
Sunday, 18 August 2024

Weather, Mother, and Memes

 I completely forgot to include an update on Hurricane Debby in my last post.

Debby petered out after pounding the east coast of the United States. We had a couple of rainy and windy days here as the storm passed offshore, but it's the kind of summer weather we never would have thought twice about when I was growing up. So we were lucky with that one.

Now we have Ernesto, alternating between hurricane and tropical storm status, passing to the south of us. It had been expected to take a swipe at the outer edge of Newfoundland, but today it appears to have veered further offshore. I doubt we will notice any effects here at all.

Hurricane season in Nova Scotia officially runs from June 1 to November 30, with the most activity from mid August to October. So we are just getting started on that period now. Due to significant ocean warming, this season is forecast to be worse by far than previous years.

And yet, aside from the outliers like Fiona - whose wrath we felt in September, 2022 - our storms are nothing like those which hit the southern parts of the U.S. and places like Haiti and the Caribbean Islands. I feel like a wuss even talking about hurricanes that threaten us, considering the devastation other places experience.

Anyway . . . that's the update for now. I'm sure there will be more to come on this topic as the season progresses.


And another update on my mother. Her neighbours visited her today, and reported to me that she was in good spirits - even singing! This was the first visit from anyone other than me, as they were holding off until she was more settled.

I told them I was glad to get a different perspective on her mood, and that she must save up all her complaints for me - which is natural and understandable. They said they saw the same thing with one of their relatives who had dementia - she only complained to her caregiver daughter. So that helps me feel better. And I'm glad she had company other than my sorry self!


A handful of memes for you in case you need them today:

I identify all too strongly with this.

I hope the week goes well for you.


  1. Glad to hear that you are receiving 'reports' from other visitors to your mother. Now you can forgive yourself and relax. Love the memes!

    1. It was amazing how much that single report allowed me to relax! Mom's neighbours are wonderful.

  2. I identify with your mums behaviour but on the opposite end....when I dropped my child to childcare. She would cry her eyes out as I was leaving for work, making me feel absolutely awful. But when I picked her up after work, the staff would tell me she stopped crying the minute I was in my car. Marie, Melbourne, Australia

    1. Yes, in many ways the regression of dementia is so like the stages of childhood, just in the other direction. Thanks for stopping by, Marie :)

  3. Love, love, love the arthritic pug story. And of course your mother saves her complaints for you. Huge hugs.

    1. I love that story, too. I can just picture it, and then my eyes water ... Hugs to you, too.

  4. Love the mosquito trap! And oh, the stress diet....
    Of course you get all the grumbles..but at least you now know that there is another side .even if you only get it secondhand xx

    1. Yes, it was a relief to get that view of things!

  5. That's good news that your mother is in a better mood. The staff at the residence should also be a good source of information about how she's feling generally.

    The image about the mud is insightful.

    1. I have talked to the staff too, but I don't know them well enough to know if I am getting the full story. An independent opinion helps me assess that too. All in all, I think Mom is getting more settled in, it's just taking longer than most residents.

  6. Great progress report on Mom. Lovely memes.

    1. It surprised me how much relief that simple report gave me.

  7. Dementia behavior is most unpredictable. It's irrational and that's hard for us to accept.

  8. Stress diet... Don't forget the late night snack and the middle of the night snack.

  9. Good to hear your mum has been singing. Love the stress diet.

  10. The comment box is different, let's see if this works.
    I'm happy you got some semi-good news about your mom. And that the weather is holding for the time being.
    And of course, the depth of the mud is always relative.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

    1. I turned on embedded comments again. It wasn't working for a long time but then suddenly the formatting for it showed up again. I like individual replies much better :) We have a rainfall warning today but so far it's been only gentle and intermittent - a perfect summer rain.

  11. Happy to hear that you're getting good news about your mother in this roundabout way.
    That stress diet would stress me totally out as well. Almost no breakfast, and a load of crazy things later in the day ... no way I'm going to follow this one ;)
    I need my ample breakfast, my mid-morning coffee, a solid lunch and a homemade dinner to function as a non-stressed human being. (I know ... it's not how I'm supposed to read it, but I did at first)

    1. lol - I relate to this "diet" because my main problem is late-day cravings. I'm doing better lately, though. Stress drives poor eating habits. Also, preparing meals for one person is an easy way to develop bad habits. I did much better when I was cooking for a family or even for two. Your diet sounds very healthy!

