
Monday 11 July 2016

Bird Vs. Cat

I'm thinking of starting a new series of blog posts. It will be called "Blurry Shots".

Not really.

But you could be forgiven for thinking that, when you see today's photo, hot on the heels of Friday's blurry deer.

The other day I heard the unmistakable twangy cry of a blue jay near our back door. In fact, it sounded like several blue jays and it sounded like they were right outside the back door. Perhaps about to barge in, they were that close.

With my camera in hand, I peeked out the kitchen window, which overlooks our deck, and saw three jays arrayed along the deck - and they were not happy. I knew my best chance for a picture was from the adjoining room, because the deck door was open, and one of the jays was perched on the frame of the swing.

Here's what I saw:

Photo taken through screen door.

And now enlarged a bit:

Ditto, because ... same photo, enlarged.

The wind was blowing this fella's belly fluff in every direction. He didn't care. He was too busy swearing at our cat, who was huddled under a chair, staring out the full-length window next to the door. She was not very impressed with this bird.

On the other hand, I was totally impressed. I think he would've come right in the house to get the cat if the screen hadn't been in the way.

Also, I didn't know blue jays had grey undersides until this close encounter. Thanks, kitty, for making this guy so mad he'd rather keep giving you the stink eye than fly to safety. Aren't you glad you're an indoor cat?


  1. Blue Jays and cats seem to share one characteristic (in my experience, anyway): They both seem to believe that they run the place.

    -Doug in Oakland

    1. Now that you mention it, I think you're right about that :)

  2. Jays have attitude and a mouth to back it up.

    1. Apparently! This was the first time I'd actually seen it in action.

  3. If the wind is about to render it naked as a jaybird, I see its anger. The cat is saying: The jaybird almost has no clothes, I'm sure.

    1. Where DID the saying "naked as a jaybird" come from, anyhow??

    2. According to the Google it came from the 1920s and 1930s and had nothing to do with actual birds. It was J-bird, as in jail-bird not jay bird.

      -Doug in Oakland

    3. Doug, thank you! And now can you answer this question: Why do I keep forgetting I can just Google stuff?? (yet, when my husband asks a question I always ask him if he's tried Googling it)

    4. And may I just say that is a fun website!

    5. Hmmm . . . does that mean jail birds were naked?! Things were a lot different in the 20' and 30s. Or maybe not...

    6. From the site that Doug provided, prisoners were divested of their clothing at one end of the building, sent through the shower, and had to go to the other end of the building to get their prison clothing ... nekkid in the meantime ...

  4. Some birds are unbelievably bold. Wattle birds swear at and dive bomb the cats. And me. And a magpie crapped on one of our cats. I swear it was deliberate.
    Most of the time our cats watch the birds intently from the safety of the lounge. Chittering in frustrated lust.

    1. Ours usually do, too, but I think this time this cat was too terrified to do more than glare! That jay was LOUD!

      I wouldn't want to be the person cleaning the bird poo off a cat, I can tell you that. How did that go?

    2. I wimped out. The cat was responsible for its own ablutions.

    3. Probably the only way you're alive to tell the story!

  5. PS: Love that windblown look. A 'bad feather' day.

  6. Have you ever seen Epic Rap Battles of History? I'm picturing your cat with gold chains and that blue bird with a fedora, battling it out in your back yard....
    Yo Cat you fat what you think you doing strutting around here like that, threatnin' my nest, I think you best, get lost if you know what I mean, lest I peck your hiney and that ain't no jest, it's a quest, hear me?

    Oh. My. God. You're a stupid bird, what you think you're a Godfather always gotta have the last word? Not here, my friend, this is my house, so find your own crib before I treat you like a mouse.

    WHO WON?

    1. That is priceless, Chicken! YOU win, I win, WE ALL WIN!!! Except possibly the cat.

  7. From experience I have noted a cat will take much abuse from a jay until it comes diving at precisely the correct angle. This is not over yet.

    1. Hmm ... does it work if the cat is in the house? Because if it does, I don't think I'm going to open that door ever again ...

  8. Okay, I just googled a group of Blue Jays and they are called a party or a band. Totally in keeping with Chicken's rap battle of the fur/feather kind!
    It's PARTY time!


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