over in my mind and tried to figure out why I tripped. But it just happened. Maybe it was fate or maybe it was mischievous faeries.

    1. If it was faeries, I wish they'd mind their own dang business, right? I'm glad you didn't get hurt worse, and that your granddaughter was okay. And the jeans - what's up with our skin that it can get damaged through a layer of denim?? Design flaw :)

  7. Glad the damage was not worse, Jenny. Hope you are on the mend and feeling so much better soon.

    Here the weather is mild again and my husband and I just completed a walk. Our daughter and the three grandkids are coming for lunch so all is well! We take each day as it comes!

    1. Taking each day as it comes is the best way, I think, Marie! Enjoy your family time.

  8. You're right about falls. As I always say " My ass is on the floor before my head knows I'm falling."It's a helpless feeling. We are fragile and can suffer serious injury. I hope you have a rapid recovery.

    1. Thanks, Red. Your quote made me smile. You're right about the helpless feeling. I felt like a giant hand had crushed me like a bug.

  9. So sorry you took a tumble. Fingers crossed for rapid healing.

    1. Thanks, Delores. I'm sure glad to have Tylenol in the meantime! That stuff does a good job.

  10. What an awful fall. Make as light of it as you wish, it's a serious happenstance. I hope those muscle and nerve fibers come round, and fast!

    1. Wise words from one who knows . . . unfortunately. My fall wasn't anywhere close to as serious as yours and it still shook me up. Pain is just a word until you live through it, huh? I wish you the same healing and am getting a better understanding of your frustration. Take care, Joanne.

  11. Sometimes a slip and a bump are all it takes. I'm sorry for you and glad it's not worse. The good news here is that it's another beautiful, sunny day. I broke my back in five places during 2009. I can promise you that if you had broken something in your back you wouldn't have walked into the ER.


    1. You are due for some sun to dry up that lake in your back yard.

      You broke your back in five places????? Lord. Were you blogging at the time? Would I find the story on your blog? I will check. I'm shuddering thinking about that, Janie.

    2. I was not blogging then. I wrote some blog posts about it, but some of my posts are no longer available for reading. I'm not sure about the broken back stories.

    3. I'm having a look at some of your older posts - well worth the reading, I'm finding :)

  12. Hope you mend well..I had a tumble off my bike in chiropractor is a great friend...two clunks and a click and I'm standing straight again!

    1. Yes, chiros and PTs are very good at what they do and I may end up seeing one if I don't seem to be mending after a couple of weeks.

  13. Sounds like there was more good news than bad but I know that doesn't help with the pain. Glad you are doing OK for a fall that could have been much worse. Take care and heal up quickly.

    1. Thanks, Mr. S. I'm ready to feel better already but that's probably asking too much :)

  14. Stairs can be scary. I remember taking them two at a time when I was in a hurry, and I remember missing the last stair and falling right on my butt.
    It's an odd feeling getting more fragile as I get older. I tripped over my quad-cane at the foundry once and fell all the way down. As I was carefully checking the bruising on my arm, I sort of wondered where the kid who used to fall off of his motorcycle and get right up and back into the race again had gone.
    The answer I came up with was 1981, as near as I could tell.
    I'm glad you weren't injured too seriously, and I hope you are feeling much better very soon.

    -Doug in Oakland

    1. Thank you, Doug. It's not really a good feeling, that sense of fragility, is it? I'm always more careful in the winter on the ice, but on my own stairs?? Yeah. I'm more sore today than yesterday. Hopefully things will start to go the other way tomorrow.

  15. Wow! You don't do things by halves, do you? That must have been a terrible fall. Did they really make you stand in Emergency for four hours?
    Take care of yourself Jenny. Plenty of time to think of next weeks poem now.

    Joan (Devon)

    1. Thanks, Joan. There were chairs in Emergency but they were padded and I couldn't sit for more than a few minutes before it became too painful and I'd have to stand again. It wasn't too bad. If it was, they probably would have found a stretcher for me somewhere... I hope. We have a real shortage of doctors here, so that was the cause of the delay.

      Yes! Lots of time to think about the "cold" theme for Monday!

  16. Oh, I'm so sorry to hear this! I'm glad it wasn't worse and I hope your recovery is speedy and full. Stairs can be quite dangerous. Even if we go up and down on them regularly, all it takes is one little slip and off we go.

    Good news about your son and your black cat. That's a happy story!

    1. Thanks, Martha. Yes, I'm so glad our kitty went to live with our son. It's been the best thing for both of them.

  17. Ow, poor Jenny O'Donkey! That sucks! I'm glad it wasn't any worse, though - hopefully the pain will fade in a few days (though I'm sure the bruises will be spectacular for some time to come). Sending healing thoughts your way...