  12. It is good you have someone else’s perspective on your mom. Go easy on yourself, my friend.

    1. It made a huge difference. I could feel my shoulders relax. Thanks, Marie.

  13. Codex: I think that Nigella Lawson was onto so.ething. The stress diet forgot her scrumptious middle of the night chocolate cake. Cut off a slice, put it back in the fridge, eat the rest.

    1. Haha! I hadn't heard that one - I like it!

  14. Really laughed at the four surveillance cameras, old models.

  15. Thanks for the giggles! I'm glad to hear your mother is relaxing and enjoying her surroundings, even if you only get to hear about it secondhand. ;-)

    1. It really was a relief; I've been feeling so guilty and worried about her being unhappy.

  16. Ernesto skipped us and went straight up the coast. I was relieved, although certainly not happy that many people experienced terrible flooding. Debby's flooding in my back yard killed a lot of my grass. A lot of parents only complain to their caregiver child. Maybe they like to heap on the guilt. I will wholeheartedly engage in that diet. Send Oreos ASAP. I also love the four surveillance cameras. I have some neighbors who are really good at keeping an eye on things and it's quite a relief. We have less crime on our block because of them, although they are kind of nosy.

    Much love to you darling donkey,

    1. Will your grass come back eventually? I'm glad Ernesto skipped you. Did you get the Oreos I sent you mentally? No? I guess my brain needs a tune-up :) Love to you, too, Janie Junebug.

  17. I am thankful that hurricane passed by smoothly almost dear Jenny
    Six months of storms and hurricane sounds too much oh my
    Here weather gets windy and stormy gor two months from May to July and it feels exhausting due to loads of sand landing on front yard.
    I think it is nice report that your mother is feeling relaxed and even humming!
    I agree parents or children both complain only to each other.
    I enjoyed memes all of them.
    Seems such surveillance cameras are scattered all around.
    Hugs and best wishes!

    1. Our peak period of storms is six weeks, so that's not too bad, but I worry because the storms are getting worse the last few years. I would not like the storms you get, with all the sand blowing in. It must be hard to keep up with the cleaning! Do you have those "interested" older women in your part of the world, too? lol. Hugs to you, my friend!

    2. cleaning is hardest part during stormy months dear Jenny
      no i don't have domestic help at all if you are asking about that ( hope i got you right) i don't hire any outsider despite the hubby and eldest insist because i feel uncomfortable with strangers as alone woman as i trust blindly and quickly ( it's my nature) but i don't know what kind of people i will encounter so it seems little risky .
      i came to say Happy Thanksgiving as these are the days and say your response :)
      hugs and ,any more blessings
      hope all is going smooth in your life now my dear friend! hugs

  18. I love the memes you've posted here. And it's good to get news of your mom, cheerfully singing!

  19. I like the memes, especially the pug story. And that grinning retriever in the mud is adorable.
    Your mum will be ok and so will you :)

    1. That retriever looks like he has boots on - lol. Thanks for your vote of confidence - I'm hoping mom is not as miserable as she seems when I visit.

  20. I appreciate the update, jenny_o, because I like to know how life is treating you. Glad to hear it is going well. I hope you continue to get good reports about your mom and the hurricanes continue to stay away. The mosquito trap meme was awesome and the wrong medication one made me giggle. Take care.

    1. Aw, thanks, Mr. S. Be careful with your dogs' meds! lol

  21. Love the mosquito trap. Made me chuckle. It must be reassuring to get good reports about your mum.

    1. Hugely reassuring! I quite liked that mosquito trap meme as well :)

  22. Lucky you on the weather front, nice to know your mom is doing as best she can. Thanks for the nemes and chuckles!

  23. HI Jenny, I'm sorry to hear your mom has dementia but I'm glad you got some positive news. Just wanted to drop by and say hi to you and Doug from Sugar Pine

    1. Hi Chicken!

      -Doug in Sugar Pine

  24. Hello jenny_o!!! Checking in and hope all is well with you.

  25. Hi Jenny -- just stopping in to say Happy Holidays. I hope all is well with you!

  26. I hope you are doing well. All the best in the year ahead!

  27. Mr. S, Steve, and e: Thanks for checking in - I appreciate it.


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