    1. Thanks, Diane - the bruising is starting to come out but it's under my clothes so, wah wah, no sympathy from random strangers! lol

  18. Oh my Jenny I am so sorry that you hurt yourself, it's amazing how quickly a fall like that can happen, I am happy that your injuries weren't worse, even though the ones you have aren't good.

    Hope you get to feeling better really soon.

    1. Thanks, Jimmy. It could be so much worse, I keep telling myself that :)

  19. Ouch! Did the doc spare a word as to how long your recovery might take? I hope you feel better quickly.

    1. Thanks, e. She only said that if there's been no improvement in two or three weeks to go back to a doctor. She did also give me a few cautions about what to watch for that would necessitate a return trip to Emerg. I was okay with that; I had just wanted to make sure the pain wasn't an indicator of something more serious.

  20. I suspect the stair may have a worn spot, examination of the area with a strong light may show you exactly where so you can get it fixed, perhaps with a couple of 'non-slip' strips glued in place. A doughnut cushion for your tail end may help ease the sitting position until you recover fully.
    So glad to hear it wasn't worse.

    1. Thanks, River; I'll be checking that stair once I can lean over. In the meantime I'm going very carefully. It's not my tail end that hurts, it's the joint between my hip and back. I'm so glad that I can stand and lie down all right, although getting from standing to lying and back is rough :)

  21. Hi Jenny, I feel it these days when I wake up and wonder if I got hit by a truck and didn’t realise it. The fireworks kept me up most of the night - it’s bonfire night tonight and I expect more of them. A play over here tells the story of what happened and it’s pretty gruesome stuff to see what they did to the bad guys. Still, it’s quite a story.

    1. It's strange what we continue to celebrate even after we've become more (so-called) civilized, isn't it? I feel for you and your pain, my friend.

  22. Oh no! I'm late getting to this post -- I'm SO SORRY you're injured! That sounds like a very scary fall. I hope the doctor did an X-ray, at least. Even if you're moving around it seems like something could be damaged.

    1. She said she was quite sure an x-ray would show nothing broken - that I wouldn't be able to walk if there was - but I could have one if I wished, and could certainly return to Emerg if things didn't improve. She did a resistance test to check the function of my legs, and said it was reasonable that I was having a lot of pain after a blow like that. I was comfortable with that, and decided to go with her recommendation. Our health care system is very stressed these days, and having an x-ray just to ease my mind seems like the kind of thing that is contributing to the burden on the system. Don't worry, I would have been back there in a hurry if I developed any of the symptoms she cautioned me to watch for!

  23. Oh, my goodness, Jenny! I'm so sorry you were hurt! Did the doctor do an X-ray? The reason I ask--my daughter was involved in a terrible accident some years ago. The doctor said she was fine because she was walking, and after a cursory exam that included running a hand down her back, and he sent her back to camp. When we finally got her home, I took her to a 'real' doctor and it turned out her back was badly broken. It was such a near thing. So I insist on X-rays now! Praying you're better soon!

    1. Aughh! Diane! You are scaring me!! I took this doctor's word for it . . . Thank you for another point of view based on all-too-real experience . . .

  24. Oh hell on the peaky point of stairs?

    this is really hurtful for sure Jenny but countless thanks to dear God that according to doctor you are out of danger and this is main good news to focus on .

    i am so sorry for terrible pain you feeling but i am huge fan of your optimism which stick the eye right on the filled part of the glass somehow.and this effects the treatment certainly .

    Glad that you could manage to write and share you beautiful piece of writing with us .
    I really pray from the bottom of my heart that May you be blessed with complete heath and activeness asap by dear Lord,amen
    lots of love ,hugs and kisses my friend!

    1. Thank you for those kind thoughts and wishes, baili. At first I could only think of how bad it hurt and how inconvenient to come just when I had some free time . . . and then I thought about how much worse it could have been in every way, and I straightened myself out :)

  25. Jenny! I am so sorry to have missed this news! I’m catching up here after an intense push to finish my manuscript and I wish there d been here to wrap you in healing thoughts when it happened. Oh back pain. The worst. Going to keep reading the posts I missed and hope to discover you’re improving. Much much love.

    1. Thanks, Angella. And I hope your writing has gone well!

  26. Ouch! Behind in my blog reading, I just learned this evening about you slipping on the stair and hurting your back and hip. Just the thought of it makes me cringe. Back pain can be so debilitating. You have my sympathy and my hope that you heal so completely that even the memory of your painful injury fades away.

    1. Thank you so much, Ginger. It's feeling noticeably better just in the last day or so. I'm hoping it just needs time.


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